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What Is the Ten Bells Like Today?

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  • #16
    Ten Bells

    As promised a little earlier I did indeed get a chance to pop into the Ten Bells today (and the White Hart) and can report that I had indeed not been in the pub before but that the interior of the pub has changed since most of the photos on this forum were taken. The walls are still fully tiled, with the old market scenes still in place. Th bar is now right in the centre of the room so that you can walk all the way round it.
    The 'vibe' was very 'urban' and Shoreditch particularly in the genre of music being played which was also a little loud to be able to read the newspaper properly.
    I can support the previous comment about the toilets being like something out of Trainspotting
    The Trumans Runner ale was lovely on tap though at 4.0% and gorgeous toffee flavours. Worth a visit for that alone.


    • #17
      Originally posted by kensei View Post
      Well, ghosts often do show up in photos. But vampires don't!
      Hi Kensei

      Bela Lugosi's portrayal of Dracula is the image I always think when contemplating vampires. What has always baffled me is the perfectly straight parting in his hair. If Vampires can not see themselves in mirrors, how does he achieve this?


      • #18
        Here are few Photo's of the Ten Bells taken recently
        Attached Files


        • #19
          Originally posted by Observer View Post
          Hi Kensei

          Bela Lugosi's portrayal of Dracula is the image I always think when contemplating vampires. What has always baffled me is the perfectly straight parting in his hair. If Vampires can not see themselves in mirrors, how does he achieve this?
          That is a very good question. And if they are in old wooden coffins you would have to expect a few splinters now and then. You get one in the butt and with no mirror you would be a hurtin' buckaroo.



          • #20
            Thank you for putting these pictures up. I love the middle one, does have an atmosphere. It's fun to see it but I sure wish I could go there now

            I get a kick out of the guy in the right corner, looks like a retired sea captain or something


            • #21
              My recollection (from 2011) is that you can still see the marks on the wall where the gas lamps were mounted.
              I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


              • #22
                " can still see the marks on the wall where the gas lamps were mounted."

                Nothing to say but so much to contemplate here.


                • #23
                  This is making me sad. I'm going to have to continue to live vicariously through others. I want to go to Whitechapel so badly, but the flight with family in tow is so expensive...Anyway, my wife wants to see Buckingham Palace and I want to see Ten Bells and take the Ripper Tour. I go back and forth as to which of us is weirder.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Barnaby View Post
                    This is making me sad. I'm going to have to continue to live vicariously through others. I want to go to Whitechapel so badly, but the flight with family in tow is so expensive...Anyway, my wife wants to see Buckingham Palace and I want to see Ten Bells and take the Ripper Tour. I go back and forth as to which of us is weirder.
                    I'm 48 and never saw Buckingham Palace in the flesh until last year when I was meeting my son at Victoria and walked up to have a look as I had arrived early. It's only little compared to what I was expecting.


                    • #25
                      Hi Beowulf,

                      Why don't you take up one of the royal conspiracy theories, then you could both enjoy a trip to Buck House.




                      • #26
                        Visitors to London- you can see it all! I've done it. I visited in 2004 and 2008, and both times I saw both conventional touristy sites as well as Jack the Ripper sites. In '04, I just viewed the exterior of Buckingham Palace and went on Donald Rumbelow's Ripper tour. In '08, I did the interior tour of the palace and went on Phil Huthcinson's Ripper tour by night as well as a much more comprehensive solo tour I did by day, which included my visit to the Ten Bells. And in July 2014, I have a third visit planned in which I will be visiting with a female friend of mine. Long story short- she was my friend for many years, then we dated for a year and a half during which we planned this trip, then we "broke up" and decided to just go back to being friends which is unlike any other breakup I've ever had, but we still want to go on the trip. She has a minimal interest in Jack the Ripper and says she can take or leave the murder sites, so I guess I'll kind of be twisting her arm to go and visit just a few of them but she'll do it reluctantly. Should be interesting. I'll do my best to narrate the story to her at the sites we vist, including the Ten Bells, and make it entertaining for her. I think Rumbelow and Hutchinson both showed me how to do it.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post
                          Hi Beowulf,

                          Why don't you take up one of the royal conspiracy theories, then you could both enjoy a trip to Buck House.


                          Obviously this was meant for Barnaby. Sorry!


                          • #28
                            Lol. Years and years ago I read Stephen Knight's book, Jack the Ripper the final solution. I handed it to my father and said, 'read this, it's amazing! They found out who Jack the Ripper was!'

                            My father looked at me and kind of laughed and said, 'do you know how many times in my life I've heard they know who Jack the Ripper is? There are more books on that than any other book out.'

                            Only since I came to this forum did I find out how right he was, but looking back, since I read it in the early 80s, do I find it amazing that he had known of so many books being written saying they knew who the Ripper was, because so many have been written since.

                            But one thing's for sure, it wasn't William Gull or Walter Sickert.


                            • #29
                              I also read Knight's book when it first came out and was totally convinced. At the time I searched out the murder sites but didn't do any more research until I stumbled upon Casebook many years later. This site has kept me informed, entertained and infuriated ever since.



                              • #30
                                A "Royal Conspiracy' for me would entail finagling a way to drink all day at the Ten Bells while my wife visits Buckingham Palace.

