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  • #91
    Originally posted by Ally View Post
    I am a bit baffled by your statement. What does being the descendant of a police officer have to do with anything? Are descendants of police officers automatically saints and therefore above reproach?
    No, of course not. I'm saying that they are involved only because they are the descendants of a police officer, not because they are Ripperologists.

    It worries me when descendants of people involved in the case are treated in such an appalling manner. Why should any descendant assist researchers with information or documents, when this is the result?


    • #92
      Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
      Well its not my integrity that under consideration here is it and please stick to the matters subject to the thread.

      Cheap shots get you no where.
      Actually you are wrong. Your integrity as a researcher in this field and someone who professes a desire to bring the wrong doing and the cabal and the secrets to light will always be a consideration. If a project is to be deemed above reproach and without question, then I think most serious researchers would think twice about including you in it from now on. Sorry if you don't like that, but that's just the facts and it's no more a cheap shot than you stating people are too "afraid" to have it tested and "fear" the results and all the other drivel.

      If this thing is to be tested and thoroughly vetted so as to be beyond reproach, I personally would not want you involved. I would want only people of unimpeachable academic integrity.

      But of course when people are on the ropes cheap shots and verbal abuse etc are all they can resort to because they is no answer to what is before them.
      LOL... once again it's like the irony just sails right over their heads.

      Let all Oz be agreed;
      I need a better class of flying monkeys.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Chris View Post
        Learn to read. I didn't say anything about not asking questions. I said they shouldn't be subjected to your vile innuendo.
        I think you should choose your words more carefully !

        And i think you should learn the difference between and innuendo and what is fact.

        Its well known that you have a close relationship with the Swanson family as do some other researchers and were giving the family advice from the outset.

        That in my opinion was clearly bad advice and as a result it is The Swanson family that are now left holding something that is of little value as it stands.

        Perhaps The Swanson family will now listen to others who are more knowledgeable than those previous who advised them.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
          I think you should choose your words more carefully !
          Quite right. I should have said lies and vile innuendo.


          • #95
            If I had the money to spare, I'd buy the whole lot myself, have it all examined / tested, then have it done again, then again, just to put an end to the madness!


            • #96
              Originally posted by Chris View Post
              No, of course not. I'm saying that they are involved only because they are the descendants of a police officer, not because they are Ripperologists.

              It worries me when descendants of people involved in the case are treated in such an appalling manner. Why should any descendant assist researchers with information or documents, when this is the result?

              Ah gotcha, I actually was confused. All caught up now.

              Let all Oz be agreed;
              I need a better class of flying monkeys.


              • #97
                Oh dear you cant help it can you ?

                Originally posted by Ally View Post
                Actually you are wrong. Your integrity as a researcher in this field and someone who professes a desire to bring the wrong doing and the cabal and the secrets to light will always be a consideration. If a project is to be deemed above reproach and without question, then I think most serious researchers would think twice about including you in it from now on. Sorry if you don't like that, but that's just the facts and it's no more a cheap shot than you stating people are too "afraid" to have it tested and "fear" the results and all the other drivel.

                If this thing is to be tested and thoroughly vetted so as to be beyond reproach, I personally would not want you involved. I would want only people of unimpeachable academic integrity.

                And look at what has happened because those people with academic integrity got involved in the first place.

                Those like you who would not want me involved are the ones that are scared of the truth coming out. Like it or not I am not going anywhere I am in to the bitter end.

                LOL... once again it's like the irony just sails right over their heads.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by John Bennett View Post
                  If I had the money to spare, I'd buy the whole lot myself, have it all examined / tested, then have it done again, then again, just to put an end to the madness!

                  LOL.. I actually said that if I had the money I'd buy it, have it thoroughly tested with unimpeachable and authoritative proof, then take it to the next conference and burn the lot without publishing the results just to give everyone involved a simultaneous stroke.

                  But I am evil that way.

                  Let all Oz be agreed;
                  I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by John Bennett View Post
                    If I had the money to spare, I'd buy the whole lot myself, have it all examined / tested, then have it done again, then again, just to put an end to the madness!

                    Thats exactly what I wanted to do and I made Nevil what I believed to be a fair offer which he rejected as he was entitled to do.


                    • Originally posted by Trevor Marriott

                      Those like you who would not want me involved are the ones that are scared of the truth coming out. Like it or not I am not going anywhere I am in to the bitter end.
                      You are so full of crap. I have been questioning the Marginalia since long before you raised your serpentine head on the Ripper scene. And I don't want you involved because I believe that any project that has you involved is automatically tainted by your presence as it has been shown you don't have a passing acquaintance with academic ethics and professional integrity.

                      I actually want an honest debate with unimpeachable proof and you are not, in my opinion, the man to bring that about. You have plagiarized the works of dozens of other authors. That will forever taint any project you are involved in, especially as you don't seem to have grasped the gravity of what you have done and have not apologized for it or even seemed to indicate you recognize it was wrong.

                      I want the debate. I want the dialogue. I have offered to have Nevil on a podcast to thrash it out. I have offered to have a full blown discussion. I have attempted to raise doubts where I find them, but I do it in as forthright manner as possible, without attempting to needlessly smear the efforts of everyone who has gone before me. You should try that sometimes.

                      Let all Oz be agreed;
                      I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                      • I want the debate. I want the dialogue.I have offered to have Nevil on a podcast to thrash it out.
                        Well that would be very interesting indeed !

                        Personally I have no reason to wish the Marginalia to have been faked or otherwise. I do think that Jim Swanson faked them, however....and I think that Jim was an extremely interesting character, and a very clever man.

                        I'd like the questions to be answered and the doubts laid to rest. I don't think that it would be fair for any collector to buy them without further tests.


                        • Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
                          Thats exactly what I wanted to do and I made Nevil what I believed to be a fair offer which he rejected as he was entitled to do.
                          And what was that offer Trevor?

                          You are in no position to be trusted. Your reputation draws no confidence at all.

                          That's why, I suspect, your offer was declined.


                          I was wondering...


                          Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                          • Private property is just that, and Ripperologists hold no claim on what they perceive as relevant materials under that criteria.

                            Seems to me if anyone believes so strongly that these documents should be studied by Ripperologists, then they can pony up the dough. Otherwise, accept that people can do what they like with what they own.



                            • Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
                              Thats exactly what I wanted to do and I made Nevil what I believed to be a fair offer which he rejected as he was entitled to do.
                              Hi Trevor,
                              You said you made Mr Swanson a what you felt was a reasonable offer. We’ve seen elsewhere in this thread the kind of value Mr Swanson has been given for his collection, supposedly, so let me ask you this.
                              What was the figure you offered. Now, I wont say tell me the exact, but if you are willing to part divulge the info and use this as evidence, trhen i think its fair to ask so was it....
                              A) £1,000 or less
                              B) Over £1,000 but less than £5,000
                              C) Between £5 thousand and £10 thousand pounds
                              D) More than £10 thousand but less than £15,000
                              E) Between £15 thousand and £20 thousand pounds
                              F) Over £20,000

                              I don’t think this is unreasonable in terms of giving others the chance to ascertain whether or not the offer that you made was fair.

                              Best wishes
                              “be just and fear not”


                              • Originally posted by Rubyretro View Post
                                Well that would be very interesting indeed !

                                Personally I have no reason to wish the Marginalia to have been faked or otherwise. I do think that Jim Swanson faked them, however....and I think that Jim was an extremely interesting character, and a very clever man.

                                I'd like the questions to be answered and the doubts laid to rest. I don't think that it would be fair for any collector to buy them without further tests.
                                Hi Ruby,
                                well that is up to you to decide for yourself as for them. Personally, I am happy based on the most recent reports that this is a genuine document. If i had the right money I would put in an offer.

                                And for the record, I didnt think the genuiness of the document was proven prior to the latest batch of tests, so actually the fact that it convinced me - a sceptic, should not be taken lightly

                                best wishes
                                “be just and fear not”

