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  • Originally posted by Lechmere View Post
    I am unclear about the provenance of that 1923 letter. I have asked but it has not been clarified.
    You shouldn't be unclear, I've posted more than once on here how the letter came to discovered by Nevill Swanson and subsequently appeared in my article.


    • Sally
      Let me remind you that money is only one potential motivation for a fraudster.
      And if everyone who committed a forgery were worried about being caught then no one would commit forgery – but they do.

      You seem to mistake what I was saying about archives.
      An archive which is kept in good order will be apparent to a visitor with the documents listed as being there actually being there and not mislaid. With documents in a bundle all being together as expected with individual items not missing and without extra irrelevant items misfiled in the bundle. Whether the items are where they should be. That is the point I was making.
      The Scotland Yard Crime Museum will be smaller than any archive I have been to – apart from Pickfords and have less documents to mislay or accumulate unaccounted for.
      In any event Sally this is all a bit irrelevant.

      Despite your show of boredom with the whole affair, the Scotland Yard Crime Museum documents are a key element in the authentication of the Marginalia. That makes these documents important for the purposes of this discussion and indeed the Marginalia.

      So the fact that other documents may be stuffed down the back of filing cabinets in all sorts of archives that you are familiar with is irrelevant. For the purposes of this discussion the Scotland Yard Crime Museum documents are key and their provenance is important.
      (Other people inventing ways and means form these documents appearance is equally irrelevant. We must go on what we know – which is nothing).

      I agree that I used the wrong expression to describe these documents as of ‘doubtful provenance’.
      I should have said it is ‘doubtful whether it can be claimed that they have any provenance whatsoever’.
      That is the issue.
      And no I’m not going to pay for it to be tested. I have nothing to gain from it financially do I?
      Does that mean that I a disallowed from commenting? I don’t think so.

      Anyway you seem to be unfamiliar with the documents in question. They consist of a one page ‘memorandum’ and twelve page draft article (unused).

      The memorandum would logically be on headed memo paper and signed.
      The draft article wouldn’t be on headed note or signed of course.

      It was not implicit that I was saying that the Sandell memo and unused article were forged.
      I pointed out issues with them that could suggest forgery. Other explanations are possible.
      For example the coincidence of Sandell and Jim Swanson using the expression could be because Sandell liked Jim Swanson’s phrase. But it is also exactly the sort of mistake that forgers make (despite the incredulity expressed by some at that idea).

      You don’t seem to understand that my ‘task’ is to show that there is sufficient grounds for putting the documents under scrutiny. They have not been subjected to the least scrutiny despite their importance so far as the Marginalia is concerned.

      You ask why Jim Swanson (if he was the forger) would have used a typewriter to produce the memo and unused article but hand wrote his own letters?
      What an extraordinary question to ask!
      My immediate guess would be that he wanted them to look as different as possible and he would have had to forge Sandell’s handwriting. Why ask me such a ludicrous question?


      • Hi All,

        All I am patiently waiting to learn is why Charles Sandell did not include "Kosminski was the suspect" in his article which ostensibly nailed once and for all the century-old mystery of the identity of Jack the Ripper, and for which the News of the World stumped up the princely sum of Ł750 [plus a possible extra Ł250].

        On the face of things Charles Sandell was the most inept Chief Crime Reporter of all time.


        Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


        • Originally posted by Lechmere View Post
          Get this
          Recognising the signs and causes of tremor would be part of Dr Davis’ skill as a handwriting analyser.
          Once again, you are absolutely FULL of bullshit. There is absolutely NO WAY to establish the CAUSE of a hand tremor based on handwriting analysis or even viewing the actual tremor. That is an OUT AND OUT LIE.

          The first symptom that presented with me was a hand tremor. Do you know how many specialists I had to see? Neurologists, endocrinologists, and every other type of doctor there is to get a diagnosis FOUR YEARS LATER, because there is no way that a NEUROLOGIST looking at a hand tremor can diagnose the cause. A NEUROLOGIST can't diagnose a condition based on a hand tremor and you are actually trying to claim a handwriting analyst with no medical training CAN? How deceitful and full of it are you?

          I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel initially(wrong), tested for thyroid issues , diagnosed with migraines (oh there's another thing that can cause hand tremor- add that to the list) and also wrong. I had at least four incorrect diagnosis by neurologists and other medical professionals until my diagnosis was found.

          You are absolutely full of it when you say anyone can diagnose a condition based on a trembling hand and I have 4 years of medical tests and inaccurate diagnoses to prove it.

          So don't argue with someone who actually knows what they are talking about. Waffling bullshit doesn't actually stand against facts.

          Let all Oz be agreed;
          I need a better class of flying monkeys.


          • And if Jim Swanson forged the article but left out "Kosminski was the suspect" that would make him a pretty inept forger, would it not, Simon?


            • Adam

              You may have missed it but several hundred posts back I said that I understood that the 1923 letter was written by DS Swanson to his grandson Douglas Swanson, Jim’s elder brother and then asked a number of other questions.
              I am unclear despite checking through various other threads and your article where this letter resided after 1923.
              I presume that Douglas Swanson kept it. I would guess that Douglas Swanson has passed away. What happened to the letter then I don’t know. Did he had children? Was the letter passed to these possible children? If so I don’t know when they passed to their cousin Nevill.
              Or has the letter had a different history?

              Incidentally you may have also missed it but I also asked if it was possible for you to post up the 9th October 1987 letter from Jim Swanson to Charles Nevin?


              • Robert
                Your posts are not logical.


                • "I agree that I used the wrong expression to describe these documents as of ‘doubtful provenance’.
                  I should have said it is ‘doubtful whether it can be claimed that they have any provenance whatsoever’."

                  Ah, but if you meant the latter, why did you say the former?

                  Most illogical.


                  • Hi Ally,

                    Anger is not an argument.

                    Get help.


                    Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


                    • Ally
                      Calm down and take it up with Dr Davis.
                      Don’t for Gawd’s sake shoot the messenger.


                      • Robert
                        I am ashamed to say I made a mistake.
                        But I owned up.


                        • Originally posted by Lechmere View Post
                          Calm down and take it up with Dr Davis.
                          Don’t for Gawd’s sake shoot the messenger.

                          When the messenger is lying and misrepresenting what Davis actually stated, then no, the problem is with this messenger.

                          Every time you lie and misrepresent what DAvis or anyone else stated, you prove you have no agenda to find the truth but only to smear everyone involved. You are a liar. You lied.

                          I notice you don't even have the basic integrity to admit you are wrong and you lied about a handwriting analyst being able to diagnose the cause of a tremor.

                          Somehow, I am not surprised. Integrity doesn't seem to be a characteristic shared among your little clique.
                          Last edited by Ally; 10-01-2013, 05:21 PM.

                          Let all Oz be agreed;
                          I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                          • Well Lechmere, if you think that Jim Swanson made a mistake by talking about ALL his grandfather's faculties, even though this was sandwiched between mentions of his grandfather's intelligence and memory, then you could point this out to him and ask him to own up. But you're going to need a spiritualist.


                            • Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
                              Hi Ally,

                              Anger is not an argument.

                              Get help.


                              Neither is bullshit an argument. I'll get help for my anger problems when your crowd gets help with their integrity issues.

                              Let all Oz be agreed;
                              I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                              • Ally
                                I quoted Dr Davis – I presume he wouldn’t have made his assessment flippantly as I have no reason to question his professional competence.
                                As I say take it up with him if you object so strongly.

                                These emotional outpourings of yours are becoming more and more embarrassing.

