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URGENT- Don Souden Has Had A Stroke

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  • New Medical Update

    Hi everyone.

    The medical tests Don recently underwent showed that he has gallstones.

    His sister is trying to find out from the medical staff if Don will require surgery to remove them. She's 2,000 miles away so it's hard to track people down and get a firm answer.

    She told me she wants so much to be able to see Don and plans to "kidnap" him for the day and take him outside to breathe fresh air and feel sunshine. Don hasn't been outside since early August of last year except to get loaded in an ambulance to go to the hospital.

    I also found out Don's brother has been busy elsewhere & hasn't been able to visit him in weeks.

    That means Don needs to hear from his friends more than ever, so please be so kind as to send him a card or postcard. Don would love to hear from anybody, whether you ever "met" him or not. If you've ever read one of his articles or posts he would really love to know that.

    - Even if you disagree with his opinions! Go ahead & say so. State your case, it will give him something to do to mentally prepare his rebuttal!

    (And he will, too! Don was arguing the finer points of the U.S. Civil War with Cris Malone not that long ago, and keeping up his own side quite well.)

    Or if you have an opinion about a sports team, share that. Don watches a lot of sports, both college & professional. He's a fan of all sports but has a special love for Baseball.

    I'll update you about the gallstone situation as soon as I know more.

    Thanks everybody,
    Last edited by Archaic; 04-26-2014, 04:39 PM.


    • allbladder removed a few years ago so if he has any questions or just wants to talk a

      Tell Don I understand the Gallstones I had my Gallbladder removed a few years ago. Tell him if he has any questions or just wants to moan about Gallbladders I'm listening.


      • Originally posted by belinda View Post
        Tell Don I understand the Gallstones I had my Gallbladder removed a few years ago. Tell him if he has any questions or just wants to moan about Gallbladders I'm listening.
        Same here!!! I had a very bad gallbaldder experience a few years ago so i'm an open ear as well... for you as well Belinda.. I'm here for you

        Steadmund Brand--
        "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


        • I blame myself. Apart from the three Ripperologists mentioned here, a friend of mine has just had his done, and a family member is soon to have hers done. I am obviously a gall bladder Jonah.


          • I wish I knew about mine in advance and it was a planned surgery... instead I ended up in the ER one morning and after a battery of tests was told... um.. you are going into surgery NOW!!...not a fun time....

            My brother on the other hand, had his planned and was in the hospital in the morning, and left the hospital by early afternoon and was up and around in 2 days... amazing... me.. I was in the hospital for a week, and out of work for 3 months .. but when they know about the issue in advance you get the fast easy treatment haha.. it's really a simple procedure now, and safe and easy.. unless you are me and have a freak attack (having never suffered any symptoms in the past.. very odd)

            but fear not folks.. even in my case I am 100% now

            Steadmund Brand--
            "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


            • Originally posted by Robert View Post
              I am obviously a gall bladder Jonah.
              I didn't have you down as a bile-basher, Rob.
              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


              • I fear it's true, Gareth. I never met Rowan Atkinson, or the poor chap would probably be starring in "Lack Bladder."


                • "People are so nice to me, how can I ever thank them all?"

                  Hi everyone.

                  I got a really wonderful birthday present today! Don's brother called me a little while ago and said he'd finally gotten Don's phone fixed & Don wanted to talk to me. We haven't been able to talk in such a long time and I've been awfully worried about him, so it was really terrific timing.

                  Don & I had a long talk. I read him the posts all his friends have made on this thread and he said over & over that he appreciates everyone's kindness and concern.

                  Don said his doctor told him they do need to remove his gall bladder. (I read him all the posts you guys made about gall bladder surgery.) Don said he is "concerned about the surgery for one reason: because it will set me back a few days as far as regaining my strength goes. I know how important that is so I can get to travel." He's still determined to get to London for the next Ripper conference, and wants to travel all over the globe so he can see his friends and thank them in person.

                  Don asked me to thank all of you for your cards, postcards & letters. Don said the nurse who usually brings him his mail walks in to his room and says "Another beautiful postcard for you!" and he loves it. Don explained that he needs new glasses because his eyesight changed after the stroke, so she helps him read his mail.

                  Don said something about Belinda being able to speak Gaelic? He said a Gaelic phrase that I'm afraid I can't spell, but it meant something like, "Hello, how are you?"

                  Don mentioned a letter that Stewart & Rosie sent him some time back, and asked me to thank them again for it.

                  Don asked how Paul is doing, and I told him Paul was writing the editorial for Rip, so he was very happy to hear that.

                  Don started talking about one of his favorite subjects, visiting London. He said something about "Irnbru" (? sounded like "Iron Brew") and said it's a Scottish Orange Soda that he had in his room at the last conference. Said Adam & Dave (Cogidubnus) will understand. Said he'll buy everyone some when he gets to London.

                  Don said thank you again to Robert for sending him shortbread via his brother. (It's the safest way to send Don anything. Please contact me if you'd like to send Don something.)

                  Don really likes Robert's idea of his Easter eggs all over the world, and said again he wants to travel to London, Scotland, Australia, Africa and all over the US to visit his friends. I told him Adam is still up for visiting Eduardo in Africa, and Don is rarin' to go!

                  I mentioned that Carol and her husband Per-Ake had a wonderful trip from their home in Sweden to the U.S., visiting NYC & Arizona. Told him they had a great time in Tombstone Arizona, at the OK Corral, Boot Hill Cemetery, etc, like I did 4 or 5 yrs ago, and that Carol can now sling a six-shooter with the best of them! Don said Arizona is very beautiful, and mentioned Senora and Sedona.

                  Don sounded really sharp, and his amazing memory was very much in evidence! As usual, he asked me about my health, that of my dog and horses, wanted to know if the neighbor's chicken still hangs out with my horse Pokey, and then suddenly asked, "How's Peanut?" (A horse I rescued from the slaughter yard in October, rehabbed & adopted out to a great family.) I told Don that Peanut is doing great, and a 9 yr boy old is already riding him in 4H and they will be in a kids' horse show soon, and I'll send him photos. Don said he's looking forward to that and wants to be on 'Team Peanut' as we call ourselves.

                  When Don's brother went out of the room for a minute Don announced, "Elvis has left the building!" Ha ha, that was pretty funny. Still a wise guy.

                  I read Don what Dave (Protohistorian) wrote about recovery from stroke, and Don remembered all the details and told me how hard Dave worked to recover.

                  When I told Don that Sam Flynn said to tell him that he has an atheist praying for him, Don said, "Isn't that amazing? Tell him thank you...That's two atheists who are praying for me!" I told him there are probably more than two.
                  Don said, "Tell Sam I'll see him in church!"

                  Then Don said, "People are so nice to me, how can I ever thank them all?"

                  Then a minute later: "I'll go broke buying them all drinks."

                  Don said, "find out what everybody likes." -OK, guys, place your beverage orders here...

                  Then Don remarked, "I only know one person who drinks Sidecars.'' I replied, "Oh yeah? Who is that?" Don answered, "You! Remember, I promised to buy you a drink before we get on the plane for London." That's true, he promised me last fall when he wanted to go the big Ripper Conference and said i could go as his guest. I can't believe he can remember such little details as my favorite (rather obscure) 1920's cocktail! Man, if I had a nickel for every so-called bartender who's said "What's a Sidecar?"... yet Don remembers!

                  Anyway, all you guys need to decide what you want to order when Don buys you a drink. If you want a pint of Guinness, a goblet of champagne, a single malt whiskey, a cocktail, Scottish orange soda, fresh carrot juice, or some weird local beverage Don has never heard of, place your order here.
                  I'll promise I'll pass your drink orders on to him next time we chat.

                  When we were saying goodbye, Don said, "Please tell everyone thank you for me, and that I love them."

                  Take care everyone,
                  Last edited by Archaic; 05-07-2014, 01:52 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Archaic View Post
                    Don started talking about one of his favorite subjects, visiting London. He said something about "Irnbru" (? sounded like "Iron Brew") and said it's a Scottish Orange Soda that he had in his room at the last conference.
                    For clarity, Irn Bru is only orange in colour. God only knows what it's meant to taste of! I quite like it myself, but I'd struggle to describe it. The slogan says that it's "Made in Scotland from girders", and it wouldn't surprise me if it were.
                    Don said, "Tell Sam I'll see him in church!"
                    Tell Don I'll see him in the pub first. We can go to church later if he likes... I'm not averse to a bit of the old ecclesiasticals, even if I don't buy into the policy
                    Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                    "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                    • G'day Bunny

                      I've never met Don, but please tell him if he ever gets "Down Under" it will be my honour to buy HIM a drink.
                      G U T

                      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                      • Hi Bunny

                        Great to hear Don in such fine form. It's made my day.

                        Please tell Don, cup of tea, please.


                        • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                          Please tell Don, cup of tea, please.
                          Such a British request, Rob. Which reminds me...

                          Sellers [Indian]: Ah, what does the dirt-encrusted Sahib desire? All the sensuous drinks of the Orient are yours! The Pan-Bidi; the scented Vishnu wine; the toddy juice; the aromatic Crab-Pani. Which do you desire, oh wicked one?

                          Seagoon: Pot of tea, please.

                          - The Goons, "Dishonoured"
                          Last edited by Sam Flynn; 05-07-2014, 02:36 PM.
                          Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                          "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                          • Hi Archaic,

                            I've not met Don, but I'm very happy to add my postcard to his collection. Is there any chance of a reminder as to the address to send it to?

                            Best Wishes, Colin.
                            I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                            • Hi Gareth

                              I'll have the tea, as long as Don does not perform the dance of the seven army surplus blankets.


                              • Don's Address

                                Originally posted by Bridewell View Post
                                Hi Archaic,

                                I've not met Don, but I'm very happy to add my postcard to his collection. Is there any chance of a reminder as to the address to send it to?

                                Best Wishes, Colin.
                                Hi Colin.

                                Here you be:

                                Fairview of Fairfield
                                ATTN: DON SOUDEN
                                930 Mill Hill Terrace
                                Southport, CT

                                Hi everyone.

                                Whether you know Don personally or not (and you all know him through his articles & magazines), please feel free to send him postcards & cards full of your jokes, sports talk, Ripper news, research updates, historical theories, travel news, book reviews, funny pet stories, chit-chat, pub talk, gourmet achievements, horse racing predictions, cheeky gossip and all manner of unfounded rumors.


