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  • Goodbye

    In view of the responses to my thread reviewing older JtR lieterature, I have decided to leave Ripper studies altogether. The attitudes expressed appall and repel me frankly - it shows exactly why Ripperology remains so derided by the wider academic community.

    I propose to put all my Ripper books into storage and withdraw from all further discussion on JtR - that will delight Caz (given her recent post) and probably many more of you.

    My involvement with Casebook will not cease, as I will continue to participate in non-JtR threads such as that on Richard III.

    To the rest of you, who do not conttribute to such threads, goodbye without rancor.

    Phil H

  • #2
    Hi Phil,

    Except for one brief look early on the thread I never bothered looking it over so I did not know what happened on it. I am sorry to see you were wounded by the comments that were made. Perhaps you will reconsider eventually but I am glad you will stay on the Social Chat threads.



    • #3
      Yes Phil,

      Nothing for me to say that I haven't said before. Hope to see you on the social chat threads and that you will reconsider, one of these days.

      But at least you won't have to suffer me banging on about the innocence of Barnett any more - see, there's an upside to everything!


      • #4
        Phil H,

        That's too bad Phil, I hope you'll reconsider. I've enjoyed reading your posts over the years. Take care and hope to see you back.



        • #5
          Why announce it?
          This is simply my opinion


          • #6
            You'ld need to know the back-story. Don't let it worry you dear.


            • #7
              The back story? I'm sure it's fascinating dear, I'll wait for the DVD to get released.
              This is simply my opinion


              • #8
                Originally posted by louisa View Post
                The back story? I'm sure it's fascinating dear, I'll wait for the DVD to get released.
                In the first installment, Phil H has a monumental meltdown and resorts to calling women: "dear", thus dispelling his own myth of the caring, sharing, left-wing equality types.

                In the follow up, nothing happens. Literally nothing. No DVD is released because there's nothing to view.

                In the back-story, Phil H is embroiled in a cat fight with a female which leads to the first installment meltdown.

                If I were you, I'd skip the cat fight and go straight to the meltdown. Worth £9.99 of anyone's money.


                • #9
                  Directed by Michael Winner - "Calm down Dear"!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post
                    In the first installment, Phil H has a monumental meltdown and resorts to calling women: "dear", thus dispelling his own myth of the caring, sharing, left-wing equality types.

                    In the follow up, nothing happens. Literally nothing. No DVD is released because there's nothing to view.

                    In the back-story, Phil H is embroiled in a cat fight with a female which leads to the first installment meltdown.

                    If I were you, I'd skip the cat fight and go straight to the meltdown. Worth £9.99 of anyone's money.

                    This is simply my opinion

