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Happy holidays!

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  • Happy holidays!

  • #2
    Love how triggered people are by this tweet they have to photoshop it with smut.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Harry D View Post

      Love how triggered people are by this tweet they have to photoshop it with smut.
      The congressman and his family are free to post any damn photo they want. Why you would send out such a Christmas photo is beyond me but hey that is just me. The triggered responses are from people who think it is in very bad taste to seemingly glorify guns just a few days after a high school shooting in which four teenagers were killed and seven people injured.

      Can you see now why people might be "triggered" by this? The issue is not guns the issue is it is in bad taste.



      • #4
        Originally posted by c.d. View Post
        The triggered responses are from people who think it is in very bad taste to seemingly glorify guns just a few days after a high school shooting in which four teenagers were killed and seven people injured.
        Rap music glorifies guns & criminality. I don't see anyone going after that.

        The liberal mob choose their battles very carefully.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Harry D View Post

          Rap music glorifies guns & criminality. I don't see anyone going after that.

          The liberal mob choose their battles very carefully.
          Rap music? Really? Nice job of tap dancing and moving the goal post there, Harry.



          • #6
            Originally posted by c.d. View Post

            Rap music? Really? Nice job of tap dancing and moving the goal post there, Harry.

            The goalposts are firmly planted.

            If you’re saying the twitter mob don’t like it because it’s in bad taste, why don’t they go after rap music that glorifies guns and criminality?

            You know why, and I know why.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Harry D View Post

              The goalposts are firmly planted.

              If you’re saying the twitter mob don’t like it because it’s in bad taste, why don’t they go after rap music that glorifies guns and criminality?

              You know why, and I know why.
              Hopefully, your hypocrisy detector is still under warranty. Take it back to the store and tell them it is defective. Tell them it will only pick up liberal hypocrisy but when it comes to the veritable ocean of right wing hypocrisy nary a peep. They'll probably say yep, we get a lot of that. A serious design flaw.

              Take off the right wing glasses, Harry.



              • #8
                Originally posted by c.d. View Post

                Hopefully, your hypocrisy detector is still under warranty. Take it back to the store and tell them it is defective. Tell them it will only pick up liberal hypocrisy but when it comes to the veritable ocean of right wing hypocrisy nary a peep. They'll probably say yep, we get a lot of that. A serious design flaw.
                Liberalism dominates mainstream media & Big Tech. It's so brave of you to mock those fusty Republicans. That's so edgy of you!

                Liberals are intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt.

                They'll preach about social justice whilst worshipping criminals.

                They'll preach pro-choice whilst supporting state-mandated vaccinations.

                They'll persecute Christian conservatives whilst defending Islam.

                They'll demonize Trump whilst ignoring warmonger Hillary and her sleazebag husband.

                And so on, and so forth. They haven't got a leg to stand on.
                Last edited by Harry D; 12-05-2021, 11:25 PM.


                • #9
                  It's so brave of you to mock those fusty Republicans. That's so edgy of you!

                  No, not edgy, Harry. But it is just so damn easy. I mean you provide so much ammunition it is really no contest. I could elaborate on conservative foibles but it would take me somewhere into the Spring of next year and I have better things to do.

                  And again, rap music? Oh, please.



                  • #10
                    I think there would have been a time when a republican politician would have been ashamed of that picture. Not any more. To associate guns with Christmas, a time for families, children, celebration and good will to all men with instruments of death is disgraceful. How low they have traveled.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Harry D View Post

                      Liberalism dominates mainstream media & Big Tech. It's so brave of you to mock those fusty Republicans. That's so edgy of you!

                      Liberals are intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt.

                      They'll preach about social justice whilst worshipping criminals.
                      "While worshipping criminals"... can you provide an example of what criminals are being worshipped by "liberals"? I see a lot of projection in this statement. People like Dinesh D'Souza, Steve Bannon, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, etc. are doing just fine for themselves are continue to be held-up as role-models for the american right. Even particularly nasty individuals like the McCloskey's are even given a platform by the RNC to participate in the Trump re-election clown-show and Republican members of congress are falling over themselves to give Kyle Rittenhouse an internship because they think America needs more under-age kids to grab a gun and drive to a protest and put themselves into dangerous situations for which they have no training and where they don't know what they are doing (I know, he is technically not a criminal but he is being used as a worshipping prop by people who have interest in law and order).

                      Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                      They'll persecute Christian conservatives whilst defending Islam.
                      First of all, I'd take issue with the term "persecute". There are a lot of Christian conservatives that deserve nothing but contempt by reasonably educated people that make up the vast majority of the world's population. The crimes of the catholic church is a depressingly long list, so christian leaders in general are already up against it imo. Added to this the absurdity of Christian broadcasting channels like Jim Bakker (here is another convicted criminal who is LITERALLY worshipped by the right), Pat Robertson and his ludicrous "predictions" (hint: his track-record in predicting the future is no better than mine), to the constant grifting of the mega-churches to buy new jets and a fleet of glod-plated cars.... It's just a target-rich environment that is offensive at every level. Finally, a special mention should go to Jerry Falwell for whom "there is unfortunately no hell for him to rot in" (Christopher Hitchens). All these people are no better imo than many of the muslim clerics that preach hate, war, Jihad and oppression of women and infidels (bin Laden, Al Bakhar and a few others cut from the same cloth whose names I am unable to correctly spell without extensive research first...).

                      So no one is defending islam. I have a suspicion that that this misconception has its roots in the Lauren Boebert/Ilhan Omar incident. If so, you need to understand that Boebert attacked Omar for simply BEING a muslim. In my paragraph above I did not attack anyone for simply being Christian (people can believe whatever they like) but for being predatory con-artists and hate-preachers.

                      Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                      They'll demonize Trump whilst ignoring warmonger Hillary and her sleazebag husband.
                      This is a pretty egregious attempt of false equivalency. First of all, Donald Trump has just attempted to nullify and overturn an election that he lost and when all of his various attempts failed, he assembled a mob of MAGA-terrorists to storm parliament and prevent certification of the next president. There are more than just a few countries in the world where Donald Trump would be walking up the gallows for what he did right now. Of course he is to be demonised because he is still attempting to end democratic rule in the US right now because he basically a vindictive baby who can't accept that he lost an election. In a way, by accepting defeat the day after the election in 2016, Clinton has been more of a man than Trump ever was.

                      And being related to sleazebags is no disqualifying trait these days. The entire Trump clan (Eric, Don Jr. both major sleazebags, Melania who is a gold-diggning sleazebag, Ivanka who is a smart sleazebag and Jared who is a slimey sleazebag) have also surrounded themselves with sleazebags. That list would be worth another thread in itself.

                      Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                      And so on, and so forth. They haven't got a leg to stand on.
                      you will find the opposite is actually closer to the truth.
                      Last edited by Svensson; 12-10-2021, 11:31 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Svensson View Post
                        And being related to sleazebags is no disqualifying trait these days. The entire Trump clan (Eric, Don Jr. both major sleazebags and Ivanka who is a smart sleazebag and Jared who is a slimey sleazebag) have also surrounded themselves with sleazebags. That list would be worth another thread in itself.
                        Season's Greetings, Svensson. Party like it's 2020 and you're in Downing Street!


                        • #13
                          speaking of sleazebags, ey..?

                          But if you need to ask a subordinate to investigate if there has been a party in your own house, and if there has been, you already confirmed pubicly that there will be consequences, what will that subordinate report back..?



                          • #14
                            Further proof that Trump is a narcissistic and vindictive little [expletive]:

                            "The first person who congratulated [Joe Biden] was Bibi [Benjamin] Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with… Bibi could have stayed quiet. He has made a terrible mistake.

                            "He was very early," Mr Trump said. "Like earlier than most. I haven't spoken to him since. [Expletive] him."

                            So he gets cranky when people don't kiss his fat orange sitting organ.

                            The former president rails against the ex-Israeli leader, saying he saved Israel from destruction.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Svensson View Post

                              "While worshipping criminals"... can you provide an example of what criminals are being worshipped by "liberals"? I see a lot of projection in this statement. People like Dinesh D'Souza, Steve Bannon, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, etc. are doing just fine for themselves are continue to be held-up as role-models for the american right. Even particularly nasty individuals like the McCloskey's are even given a platform by the RNC to participate in the Trump re-election clown-show and Republican members of congress are falling over themselves to give Kyle Rittenhouse an internship because they think America needs more under-age kids to grab a gun and drive to a protest and put themselves into dangerous situations for which they have no training and where they don't know what they are doing (I know, he is technically not a criminal but he is being used as a worshipping prop by people who have interest in law and order).

                              First of all, I'd take issue with the term "persecute". There are a lot of Christian conservatives that deserve nothing but contempt by reasonably educated people that make up the vast majority of the world's population. The crimes of the catholic church is a depressingly long list, so christian leaders in general are already up against it imo. Added to this the absurdity of Christian broadcasting channels like Jim Bakker (here is another convicted criminal who is LITERALLY worshipped by the right), Pat Robertson and his ludicrous "predictions" (hint: his track-record in predicting the future is no better than mine), to the constant grifting of the mega-churches to buy new jets and a fleet of glod-plated cars.... It's just a target-rich environment that is offensive at every level. Finally, a special mention should go to Jerry Falwell for whom "there is unfortunately no hell for him to rot in" (Christopher Hitchens). All these people are no better imo than many of the muslim clerics that preach hate, war, Jihad and oppression of women and infidels (bin Laden, Al Bakhar and a few others cut from the same cloth whose names I am unable to correctly spell without extensive research first...).

                              So no one is defending islam. I have a suspicion that that this misconception has its roots in the Lauren Boebert/Ilhan Omar incident. If so, you need to understand that Boebert attacked Omar for simply BEING a muslim. In my paragraph above I did not attack anyone for simply being Christian (people can believe whatever they like) but for being predatory con-artists and hate-preachers.

                              This is a pretty egregious attempt of false equivalency. First of all, Donald Trump has just attempted to nullify and overturn an election that he lost and when all of his various attempts failed, he assembled a mob of MAGA-terrorists to storm parliament and prevent certification of the next president. There are more than just a few countries in the world where Donald Trump would be walking up the gallows for what he did right now. Of course he is to be demonised because he is still attempting to end democratic rule in the US right now because he basically a vindictive baby who can't accept that he lost an election. In a way, by accepting defeat the day after the election in 2016, Clinton has been more of a man than Trump ever was.

                              And being related to sleazebags is no disqualifying trait these days. The entire Trump clan (Eric, Don Jr. both major sleazebags, Melania who is a gold-diggning sleazebag, Ivanka who is a smart sleazebag and Jared who is a slimey sleazebag) have also surrounded themselves with sleazebags. That list would be worth another thread in itself.
                              1. The cult-like behaviour towards George Floyd, for starters. The fact he was a convicted felon and drug addict, who once robbed a pregnant black woman and stuck a gun to her stomach is conveniently swept under the rug by the leftist media circus. There are statues, monuments, worship sites, frescoes, you name it, all dedicated to this individual. "B-But he didn't deserve to die that way!" they cry. Maybe not, but he doesn't deserve to be idolized either. They also eulogized over the deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber as if the two of them were civil rights heroes, when the former was a serial child rapist and the second was a violent psychopath. On a side note, it's ironic that Rittenhouse shot three BLM rioters that night, and all three had serious criminal records. What are the odds? It's almost as if the rank and file of the Leftist mob are made up of such moral pillars.

                              2. "No one is defending Islam" How can you be so disingenuous? Whenever there's a terrorist attack by Islamic extremists, we are all told to join hands and sing #NotAllMuslims, but these same people will freely attack Christianity when it comes to abortion, gay marriage, etc. My personal understanding is that despite the fact Islam is an ultra-conservative religion totally at odds with progressive Western ideals, identity politics and political correctness dictates that the Left supports its adherents due to their ethnicities. The Leftists have turned this kind of cognitive dissonance into an artform.

                              3. Hillary Clinton has shown that her foreign policy is to support the militaristic status quo. She once boasted that America was in the position to "totally obliterate" the Iranians. Could you imagine the media sh**storm if Trump said anything of that nature? Not to mention covering for her husband, who is almost certainly a rapist. Again, it's remarkable that Left's readiness to believe female victims of sexual misconduct is nowhere to be found when it's the Clintons on the receiving end. This flagrant hypocrisy is sickening and typifies everything wrong with partisan politics in the West.

