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URGENT- Please Pray For Celesta!

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  • Yes. She was a wonderful person


    • Originally posted by Robert View Post
      Remembering dear Linda.
      Yes indeed.
      Best Wishes,

      When evidence is not to be had, theories abound. Even the most plausible of them do not carry conviction- London Times Nov. 10.1888


      • A good caring person with so many talents.


        • Hi guys.

          Three years, and I still miss Linda every day.

          I spoke with her husband yesterday and her sister a little while ago. They're alright; sad but making an effort.

          Today is Halloween, Linda's favorite holiday.

          I wish so much that I could tell Linda how my neighbor's toddler just came over for his very first 'Trick or Treat'. He just turned two.

          He had insisted on a "horsie" costume because he's crazy about my horses. They shake hands for carrots, and commanding them to 'Shake Shake' is his favorite game.

          His costume is a 1-pc with a big stuffed hood that has ears, eyes & a long nose wearing a bridle. It's orange like Gumby's friend Pokey (my own horse Pokey's namesake) and has a black mane & tail like my Pokey.

          At 5pm the doorbell rang. I opened it and there was the cutest little orange horse with a binky in its mouth holding a big plastic purple pumpkin candy carrier - Linda would have loved it!

          The little horse completely forgot the 'Trick or Treat' part & just grinned at me.
          So I said 'Happy Halloween!' and asked him if he was going to say "Trick or Treat". Without removing the binky from his mouth he delivered a perfectly realistic imitation of a horse whinnying! The deep nicker they give when they're indignant that I haven't served them dinner yet. It was so funny.

          I put 2 gigantic carrots in his candy carrier & he was happy as a clam because they made very loud clunking sounds in the empty plastic pumpkin.

          Then I said, "Little horse, can you shake for your carrots?" He instantly raised one of his legs in the air, held it up for a second, then stomped it down.

          I bet Linda is laughing her head off.


          • But no candy, Bunny?

            Carrots are all very well for a chap, but what about the candy?

            I'll try to email you today or tomorrow.


            • That's a lovely story Bunny and Linda would have loved it too.

              Take good care of yourself.



              • I didn't know the lady you are remembering here in this thread, as I did not join until last December, but I wanted to say that I am moved by how much respect and love I see in this thread.
                Archaic, you were nice to me when I was new here, so I'm offering condolences on the loss of your friend, and will donate to an animal charity.
                Also, here is a link you might find interesting:
                Last edited by Pcdunn; 11-01-2015, 08:38 AM. Reason: Correcting website URL
                Pat D.
                Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                • Marking dear Linda's anniversary again.


                  • Rest her soul.


                    • I doesn't feel that long
                      “Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”


                      • Peace be with you dear Linda

                        Steadmund Brand
                        "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


                        • 5th Anniversary of Linda (Celesta)

                          Hi everybody.

                          It's hard to believe, but today is the 5th Anniversary of our friend Linda getting her wings.
                          When I find myself feeling blue because I miss her I try to focus on how happy she must be. After all, the Secrets of the Universe are open to her.

                          I picture Linda with her nose in an enormous book bound in gold vellum, decorated with rare jewels, titled 'Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Anything.'

                          The book is personalized for each of us. It comes with a Time Machine so we can go back and watch events unfold.

                          Linda already knows all the details of Jack the Ripper, Mary Kelly's biography, the truth of the JFK Assassination, how the Great Sphinx and Pyramids were built, if the legends of Atlantis are true, is Bigfoot real, what happened to Amelia Earhart, did the Amber Room survive WWII buried in a railroad tunnel?

                          Dear Linda, may you read in peace!
                          I miss you.


                          • Best Wishes,

                            When evidence is not to be had, theories abound. Even the most plausible of them do not carry conviction- London Times Nov. 10.1888


                            • A very special lady. The thought of her has calmed me a few times during moments of high anxiety.


                              • 6 years ago yesterday.
                                Best Wishes,

                                When evidence is not to be had, theories abound. Even the most plausible of them do not carry conviction- London Times Nov. 10.1888

