Originally posted by MajorParts
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Time travel into the past does contravene the laws of physics, but into the future is consistent with the laws of physics. It all depends on speed.
However, although we might not be able to go back in time, the ability to view the past just might be achievable one day.
Everything vibrates at a given frequency. On the frequency band at the low end we have audibility - radio waves. At the high end we have light. Whether we 'hear' or 'see' depends on the frequency of the wave.
We, as humans, vibrate at a particular frequency too.
The ability to isolate that frequency and track its movements just might not always be in the realm of science fiction.
Today's science fiction is tomorrows science fact.
Imagine an archaeological site where we dig down removing the layers of strata, like peeling back the skin of an onion. Now, consider a satellite positioned over where Millers Court once stood which might be able to identify all the millions of frequency tracks which have passed through that location over the decades.
Today we possess surveillance satellites which have the ability to see through buildings, its a heat trace certainly, but this technology exists.
A frequency trace would have the same ability, there would be no details, you could not identify who someone is, but you might see activity to understand what actually occurred at that location.
Dating the frequency trace might be a problem, you would have to tie the activity to the known witness testimony.
So no, visiting the past should not be possible, but viewing the past, well, not in the near future that's for sure

Sorry for the digression..
Regards, Jon S.