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Rutger Hauer

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  • Rutger Hauer

    Occasionally we see, or read, or experience something which we know will live with us forever.

    Rutger Hauer's performance as Roy Batty in Blade Runner was such a moment for me.

    The climax of the classic Sci-fi film "Blade Runner". Taken from the "Final Cut" version.Roy Batty:"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. [laughs] At...

  • #2
    Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
    Occasionally we see, or read, or experience something which we know will live with us forever.

    Rutger Hauer's performance as Roy Batty in Blade Runner was such a moment for me.

    Absolute classic Barn, one of my favourite movies ever but I haven’t seen the new one yet.

    I often listen to the soundtrack which is also one of the best ever imo. There are also quite a few versions.

    I bought a potentially interesting book today Barn it’s called Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill.

    Ive only read the first few pages so there’s not much to tell but the author is hinting that there was more to the murders than meets the eye and that the whole Helier Skelter motive was crap. I got my copy from Tesco’s! I saw it by chance. Thick hardback with 2 sections of photos. Original price £20 on sale for £8. Actually first published this year so I don’t know if the reduced price is a comment on the sales?

    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


    • #3
      I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
      Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
      I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.
      All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain.
      Time to die.
      Last edited by Ozzy; 07-24-2019, 11:23 PM.
      These are not clues, Fred.
      It is not yarn leading us to the dark heart of this place.
      They are half-glimpsed imaginings, tangle of shadows.
      And you and I floundering at them in the ever vainer hope that we might corral them into meaning when we will not.
      We will not.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

        Absolute classic Barn, one of my favourite movies ever but I haven’t seen the new one yet.

        I often listen to the soundtrack which is also one of the best ever imo. There are also quite a few versions.

        I bought a potentially interesting book today Barn it’s called Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill.

        Ive only read the first few pages so there’s not much to tell but the author is hinting that there was more to the murders than meets the eye and that the whole Helier Skelter motive was crap. I got my copy from Tesco’s! I saw it by chance. Thick hardback with 2 sections of photos. Original price £20 on sale for £8. Actually first published this year so I don’t know if the reduced price is a comment on the sales?
        Did a tin foil hat come free with the book, Herlock? Careful there!

        Sapere Aude


        • #5
          Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

          Absolute classic Barn, one of my favourite movies ever but I haven’t seen the new one yet.

          I often listen to the soundtrack which is also one of the best ever imo. There are also quite a few versions.

          I bought a potentially interesting book today Barn it’s called Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill.

          Ive only read the first few pages so there’s not much to tell but the author is hinting that there was more to the murders than meets the eye and that the whole Helier Skelter motive was crap. I got my copy from Tesco’s! I saw it by chance. Thick hardback with 2 sections of photos. Original price £20 on sale for £8. Actually first published this year so I don’t know if the reduced price is a comment on the sales?
          Re the book you mention, it got pretty good reviews in the quality Sunday press.
          I believe that it hints at connections between Manson and some dodgy government agencies.

          I will certainly buy it if I can get in Tesco for £8.

          Thanks for the heads up.

          Re Blade Runner, I have a 2 disc blu ray of the movie.
          The second disc is called "Dangerous Days" and is a 3.5 hour documentary on the making of the film, it's truly astonishing.
          What people tend to forget, or sometimes refuse to believe, is that there is not one single CGI shot in the film, it was all shot for real.


          • #6
            Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post

            Re the book you mention, it got pretty good reviews in the quality Sunday press.
            I believe that it hints at connections between Manson and some dodgy government agencies.

            I will certainly buy it if I can get in Tesco for £8.

            Thanks for the heads up.

            Re Blade Runner, I have a 2 disc blu ray of the movie.
            The second disc is called "Dangerous Days" and is a 3.5 hour documentary on the making of the film, it's truly astonishing.
            What people tend to forget, or sometimes refuse to believe, is that there is not one single CGI shot in the film, it was all shot for real.
            Have you seen the new movie Barn?

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • #7
              Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post

              Did a tin foil hat come free with the book, Herlock? Careful there!

              I did wonder about that when I bought it but I’ll give it a go. If it’s crap I can survive being £8 poorer.

              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


              • #8
                Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                Have you seen the new movie Barn?
                Yes I did.

                I quite enjoyed it, but it was always going to be judged alongside the original.

                No contest there then!

                It's probably about 20 minutes too long, with an I'll judged romantic subplot between Ryan Gosling and a sexy avatar.

                It is however a film that benefits from repeat viewings.
                I think you'd probably like it, as long as you don't judge it next to the original.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post

                  Yes I did.

                  I quite enjoyed it, but it was always going to be judged alongside the original.

                  No contest there then!

                  It's probably about 20 minutes too long, with an I'll judged romantic subplot between Ryan Gosling and a sexy avatar.

                  It is however a film that benefits from repeat viewings.
                  I think you'd probably like it, as long as you don't judge it next to the original.
                  I was thinking of buying it but I’ll be tight and borrow from my mate the next time I see him.

                  Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                  “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                    I did wonder about that when I bought it but I’ll give it a go. If it’s crap I can survive being £8 poorer.
                    Sorry, I coudn't resist teasing you a bit.

                    As you might suspect, I'm quite interested in the "alt truthers"/conspiracy theorists out there, through which I'm aware of Neil Sanders.
                    (I'm not sure he would describe himself as such, such my bracketing). Anyway, I thought I'd mention N.S. as he has researched Charles Mason
                    and if interested, more on his work can be found on Search for Neil Sanders AND The Real Charles Manson Story.

                    Re Rutger Hauer. My intro to R.H was the Hitcher, which I remember as an enjoyable film.


                    Sapere Aude


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post

                      Sorry, I coudn't resist teasing you a bit.

                      As you might suspect, I'm quite interested in the "alt truthers"/conspiracy theorists out there, through which I'm aware of Neil Sanders.
                      (I'm not sure he would describe himself as such, such my bracketing). Anyway, I thought I'd mention N.S. as he has researched Charles Mason
                      and if interested, more on his work can be found on Search for Neil Sanders AND The Real Charles Manson Story.

                      Re Rutger Hauer. My intro to R.H was the Hitcher, which I remember as an enjoyable film.


                      Cheers Martyn I’ll have a look.

                      Im probably the most conspiracy-resistant poster on here as you’ve probably noticed

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • #12
                        When reading this thread I didn't realise Rutger had passed away.

                        Dutch actor who found fame in the 1982 sci-fi film classic Blade Runner

                        Sapere Aude


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post
                          When reading this thread I didn't realise Rutger had passed away.


                          No problem Martyn, it's just that I hate the term RIP that I see in so many of the threads about good people who have died.

                          In many ways it really doesn't matter if the person is dead or not.
                          We are celebrating their life and achievements.

                          Sorry if if I sound like an old hippie.

                          Which I am!
                          Last edited by barnflatwyngarde; 07-28-2019, 07:55 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post

                            No problem Martyn, it's just that I hate the term RIP that I see in so many of the threads about good people who have died.

                            In many ways it really doesn't matter if the person is dead or not.
                            We are celebrating their life and achievements.

                            Sorry if if I sound like an old hippie.

                            Which I am!
                            I understand man!

                            I checked out his filmography on It seemed really impressive in terms of the films in appeared in.

                            He certainly must have lead a full and interesting life.

                            Sapere Aude


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post

                              Re the book you mention, it got pretty good reviews in the quality Sunday press.
                              I believe that it hints at connections between Manson and some dodgy government agencies.

                              I will certainly buy it if I can get in Tesco for £8.

                              Thanks for the heads up.

                              Re Blade Runner, I have a 2 disc blu ray of the movie.
                              The second disc is called "Dangerous Days" and is a 3.5 hour documentary on the making of the film, it's truly astonishing.
                              What people tend to forget, or sometimes refuse to believe, is that there is not one single CGI shot in the film, it was all shot for real.
                              I just finished the O’Neill book and I can certainly recommend it. Absolutely fascinating. O’Neill appears to have found genuine, tangible evidence of a different explanation for the Manson murders involving drugs and experiments in mind control. Yes it sounds fantastic but but it's not. The most surprising and possibly disturbing parts for me concern Vincent Bugliosi. I’ve always admired his mammoth Reclaiming History on the assassination of JFK (and I certainly don’t dismiss it in any way because of what’s said in O’Neill’s book) but O’Neill reveals him as a deeply unpleasant and rather unbalanced man with some highly questionable issues in his past. So I have to face the serious possibility that I’ve been too uncritical of him. A man whose ambition and paranoia could stretch to threats and violence. One of the most interesting revelations concerned Doris Day’s son Terry Melcher who was the previous occupant of 1050 Cielo Drive. Bugliosi was keen to stress that the reason that the Cielo Drive address was targeted was that Manson was sending a threatening message to Melcher because he’d refused to promote and record Manson’s music. O’Neill however discovered a note, in Bugliosi’s own handwriting, that shows that Melcher visited the ranch to see Manson twice after the murders. The part of the note that mentions this had been crossed out by Bugliosi and never mentioned at the trial. There’s much more.

                              A definite thumbs up on this one from me. I’d be interested to hear other opinions if anyone decides to get it.


                              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

