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London Olympics

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  • #61
    Plenty of Americans have a good grasp on British history, if not necessarily the personalities involved
    If history isn't abour 'personalities', then what is it about?

    the birth of Vaudeville
    I'd say Vaudeville was American anyway, and not British. Or do you mean 'music hall'?

    and my god the pigeons
    Pigeons? What pigeons?

    What the hell is 'kindertransport'?

    Still, at least we have a history. I once did a degree course in American History. It began at 9.00am one foggy morning, and I was all finsihed at just before lunchtime, and I got a first.

    This, I feel, is going off-thread again.....

    We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


    • #62
      Originally posted by Errata View Post
      That's not true. Plenty of Americans have a good grasp on British history, if not necessarily the personalities involved. Of course, try to major in British History as an American, and there is a swift and brutal intervention where they won't let you out of a tiny little room until you are convinced that you will never be able to get a career in the field, and move on to another concentration.

      I have a pretty good grasp of British history for someone who doesn't live there. I got it. And that's the problem. A good Olympic Opening Ceremony should make you feel as though someone is clearly mad. Whether it's the director of the ceremony, or you, there should be a point in time where you check your drink for a partially dissolved tab of acid. It should be like watching The Wall sober. Very perplexing.

      I also think that it should focus on the host country's culture not it's history. More Arthur, more Shakespeare, Celts, the Scottish Highlands, Nessie, the birth of Vaudeville, Monty Python, Marble Arch, the incredible folklore, and my god the pigeons. The little ships of Dunkirk, Kindertransport, the music halls during WWII, Land Girls, all of these things are a part of history, but also show the generosity of spirit that London was trying to highlight. So while the Industrial Revolution makes a good light show, it doesn't mean "Britain".

      But James Bond skydiving with the Queen does, so well done there.
      Note the very last words on my post...the very last words.

      However I will state this. I know my country, and know that the Industrial Revolution is very much British.


      Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


      • #63
        But Monty, isn't your tongue always in your cheek?

        All the best



        • #64
          Not all the time Dave.

          However, enough of my private life....


          Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


          • #65
            Hi All,

            My new favourite Bond girl is Queen Elizabeth II.

            Nicely done, Your Majesty.

            Loyal regards,

            Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


            • #66

              Hello Simon. Hear, hear.



              • #67
                Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
                Hi All,

                My new favourite Bond girl is Queen Elizabeth II.

                Nicely done, Your Majesty.

                Loyal regards,

                Hello Simon,

                As per today, fishing isn't an Olympic sport- so you won't get anywhere angling for a gong.

                Woe betide anyone who says Her Majesty isnt a great sport herself. With that one fleeting cameo appearance she has soared to the top of the Most Popular Royal list.
                Kate may have the looks, but the twinkle in Her Majesty's eye in that film clip charmed a nation in 5 seconds flat.

                Wisdom, grace, dignity and that special touch of humour. Perfect.

                Proudly British

                Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                Justice for the 96 = achieved
                Accountability? ....


                • #68
                  My liege lady

                  You and me both Phil

                  All the best



                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Cogidubnus View Post
                    You and me both Phil

                    All the best

                    Hello Dave,

                    The start- the green and pleasant land- the transformation to the Brunel awakening, those brilliant 'forged' rings- the incredibly simple yet brilliant Mr Bean part entwining himself into Chariots of Fire- the aforementioned Bond sequence and the genius of introducing the fantastic tradition of bedtime stories out of the GOSH sequence- well- it was as original as it could possibly be.

                    Churchill would have approved.

                    I actually felt very homesick- and very proud. We could never compete with Beijing, nor try too much razzamatazz which our American cousins are so good at- but the self irony, the gentle reminder of what that little island HAS given the world- well- it was stunningly original without ramming it down peoples throats.

                    We even managed to squeeze some cricket in between the sheep.

                    Howzat! Not out- play on good sir, until Olde Father Time calls 'Over' and elegantly lifts the bails and quietly walks away to the pavillion.

                    and then comes another quintessential invention...a pint.


                    Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                    Justice for the 96 = achieved
                    Accountability? ....


                    • #70
                      The pint

                      Hi Phil

                      I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments you quote...however...just the one pint? (I'm afraid it was four)...the chaser? Oh dear, 35cm of a single malt...

                      I sincerely think you're slacking in your support of her majesty...(so why do I have a headache?)



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Graham View Post
                        If history isn't abour 'personalities', then what is it about?
                        Movement. I can't name the senator that beat another senator with a cane until it broke, but I know it provoked John Brown's war, which was the catalyst for the Civil War

                        I'd say Vaudeville was American anyway, and not British. Or do you mean 'music hall'?
                        Victorian Music Hall is the birth of Vaudeville.

                        Pigeons? What pigeons?
                        Every time I've ever been to London, there have been about a dozen pigeons for every human. It may not be unique, but it's unique in my experience.

                        What the hell is 'kindertransport'?
                        Kindertransport was an effort to get Jewish children out of Nazi occupied territories before the beginning of WWII, when rumors of the camps reached Britain. Children were gathered from Germany, Austria, and surrounding areas and brought to England where British families took them in and raised them, and tried to reunite them with their families after the war. It's how Richard and David Attenborough have a couple of Baltic Jewish siblings. And it was the kindest act any country managed for the Jews of Europe. Hell we were turning boats away both before and after the war. But Britain came through. You guys are a small island, you couldn't save everyone. But you made sure the children were safe. And thats totally worth a little chest puffing.

                        Still, at least we have a history. I once did a degree course in American History. It began at 9.00am one foggy morning, and I was all finsihed at just before lunchtime, and I got a first.
                        It's true. In the US, 200 years is a long time, in Britain 200 km is a long distance.

                        This, I feel, is going off-thread again.....
                        Probably. I'm just saying that Britain has a lot to be proud of, and while the Industrial Revolution literally changed the world, it's proved to be a bit of a mixed bag. What's a steam engine compared to founding a set of expectations and rights that literally every other government with a constitution is based off of?


                        I'm not bashing Britain. I would have moved there at the age of 12 if I didn't require more sunlight than the average English day provides. I wanted to be a British archeologist. I wanted to live in Scotland, work in a museum, curate hoards, live in a stone cottage with a big vegetable garden out back... I had a healthy crush on the Island as a whole. Still do.

                        My thing is that for some reason, Opening Ceremonies are really entertaining to me when I have no idea whats going on. I like feeling like my Dad watching a Cirque performance, or an OK Go concert. Like my head is going to crack open from trying to understand too hard. The London Opening Ceremonies were great. I had just been looking forward to something quite different. Something where I'm wondering if I look at it upside down it will make more sense. Kind of like going to a concert expecting a punk show and its a string quartet. Not bad, just not what I was expecting.
                        The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                        • #72
                          Hello Dave,

                          Although I can remember Tokyo in 1964, Mexico in 68 and Munich 72, sportingly sit in my memory.
                          In 68, David Coleman's commentary as David Hemery won the 400metres hurdles especially. Shouting loudly, he pronounced Hemery so far ahead as he won ahead of No.2, and 'who cares who's third' or suchlike.
                          Third place went to another British athlete.
                          So starteth the Colemanballs.

                          In 72, I saw the hardest punch in a boxing ring Ive ever seen. It was the semi-final in the heavyweight division, and a rather large, rotund German boxer was expected to get to the final. However, he received a punch that both split and burst open his nose that was delivered with lightening speed and immense power in a punch that seemingly came from nowhere. A trademark 'bolo' punch.

                          Teofilio Stevenson. The Great Teofilio Stevenson. Reckoned to be the next Ali. He never turned pro and won 3 gold medals I believe.

                          Good memories.


                          Last edited by Phil Carter; 07-28-2012, 11:53 PM.
                          Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                          Justice for the 96 = achieved
                          Accountability? ....


                          • #73
                            I like it when someone does something different. Keep your eyes on Wottle.


                            • #74
                              Hello Robert,

                              Great clip. Thanks!
                              Just to round off my previous post the German boxer was one Peter Hussing, I believe.

                              Best wishes

                              Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                              Justice for the 96 = achieved
                              Accountability? ....


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Phil Carter View Post
                                t the twinkle in Her Majesty's eye in that film clip charmed a nation in 5 seconds flat.

                                Wisdom, grace, dignity and that special touch of humour. Perfect.
                                make that charmed the world and you'll be closer right.

                                I agree with the wisdom, grace, dignity and perfect touch of humor as well.

                                While proudly American, I deeply love the history of Britain and the people as I know them . . .

                                In fact, many of my roots go back to the "Olde Country."

