So things in Britain have now come to the point where people have become so desperate they set fire to themselves. Chalk up another success for posh boy Cameron and his cronies.
While Cameron and his poodle Clegg happily sit in their comfortable houses spouting garbage like'We're all in it together' and demonising all the unemployed they have created as workshy scroungers,aided and abbetted by the gutter tabloids, people are left with no jobs,no money and no hope and driven to desperation. The lower end of the press written by and barely literate journalists are happy to focus on a handfull of cases of benefit cheats and build up the ignorance and prejudice for a cheap sensationalist headline the government has all the excuse it needs to slash benefits for those in need. At the same time of course corporations and wealthy individuals are allowed to get away with paying a tiny percentage of the tax they should be paying. The reward for this evasion is a tax cut!
The sad fact of this recession is that the poor and the average working tax payer have seen living standards eroded to breaking point while the rich and super rich have continued to get wealthier by the day. My fear is that as the gap between haves and have nothings widens to a chasm we can expect to see more of the rioting of recent times as a whole section of society grows increasing resentful.
While Cameron and his poodle Clegg happily sit in their comfortable houses spouting garbage like'We're all in it together' and demonising all the unemployed they have created as workshy scroungers,aided and abbetted by the gutter tabloids, people are left with no jobs,no money and no hope and driven to desperation. The lower end of the press written by and barely literate journalists are happy to focus on a handfull of cases of benefit cheats and build up the ignorance and prejudice for a cheap sensationalist headline the government has all the excuse it needs to slash benefits for those in need. At the same time of course corporations and wealthy individuals are allowed to get away with paying a tiny percentage of the tax they should be paying. The reward for this evasion is a tax cut!
The sad fact of this recession is that the poor and the average working tax payer have seen living standards eroded to breaking point while the rich and super rich have continued to get wealthier by the day. My fear is that as the gap between haves and have nothings widens to a chasm we can expect to see more of the rioting of recent times as a whole section of society grows increasing resentful.