Originally posted by Ally
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If you have an accident, and the doctor tells you that you only have a 2% chance of ever walking again, that's based on statistics. They count the number of people who recovered from that injury and divide that by the total number of people with that injury. Simple math. Does that mean you never even try to walk again because math doesn't lie? No. You try because you think you can be in that 2%. Not because you have faith in God, although I suppose some people do. I don't think God is going to do a damn thing, and you don't believe in a god. You have faith that your willpower is going to let you beat the odds. And given your willpower, it probably will.
That all I mean. Leave God, religion, philosophy, whatever out of it entirely. There are tangibles and intangibles in the world. Things that can be weighed and measured, and things that can't. My fiance can be weighed and measured. His love for me cannot. If I can't quantify it, what am I to do? I have faith in it. I trust it. I believe that there is more than what can be quantified.
Now, I happen to believe in some nebulous higher power. That is a completely unnecessary extension of faith. It isn't required for functioning, and is as illogical and unprovable as ghosts or aliens. Well, statistically speaking aliens probably exist, but I don't think they're kidnapping Midwestern farmers and making crop circles. And I freely admit that. If your dog dies, I will feel terrible for you, I will ask if you need help burying him, I'll go with you to pick up a new dog, whatever. I won't pray for you. I don't think God cares about us in the slightest. But I would ask you to have faith in the fact that while it hurts now, that you will be happy again. Which has nothing to do with my strange notions of otherworldly beings, and has everything to do with the fact that when people are hurting, they sometimes forget that it gets better. That sometimes people can't feel that, so they have to just trust that it will.
I mean come on. We both know that in the arguments for or against the existence of gods, evidence does not favor my side. So I'm never going to tell you that you are wrong, especially when I suspect and in fact hope that you are right. But I know people who are so locked in to only what they can touch, manipulate, measure, whatever, that they cannot put any faith in intangible concepts. They don't believe in love, they don't believe in justice, they don't believe in the intentions of other people. They cannot even really wrap their heads around the future with so little available data. They have no faith. They trust nothing. And they are as crippled by this lack as anyone who completely abandons their own judgement to a religion. There's a middle ground without ever involving the supernatural. Sometimes extraordinary things happen in this world. And it's never because of God. It's because people pushed themselves past what they thought was possible. They had faith that something more was out there. So they built an airplane, or a submarine, or decided to give bread mold a chance, or simply walked again when everyone said they never would. Science requires faith. Or no one would ever try anything.
It's not about God. He has nothing to do with any of it. It's about recognizing that we don't know everything. And that despite the fact that the math says one thing, we are willing to bet we can get it done anyway. That's all. Have a little faith. Trust in our ability to function past standard operating parameters.