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There's Many A Mickle Makes A Merkel

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  • There's Many A Mickle Makes A Merkel

    Thread for anyone who wants to discuss the car crash that is the EU.

  • #2

    I sincerely hope we in the States don't get further dragged in, but that is surely a wan hope.

    Don (wan).
    "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


    • #3
      Hi Don

      The EU is just a whirlpool. The money gurgles down and disappears. The US would be wise to keep its distance.


      • #4
        It's not so much a whirlpool as a black hole from which nothing can escape...even pocket change.


        • #5
          I am a Eurosceptic, admittedly, but seriously... Merkel is actually saying, in effect, that France and Germany should be united (along with the rest of the Euro Zone), and Sarkozy is agreeing, in principle. It is really really difficult not to start making comments like "hundreds of thousands of men in our grandparent's generation died to prevent this actual scenario from happening". Is no one else terrified by the very real possibility that we will see a 'United States of Europe' that the UK will be expected, nay forced, to join under threat of Merkel's "spectre of war". Or probably, more likely, left in the sidelines whilst the rest of what used to be the EU will be homogenised into a single country "uber alles". I for one will be arming myself.

