Originally posted by DrHopper
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Clarkson is a friend of David Cameron-fact.
Clarkson said he thought people exercising their right to protest in a democracy should be shot and he would like to see them executed in front of their families.
and he said exactly that ---and -they said very much the same about the miners -same sentiments exactly.
But not too many are taking much notice-2 million were out that day in the UK alone---and there has been a year of protest here---not all peaceful either like N30 was- [think rioting throughout LOndon and other cities in August and students earlier in the year occupying Fortnum and Masons etc and now the Occupy movement spreading like wildfire throughout the States---and other countries [ and being attacked quite violently from all accounts so by comparison Clarkson's attack was much milder being verbal rather than physical-] and in the Middle East especially Egypt out in their millions since January---the times they are a changing and 'free speech' is properly claiming its rights!