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U.K. Porn Star Says Irish Men Are The Best
My questions would be :
a) are you Irish, and just wanted to boast or
b) do you particularly like having sex with Irishmen and felt the need to talk about it ?
Hello Ruby,
My only comment would be that the young lady in question has obviously never spent a great deal of time here in the U.S.
As to your questions, with regard to question (b) I have never batted from that side of the plate. Ok, well there was that one trip with the boy scouts but I digress.
As to question (a), I am proud to be able to claim an Irish heritage so her answer is not surprising.
I am sure that the American women on these boards will happily (and proudly) confirm my initial statement with a great deal of satisfaction.
Originally posted by sdreid View PostOf course, everyone knows that the guys on Casebook are the best
at crucial moments.
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she obviously never met one with the Irish Curse...
Originally posted by DVV View PostBut how could that Irish curse spread as far as Japan, Pontius ?
I've always understood the Irish Curse to be that Irish men drink too much and have small packages. there's an O'Connor who works across the hall from me who says that's not a rumor, but actual fact. maybe he's just speaking for himself.
Originally posted by Pontius2000 View Postdo you mean Japanese people or Irish people that live in Japan? I think that's pretty much a stereotype of ALL Asian people.
I've always understood the Irish Curse to be that Irish men drink too much and have small packages. there's an O'Connor who works across the hall from me who says that's not a rumor, but actual fact. maybe he's just speaking for himself.
'Cause I was not, my dear.
However, cold weather + Guinness...
Originally posted by DVV View PostOn the same night, Maria?In a spectrum of 15 years. And the second guy's an upcoming opera singer (amazing tenor) from Ohio. And the first guy we only kissed – and I thought it was gross. I was 15. But he sure looked hot and I directed him in a school play.
Can't believe I just posted this.
Originally posted by c.d. View PostWell here in the U.S., we men might not be good but we are fast.Best regards,