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Colonel Maummar Gaddafi is dead.

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  • #46
    This oil situation seems to have hit one of the significant nails on the head. Greed.

    It doesn't matter which multinational company makes such vertiginous profits as far as definite benefits to the vast majority of people are concerned. Money seems to be disappearing into the coffers of a very tiny minority of people. For capitalism to work, this money needs to flow in order to stimulate growth. Capitalism isn't working because of greed.

    Similarly, all the other systems (Communism, et al) have failed because sooner or later, a few greedy people end up with all the power and the most negligible sprinkling of morality. A few of these greedy people have also had only a reluctant acquaintance with sanity thrown in for bad measure.

    A previous post in this fascinating thread mentioned "the enlightened dictator", presumably in reference to Plato's Republic. A possible starting point. It would be much nicer if all the world were enlightened.

