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Fashion dictature

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  • Fashion dictature

    I wanted to share with you this picture, which was used this summer in swimming pools and gyms as a campaign to induce girls to go on a diet, this picture was exposed with the caption "This summer, would you rather be a mermaid or a whale?"

    I found it very outrageous, when I watch this beautiful curved woman, my first thought is "damn she's so hot!!!" and not "Jesus she's fat", it's almost if seeing her doesn't suddenly make you feel for pigging at Mac Donalds!!!
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  • #2
    Modern Plastic Surgeons' Views On Marilyn Monroe's Appearance

    Hi Cam. The woman in the photo looks much more like a beautiful "mermaid" than a "whale" to me. Which one is she supposed to represent in the ad campaign you referred to? Surely not the latter? It's so offensive to hear animal terms applied to women, and it's terrible for little girls to be exposed to such negativity.

    I remember an article years ago in some magazine like 'Smithsonian', where photos of Marilyn Monroe were shown to prominent plastic surgeons, and each of them found fault with her figure and her features! They recommended multiple plastic surgery procedures, including liposuction!

    Ridiculous, don't you think? The writers of the article were appalled that the plastic surgeons considered Marilyn so in need of surgical "improvement." I was appalled too when I read it.

    Best regards,


    • #3
      Well, I am a chap and I care not one jot for fashion. But I do feel very strongly about the pressure put on young girls to look slim. Often this induces anxiety and even anorexia. And for what? So that the bloody fashion companies and slimming industry people can continue to sell their crap.


      • #4
        Hi Archaic,

        yes the picture confused me at first too, i was first convinced it was an anti-fashion dictature ad, untill I read the captions, THIS spectacularly beautiful woman is supposed to represent the fat whale young girls don't want to be.... I mean... what???? if I were about to enter a gym to loose weight and saw that, I would throw my bag in a container and head for the first fast food I find... it's sick, freaking sick!!! because she surely would make a saint loose his halo


        Well thank you for the "chap" info, it's very conforting... Now say she's hot!!!!!


        • #5
          Well Sister, women shouldn't worry about what chaps think of them, but I suppose they do - although I think the thing they worry about the most, is what other women think of them.

          Yeah, the model pictured isn't bad looking. I'd rather have her than a stick insect.

          If only women would stop worrying about their weight, and spend a bit of time learning to walk in straight lines when they're out shopping, instead of moving in unpredictable curves and diagonals which make shopping a veritable obstacle course for chaps. And then, if they could learn to have the money ready when they get to the counter, instead of waiting till the very last minute and then rummaging in their bags for the exact right change instead of just handing over a note....


          • #6
            Originally posted by Robert View Post
            Well Sister, women shouldn't worry about what chaps think of them, but I suppose they do - although I think the thing they worry about the most, is what other women think of them.

            Yeah, the model pictured isn't bad looking. I'd rather have her than a stick insect.

            If only women would stop worrying about their weight, and spend a bit of time learning to walk in straight lines when they're out shopping, instead of moving in unpredictable curves and diagonals which make shopping a veritable obstacle course for chaps. And then, if they could learn to have the money ready when they get to the counter, instead of waiting till the very last minute and then rummaging in their bags for the exact right change instead of just handing over a note....
            I think it's not so much what men think of them but they mostly worry about the fickleness of their men, and want to keep them for themselves.

            Well I like stick bugs, they are very funny creatures, the two girls (couple) who where living in a squat with me in the netherlands had a whole "stick bug farm" but they had to give them up cause the dogs of the other squaters kept thinking they were real sticks and... well... poor beasts...

            Now I don't think you came in the right thread for women jokes, don't forget, I have a lot of munitions against men too


            • #7


              • #8
                Originally posted by Robert View Post
                ...prove me wrong....


                • #9
                  It's a new thought. You'll have to give me time to digest it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Robert View Post
                    It's a new thought. You'll have to give me time to digest it.
                    ok but don't choke on it please.

