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Public Apology to Chris Phillips

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  • Public Apology to Chris Phillips

    Recently I made a passing statement on the boards to the effect that Chris had been upset that his name was not featured in the new A-Z. When I stated this, I completely believed this to be true and public knowledge, and did not mean it in a rude way. However, this prompted Keith Skinner, co-author of A-Z, to message Chris in response, and no doubt the entire episode was rather embarrassing for him, as this post is for me now. Both Chris and Keith said I was wrong, although I didn't think my memory had failed me. Well, it had in terms of the identity of the person who had complained he wasn't featured. I was misremembering someone else for Chris Phillips. It was an honest mistake, but an embarrassing one, so I wanted to make sure that I made an even more public apology, which is what this is.

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott

  • #2

    Thanks for setting the record straight. We all make mistakes.


    • #3
      Somewhere out there there is someone upset that his name wasn't mentioned in the book, and also upset because his name hasn't been mentioned as being upset.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Robert View Post
        Somewhere out there there is someone upset that his name wasn't mentioned in the book, and also upset because his name hasn't been mentioned as being upset.
        Oh-my-God, Robert, you just TOTALLY cracked me up!
        Apologies for having laughed at this.
        Best regards,


        • #5
          Hey Tom, I just saw this thread.

          Just wanted to say that I feel you did the right thing, and you did it in the proper spirit as well as in the proper manner.

          It's very refreshing to see people behaving so courteously on Casebook!

          Well done.

          Best regards,


          • #6
            Originally posted by Robert View Post
            Somewhere out there there is someone upset that his name wasn't mentioned in the book, and also upset because his name hasn't been mentioned as being upset.
            Well, it's me, and I was upset, well, I say upset, I mean suicidal. But, now, I'm furious. Furious that my good name has been besmirched in a group sado-humiliation extravaganza at my expense and for the express purpose of the denizens of Now, of course I haven't put pen to paper on the Jack the Ripper issue; nor am I likely to as I know exactly who he was, but I was desperate to be in this book regardless and have spent the previous two years buying the entire stock of this book in a concerted and furious attempt at ensuring no one found out the cold, hard truth, i.e. my absence from the book. It seems a book has escaped my net.

            I will see you all in court (unless you can fit me in on page 256 under the caption: "the man who caught Jack The Ripper").

