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Off Topic Argument (GSG thread)

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  • Off Topic Argument (GSG thread)

    My post was entirely relevant to the title of this thread, which is:

    "The meaning of the GSG wording".

    I made clear my view that it has NO MEANING in the context of the Ripper case, but relates to anti-semitic feeling in the East End.

    Is disagreement with other posts now not to be allowed? A sign of a lack of confidence in debate/discussion surely?


  • #2
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    This thread is for what you think the wording of the GSG means, if it was written by the killer (I think it probably was). Please no debates on whether it was written by the killer or not-Lets assume it was.
    Is this too much for some people to comprehend?


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Abby Normal
      This thread is for what you think the wording of the GSG means, if it was written by the killer (I think it probably was). Please no debates on whether it was written by the killer or not-Lets assume it was.

      COLIN: Is this too much for some people to comprehend?

      My sincere apologies Colin - I hadn't realised that you delicate flowers and your arguments could not longer face the rigorous scrutiny of informed debate!

      You have to secrete yourselves away in an private enclave and shut out any discordant voices.

      But please note, given that you are so much more clever than the rest of us, that the title of the thread is NOT so exclusive.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Phil H View Post
        Originally Posted by Abby Normal
        This thread is for what you think the wording of the GSG means, if it was written by the killer (I think it probably was). Please no debates on whether it was written by the killer or not-Lets assume it was.

        COLIN: Is this too much for some people to comprehend?

        My sincere apologies Colin - I hadn't realised that you delicate flowers and your arguments could not longer face the rigorous scrutiny of informed debate!

        You have to secrete yourselves away in an private enclave and shut out any discordant voices.

        But please note, given that you are so much more clever than the rest of us, that the title of the thread is NOT so exclusive.
        I have reported this post, with the following message:

        "Please note the fact that 'Phil H' is persistently disrupting the flow of discourse, in this thread.

        'Abby Normal' was very specific, in her initiation of the thread: "Please no debates on whether it was written by the killer or not - Lets assume it was."

        'Phil H' refuses to recognize the fact that he has blatantly disregarded Abby's request."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Colin Roberts View Post
          I have reported this post, with the following message:

          "Please note the fact that 'Phil H' is persistently disrupting the flow of discourse, in this thread.

          'Abby Normal' was very specific, in her initiation of the thread: "Please no debates on whether it was written by the killer or not - Lets assume it was."

          'Phil H' refuses to recognize the fact that he has blatantly disregarded Abby's request."
          Thanks Colin

          FYI-I am a dude


          • #6
            Disrupting someone's thread because you disagree with the premise is in violation of Major Rule #8 and Minor Rule #1.

            Please abide by the spirit of the OPs wish to discuss a specific premise and not derail their thread because you disagree with the theory. You are always welcome to create your own thread to discuss your specific POV.

            Thank you.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Admin View Post
              Disrupting someone's thread because you disagree with the premise is in violation of Major Rule #8 and Minor Rule #1.

              Please abide by the spirit of the OPs wish to discuss a specific premise and not derail their thread because you disagree with the theory. You are always welcome to create your own thread to discuss your specific POV.

              Thank you.
              Yeah-What he said! Just Kidding : )

              To Phil H and ST:
              Whereas i think that he probably did write the GSG, Its obviously just speculation and taking the view that it was probably not written by the killer is equally valid and I would be happy to take part in a new thread for that debate.

