The problem is, the pictures are nonsense. There is no proven, direct causal link between smoking and the things they depict: we all know smokers who don't have just the three (black) teeth in their mouths; most of them aren't walking around with the gangrenous foot in the photo and so on. I'm quite sure that smoking doesn't have health benefits, but I am sure that the pictures cease to have any real effect. One here (Bailey, I'm sure you've seen this VERY SCARY one) has just a pair of slightly wrinkled hands. Whoa! Off to flush the smokes.
Personally, I'm utterly sick of the widening of the net of what is unacceptable or abusive. There was once a time that educating your children, teaching them to read, feeding them decently and helping them to become valuable members of society, capable of making a positive contribution, treating them well et c were all considered positives. But all that pales to nothing if you happen to smoke within 200 metres of them--makes me a child abuser unfit to parent. What a crock. Intolerance is so much more damaging to the fabric of society than a few ciggies.
Personally, I'm utterly sick of the widening of the net of what is unacceptable or abusive. There was once a time that educating your children, teaching them to read, feeding them decently and helping them to become valuable members of society, capable of making a positive contribution, treating them well et c were all considered positives. But all that pales to nothing if you happen to smoke within 200 metres of them--makes me a child abuser unfit to parent. What a crock. Intolerance is so much more damaging to the fabric of society than a few ciggies.