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Jilted Ex-Boyfriend Puts Up Abortion Billboard

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  • Jilted Ex-Boyfriend Puts Up Abortion Billboard

    Deleted for violation of Major Rule #2. Posters are reminded to link any quoted article and to use no more than five lines of text from any single source.

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    Last edited by Admin; 06-16-2011, 11:02 PM.

  • #2
    Just for the record, as far as I can tell, the Billboard does not mention the Mother's name.



    • #3
      It is so off the charts unacceptable to put up a billboard potentially revealing private and PROTECTED medical information.
      The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


      • #4
        whoever this man is

        he needs to get his own life before worrying about other people's.

        Sorry but although i empathise with his distress, that doesn't give him the right to invade the woman's right to privacy.

        There is only one happiness in life—to love and be loved.

        George Sand


        • #5
          Hi Errata,

          Whose medical information is being revealed if the Mother is unnamed?



          • #6
            her identity will be revealed because his identity is, therefore she can be identified even if not named.

            There is only one happiness in life—to love and be loved.

            George Sand


            • #7
              I've seen a picture of the guy. Hard to believe that he got a woman to sleep with him in the first place. After the Billboard, it probably ain't gonna happen again.



              • #8
                Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                Hi Errata,

                Whose medical information is being revealed if the Mother is unnamed?

                People who know Mr Fultz (is that his real name?) would probably be able to work out who his ex-girlfriend is and ergo who has had the abortion.

                The trouble with the legal action which has been taken is what would have have been a bit of local gossip has now achieved worldwide notoriety. Mr Fultz might be a cad and a bounder, but one cannot help but think that he has got what he wanted and more, with the publicity attendant on his ex's foray into litigation.

                We here in the UK are having similar privacy cases being brought by philandering association football players seeking to hide their sexual indiscretions from the public in general and their wives specifically. The only winners are me learned friends in the Temple.


                • #9
                  haha lol

                  yes true, what woman in her right mind is going to want to go anywhere near him now...even if he looked gorgeous? All that would be in my mind would be what petty stunts he would pull if we ever broke up.

                  There is only one happiness in life—to love and be loved.

                  George Sand


                  • #10
                    Hi Ron,

                    As you say, it should be relatively easy to determine who his girlfriend was. But even so that is no guarantee that she is the woman being referenced on the billboard. Maybe (and unlikely after seeing his picture) he was cheating on her and getting some on the side and that is the woman who got pregnant. So from a legal point, as far as she remains unnamed, I don't think she has a case for libel.



                    • #11
                      Hello c.d

                      A quick google revealed the name of the girlfriend, Nani Lawrence and that Mr Fultz's billboard bore the endorsement of N.A.N.I, the initials of an association formed by Fultz namely National Association for Needed Information. The link between the girl's name and the billboard was therefore easier to be established than I first thought. The N.A.N.I endorsement has since been removed.

                      I agree that she has no case for libel, but she is suing for harassment and invasion of privacy. The question is where does her right to privacy begin and his right to free speech end. The Americans are quite keen on their First Amendment right to free speech and general this seems to prevail over other rights. We shall have to see how things develop. I would think that American jurisprudence would be unlikely to curtail the right of free speech.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RonIpstone View Post
                        Hello c.d

                        A quick google revealed the name of the girlfriend, Nani Lawrence and that Mr Fultz's billboard bore the endorsement of N.A.N.I, the initials of an association formed by Fultz namely National Association for Needed Information. The link between the girl's name and the billboard was therefore easier to be established than I first thought. The N.A.N.I endorsement has since been removed.

                        I agree that she has no case for libel, but she is suing for harassment and invasion of privacy. The question is where does her right to privacy begin and his right to free speech end. The Americans are quite keen on their First Amendment right to free speech and general this seems to prevail over other rights. We shall have to see how things develop. I would think that American jurisprudence would be unlikely to curtail the right of free speech.

                        Hi Ron,

                        Thanks for the additional research/info. Looks like "Nani" did us all a favour!!! We can only live in hopes that, in future, Mr Fultz is given no further chances to bestow/inflict his genes on an unsuspecting world!!! Beware the Beer Goggles!!!

                        Best wishes,
                        And thus I clothe my naked villainy
                        With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ;
                        And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.


                        • #13
                          If hes telling the truth then good for him. Who cares about her embarrassment hes without a son/daughter that he will never get back. Who speaks for them?
                          The police? no Lawmakers? no The staff that performed the murder er abortion? no So the Father is standing up he should be commended not sued by some beotch


                          • #14

                            I think you are right babybird.

                            There appears here to be a human tragedy that sometimes happens. Relationships break up, feelings are hurt, people feel cheated. It is part of life.

                            But what I think is wrong here is the public display of soiled linen, and spite.Which is inexcusable.

                            I dont really think that this is a legal issue, although I understand why it has become one, I think it is a moral issue.

                            And I agree with you, who in their right mind would want to associate themselves with someone whocould be so mean spirited?

                            Best wishes.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ChainzCooper View Post
                              If hes telling the truth then good for him. Who cares about her embarrassment hes without a son/daughter that he will never get back. Who speaks for them?
                              The police? no Lawmakers? no The staff that performed the murder er abortion? no So the Father is standing up he should be commended not sued by some beotch

                              If he's telling the truth? So what if he is? Is it his business whether or not his ex-girlfriend aborted his child? Absolutely. Is it anyone elses? Absolutely not. You assume he is standing up because he wanted to be a father. You don't know why she left him. If he was beating the crap out of her, does he still get to be a father? Does he only want a perfect child to pass on the family name to, and like most unmarried fathers, is going to absolutely bail on a child with any developmental or physical handicaps? Does he even care about the child at all, given that he only seemed to care AFTER she dumped him?

                              Or is it possible, that like most women who miscarry, she had to have a D&C to clear out the leftover placenta and uterine lining so she didn't die of septic shock? Or maybe, despite the absolute innocence of the completely physically and chemically dependent fetus developing inside her, she chose not to be a mother, and certainly was not going to be a mother with such a complete ass, and chose to end her pregnancy in a way absolutely protected by law and medical science.

                              You may see it as murder. And that is your inalienable right. It is a an extremely limited and judgmental view that absolutely guarantees you will remain in ignorance of the complexities of such issues, rendering you unlikely to ever give an informed opinion, but that's okay. It's not like I don't understand. It is a terrifying position to be in, as a male in this country with no definable rights with an unborn child. And I am not unsympathetic. But that doesn't give anyone the right to publicize the worst day of your life. How would you feel if you saw a billboard of a woman holding the outline of a child that said "This would be a picture of my two-month old baby IF my ex-husband hadn't proved to be infertile"? Especially if YOU were the ex-husband? If you EVER loved someone, you do NOT expose them to the hate and the violent maniacs that come out of the woodworks over abortion. Not ever. Or would you prefer some nutcase taking her out in her driveway with a high powered rifle?
                              The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

