I think I'm in the minority on this thread....other than Limehouse, is anyone else here a parent???
What I said earlier has a lot of basis in fact and common sense, and the other extremely important thing here, and I will not be popular with some of you for saying this, but frankly I do not care, is that we need to work with our children/young people at an early age to show them how NOT to be victims or victimized, whether sexually or otherwise....this means assertiveness training, putting children in physical fitness activities, etc.
Both of my children are well-mannered, kind and non violent. However, I can tell you that if someone has ever wanted to victimize them, they, meaning my children, have not allowed it. Now, I am not talking about situations where someone comes up on the street and puts a gun to your head. However, statistics also show that people, especially women, who go where they are going with a certain air of confidence, are far less likely to be victimized....whether that means your purse being taken or sexual assault.
When society and the media promotes looking like a "crack waif" as the ideal image for young girls, it is PROMOTING VICTIMIZATION. Fact.

They should be promoting images/women who are psychologically strong, such as:

See the difference? Both sets of women retain their femininity, and are not wearing burqu'as. However the women in the top image exude "victim", while the women in the bottom image exude "resilience"...
What I said earlier has a lot of basis in fact and common sense, and the other extremely important thing here, and I will not be popular with some of you for saying this, but frankly I do not care, is that we need to work with our children/young people at an early age to show them how NOT to be victims or victimized, whether sexually or otherwise....this means assertiveness training, putting children in physical fitness activities, etc.
Both of my children are well-mannered, kind and non violent. However, I can tell you that if someone has ever wanted to victimize them, they, meaning my children, have not allowed it. Now, I am not talking about situations where someone comes up on the street and puts a gun to your head. However, statistics also show that people, especially women, who go where they are going with a certain air of confidence, are far less likely to be victimized....whether that means your purse being taken or sexual assault.
When society and the media promotes looking like a "crack waif" as the ideal image for young girls, it is PROMOTING VICTIMIZATION. Fact.

They should be promoting images/women who are psychologically strong, such as:

See the difference? Both sets of women retain their femininity, and are not wearing burqu'as. However the women in the top image exude "victim", while the women in the bottom image exude "resilience"...