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No limits to immigration

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  • I made a bigoted comment? Example please.


    • Your entire TONE is bigoted/xenophobic ALL THE TIME.

      I'd like any example of any xenophobic comment I have made.

      "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


      • Ah, so we've shifted from comments to tone. Well, tone is a rather subjective thing.

        Why do you want examples of xenophobic comments by yourself? Have I said that you've made any?

        Incidentally, "Brit" isn't offensive, as far as I can see. Nor is "yank" - unless there are some American southerners who don't like the term?


        • Originally posted by cappuccina View Post
          There are a lot of other British people I would love to have here; the YR is not one of them. I am not xenophobic, obviously. You are the one making all of the bigoted comments not me. The only possible offending word I used and I used it once was "Brit", I'll call myself a "Yank" and we're even.

          This shocked me, actually:

          The figures from EC and UN reports come on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.

          Limehouse, in your opinion do you think this is connected to the overconsumption and ease in obtaining alcohol, and the lack of arrests in Britain for things like drunk driving that are considered to be far more serious offenses in the US?

          When I last went to London in 1989, I felt so safe there compared to any large American city, and I was in a lot of "non-tourist areas", including most of the East End.
          Hi Caps

          The availability of alcohol has got much easier in the last 20 years and it is cheap in the supermarkets so - yes - I would put a lot of crime down to alcohol. They are pretty strict on drink driving here but people still do it and a good number of people caught driving whilst very drunk locally do seem to be east Europeans. However - that is party an illusion because they tend to report those cases more in the press as our local paper has an anti-immigrant stance.

          I always feel safe in the centre of London and in the east end. I think it is a relatively safe city to be in.



          • Originally posted by Robert View Post
            Thanks. I take it that's two. I wouldn't normally describe two as "a few," but we'll leave that to one side. Any chance of your telling us when he came over?

            Of course, we don't know that his associates will be deported, do we? That would presumably depend on the conditions then obtaining in whichever country they came from.
            He came over about a year before the murder and that was about three years ago. He is from Lithuania and his associates will be deported when they come out of prison because that was part of their sentence - prison - then deportation.


            • Thanks Limehouse. Well, deducting the year spent on remand, he seems to have had two convictions in two years, and then came this gang business (which he was found not guilty of). It's not good.


              • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                Thanks Limehouse. Well, deducting the year spent on remand, he seems to have had two convictions in two years, and then came this gang business (which he was found not guilty of). It's not good.
                No - it's not good. But is he any different from the locally-born youngsters who get into trouble? Many of them have far more convictions.


                • Limehouse, why do you insist on saying that because we can't get rid of our own criminals, we shouldn't get rid of other people's either?

                  If there was some way that I could drop Sutcliffe on to the Goodwin Sands, and leave him there, I would.


                  • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                    Limehouse, why do you insist on saying that because we can't get rid of our own criminals, we shouldn't get rid of other people's either?

                    If there was some way that I could drop Sutcliffe on to the Goodwin Sands, and leave him there, I would.
                    Robert - I am not saying we shouldn't get rid of these criminals at all. Where have I said that? All I've said is - in most cases - we CAN get rid of them when they finish their sentences whereas we are lumbered with our own criminals when they come out of prison.

                    Of course - it's not RIGHT that some immigrants break the law - but it's not right that our OWN people break the law either. A criminal is a criminal and a victim is a victim.


                    • Of course - it's not RIGHT that some immigrants break the law - but it's not right that our OWN people break the law either. A criminal is a criminal and a victim is a victim.
                      Exactly, Limehouse!

                      Robert, maybe you could have the YR come and do permanent house arrest in your basement???

                      "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


                      • Hi Limehouse

                        OK then we're agreed, except I want to get rid of ALL of them.

                        Yes we are lumbered with our own criminals when they come out of prison. Of course, some of them should never come out at all. And a good many others should only come out a good deal later than they have been doing.

                        Cappuccina, I think maybe the attic. I'll leave a rope up there for him.


                        • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                          Cappuccina, I think maybe the attic. I'll leave a rope up there for him.
                          Could you do me a really big favour Robert and cut him down while he is just about still alive please? Then bring his sorry arse up to Leeds. He and I have unfinished business. After that he can take up permanent residence under the basement.

                          Best wishes,
                          And thus I clothe my naked villainy
                          With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ;
                          And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.


                          • Oh really...

                            Originally posted by cappuccina View Post
                            Hey Bob....the "Yorkshire Ripper" was: a) a longtime/"native" British citizen; or b) a "scary foreigner"...

                            Do you people realize how xenophobic and insane you sound....seriously....In the US, you would all be embraced by StormFront...
                            But Caps you are making my point perfectly. My point is - and has always been - we have another vicious, violent criminals in Britain entirely homegrown, we don't need to keep importing more! Now if my wish to protect the British from vicious, violent foreign criminals makes me a xenophobe I am proud to be one.

                            As I have stated many, many times, I do not hate foreigners, I do not dislike foreigners, I have nothing against foreigners. What I am against is criminals and since we have enough of our own why do we keep letting criminals from abroad come here to rape, murder and rob our citizens and then let them stay in the country so they can carry on doing so and on top of all that give them money out of the taxpayers pockets as compensation?

                            Thank you for grasping the point that others seem to have difficulty in understanding.


                            • Greetings.

                              Originally posted by Robert View Post
                              The Yorkshire Ripper is English. Want him? We'll send him to you if you like - that's if you're not too xenophobic to have him.
                              Robert you spectacularly miss the point here and you are a racist xenophobe, obviously a sexist and probably don't like kittens either.

                              What LTT and their ilk want is for all the criminals from all over the world to be dumped in Britain.


                              • Originally posted by Limehouse View Post
                                He came over about a year before the murder and that was about three years ago. He is from Lithuania and his associates will be deported when they come out of prison because that was part of their sentence - prison - then deportation.
                                The problem is Limehouse in all likelihood that will not happen and that is one of my main gripes. When criminals are about to be deported they put in an appeal, which delays the process for several years. During this time they cannot be deported, and during this time they get married.

                                When the deportation order is next served they claim the right to a family life under the HRC and are allowed to stay and commit more crimes. In the last year over 2000 vicious, violent criminals who were due to be deported have been allowed to stay in this country. Why do you think I'm all over this? If we could chuck out the rubbish I would be quite happy with that but we are no longer allowed to do that.

                                The two Somalis who have just been allowed to stay have a whole string of convictions from when they first arrived, robbery, threats to kill, firearms offences, drug dealing, yet they keep appealing and keep staying. On top of that they have just been awarded £20,000 in compensation!

