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Elizabeth Sladan Dies

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  • Elizabeth Sladan Dies

    I just learned that the lovely actress, Elizabeth Sladen, died of cancer today, April 19, 2011. Of course, Sladen was best known for her role on "Doctor Who" where she played the companion Sarah Jane Smith beginning in 1973. Lovely Liz stayed on the program for over three seasons and played opposite Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker.

    Sarah Jane was my first companion and I will miss hear dearly. I hope that Sarah Jane, the Brig, and the Doctor are together again, fighting off alien threats in heaven.

    Rest in peace Elizabeth.

  • #2
    Yes, very sad.
    It's been a bad few months for my childhood icons... Michael Gough, Ingrid Pitt, now Elizabeth Sladen.

    ****ing cancer!


    • #3
      so sad

      I met Liz several times, she was the loveliest warmest woman, who always remembered your name once she had met you, she was a credit to the world of doctor who and fandom and a heroine to two generations of children. One thing is for sure both these generations, children today and some grown up children like myself will be inconsolable this morning after hearing the news.


      • #4
        During the 70s, it got to the point where she was distracting me from the stories, because I was looking at her. A very attractive lady and an accomplished actress.


        • #5
          Agreed Robert, in all ways. Very fine actress.
          Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

          Justice for the 96 = achieved
          Accountability? ....


          • #6
            oh how sad

            i always wanted to look like her and be like her.

            There is only one happiness in life—to love and be loved.

            George Sand


            • #7
              Very sad indeed.


              • #8
                Like Robert, a few decades ago, I had a crush on her too. I'll miss her.

                But, she spelled her first name with an "s", not a "z". We should try to get that right.


                • #9
                  She was part of my childhood. Doctor Who particularly the Tom Baker episodes were repeated here on a regular basis.
                  I love Sarah Jane Smith. it reallly feels like losing a friend.

                  Sarah and Harry(Ian Marter) both gone too soon


                  • #10
                    Elisabeth Sladen was so lovely. Like the rest of you I feel very sad that she has died. She was obviously very much loved and I hope she knew this.

                    Goodnight dear. God bless. We'll see you in the morning.


