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Intelligent Design in Tennessee Schools

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  • #46
    Originally posted by c.d. View Post
    Another one from Hitchens -- As the only human being in history to be raised from the dead, why does Lazarus get only one paragraph in the Bible and is never mentioned again in History. You would think he would have written a book and done the talk show circuit.

    I think he is missing the point in that many stories are metaphors and you are supposed to take something away from it to help enrich you as a person. Which is why they are told


    • #47
      Originally posted by c.d. View Post
      Speaking of Hitchens, he has esophageal cancer which has spread. To his credit, he has remained true to his atheistic beliefs and has politely thanked people who say they are praying for him. On the other side of the coin, there are those "religious" folks who say he got exactly what he deserves.

      Thats terrible. While I don't agree with many things Hitchens has said (his unecessary comments about the death of Jerry Falwell being one) I wish him nothing but the best in his treatment of cancer. I'm sure most other people feel the same way


      • #48
        Originally posted by Robert View Post
        Ally, I am not a Christian myself, but I think I remember reading that an "answer" to your question can be found in the Apostles' Creed (I think). When it gets to "was crucified, dead and buried" it goes straight on "he descended into hell." I think the idea of the rather surprising descent into hell, was that Jesus would preach to all those who had been born before his ministry, and offer them the chance of salvation. Of course, it can't have been nice for them while they were waiting for him to arrive, but there you go.
        Which doesn't explain what happens to all those billions who were born AFTER he was crucified but still never had a chance to hear about him. Or is Jesus hanging out in hell for all eternity waiting for the sinners to show up because of his bad timing?

        Regardless, apostles creed is not the all mighty word of God so it doesn't count as an explanation.

        Let all Oz be agreed;
        I need a better class of flying monkeys.


        • #49
          Well Ally, cut to the nitty gritty : how could a good God make an evil world? I don't see how he could, and so this is one reason (among others) why I don't believe in him.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Robert View Post
            Well Ally, cut to the nitty gritty : how could a good God make an evil world? I don't see how he could, and so this is one reason (among others) why I don't believe in him.
            Doesn't this just mean you don't believe in the Christian god? I mean, you are kind of screwed over by what you are fed. Any number of religions don't believe that a god made the world, or gives a crap about the world, or loves it's people. But you've probably been surrounded by Christians telling you who god is and what he wants. So just because you don't buy into their story, it makes it impossible to buy into any of the others. Which is a shame because I would have liked to be Hindu
            The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


            • #51
              Originally posted by c.d. View Post
              Another one from Hitchens -- As the only human being in history to be raised from the dead, why does Lazarus get only one paragraph in the Bible and is never mentioned again in History. You would think he would have written a book and done the talk show circuit.
              Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Chris View Post
                Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication.
                Don't you get me wrong! (don't you get me wrong) Don't you get me wrong (don't you get me wrong)

                Only wanna know, etc...


                • #53
                  I'll say one good thing about atheists, they're are not racists. You'll never catch an atheist saying one negative word about people of color believing in any religion worldwide, inicluding Christianity. To do so would contradict an atheist's politically correct personna. Their little Lego worldview. No, atheists are white people who are against Christianity as practiced by other whites. Period. It's a very narrow, targeted complaint, much like an ingrown toenail.

                  Sink the Bismark


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Roy Corduroy View Post
                    I'll say one good thing about atheists, they're are not racists. You'll never catch an atheist saying one negative word about people of color believing in any religion worldwide, inicluding Christianity. To do so would contradict an atheist's politically correct personna. Their little Lego worldview. No, atheists are white people who are against Christianity as practiced by other whites. Period. It's a very narrow, targeted complaint, much like an ingrown toenail.

                    Honey, I live in Tennessee... there are PLENTY of atheist racists. And they are atheists for the same reason they are racists. The payoff of believing in God and believing in equality have no immediate personal benefits. If either came with a candybar they would change their minds.
                    The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Roy Corduroy View Post
                      It's a very narrow, targeted complaint, much like an ingrown toenail.
                      Good of you to admit it, Roy. I class myself as an atheist (or rather a lapsed agnostic ) but I'm not 'against' anyone for believing whatever they want to believe, and I'm not 'against' any religion you can name. It's clearly needed by its believers and it clearly serves some sort of purpose for them, so who am I to preach to them?

                      At the same time, I would sooner not be preached to by believers of any hue, whether it's because they genuinely want to save my soul, or because they've been told it's compulsory to preach to others in order to save their own.


                      "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                      • #56
                        Hi Errata

                        Well, I said I don't believe in a good god. Other gods might exist though I see no reason to think so. If they do exist, it would be a fact and as such something to add to our store of knowledge. But as for worshipping them, taking orders from them and so on, I do not see the point. The question of how to live one's life is up to the individual, which is both a blessing and a curse.


                        • #57
                          It is interesting that the folks who gave us the Bible (the Hebrew people), believed in more than one God originally, but only believed there was one they should worship while paying respects to others in different regions.



                          • #58
                            Hi everyone!

                            I've just caught up on this thread. I never realised just how many misconceptions there are about Christianity. Wow!
                            I think I'll leave this thread to you all and get back to Mary Kelly - I've got a lot to learn about her. Fascinating stuff!

                            By the way, I don't believe in an everlasting hell either.

                            Take care of yourselves.



                            • #59
                              Originally posted by ChainzCooper View Post
                              I think he is missing the point in that many stories are metaphors and you are supposed to take something away from it to help enrich you as a person. Which is why they are told
                              Hi Jordan,

                              There are certainly stories in the Bible which are clearly metaphors but I don't see this as one of them. The intent was to provide evidence for Jesus' divinity.



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Errata View Post
                                Honey, I live in Tennessee...
                                Yeah you've harped on this before. How everyone there is beneath you. Your rant is losing its Wow factor.

                                Sink the Bismark

