hi Bob
Yes maybe that is wrong Bob...but I suppose you have to look at how progressive each country is. It tends to be the bigger ones with the most influence, whether that is right or wrong.
I agree. It was right to invade Iraq for human rights issues. My point is, this wasnt the reason we invaded them, otherwise why haven't we invaded Zimbabwe? My view is that human rights issues should guide our actions, not need for oil or whatever else motivated the invasion of Iraq (sorry I don't believe Tony Blair).
Not at all. It was completely right. But I am talking about the new world with nuclear capabilities and horrific potential consequences if we get things wrong. Also there is a difference in that Hitler was invading other countries. This is us deciding to go into a country keeping itself to itself. So the more consensus we can manage the safer for everyone, in international terms. I am trying, perhaps unsuccessfully, to marry morals with pragmatism. I personally think there should be international regulations allowing action to be taken against any nation which murders its own people. If we could act under that, it would be good.
I agree. And I am totally against arms sales (told you I was idealistic!).
I was against it for the reasons it was done...i don't believe Tony Blair went in there to free the Iraqi people. I believe he went in there to secure oil. I believe if we are going to invade countries to liberate civilians, it should be an internationally supported goal, and should be applied to all countires across the board, not selectively when our econmoic interests appear to co-incide with the invasion. If we were justified to do it for the Iraqi citizens, why are we so disinterested in those being murdered in Zimbabwe?
I'm sure my thinking is muddled, because as I say I try to marry morals with pragmatism and what is possible in terms of international relations. But hope that clears some of what I said up.
Originally posted by Bob Hinton
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Personally I don’t give a damn about international consensus. If something is right it’s right no matter how many or how few people say it is.
If you look back to WWII there was no International consensus then to stop Hitler, in fact for quite a while we were alone, so according to your reasoning we shouldn’t have done anything.
The only thing wrong with the Iraq war, second version, is that we let Hussein get away with it for so long. The first war ended in a ceasefire not a cessation, the first time an Iraqi said no to our inspection teams they should have been blasted into sand. Instead we let him mess us about for years while all the time he was smuggling his weapons technology out of the country. Where to? Well guess whose nuclear programme has come on by leaps and bounds since the end of the first Iraq war?
I find your comment about the Iraq war very strange. You say you are against it because it was not supported by the International community. But you should support action because it is right. What you are saying is that if a few more countries sidled up to you and say “Well ok we support you” you would change your mind and go to war. So in other words you would be committing yourself to war on what others think or say.
I'm sure my thinking is muddled, because as I say I try to marry morals with pragmatism and what is possible in terms of international relations. But hope that clears some of what I said up.