Originally posted by Errata
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Defending their right to free speech is on a par, in my view, with supporting a convict's right to vote while in prison. It's quite simple: the law is an ass if it can't say, whenever a bleedin' obvious line is crossed: "you just voluntarily gave up your right to free speech by behaving like an unreasonable and unethical arsehole of a human being in the exercising of it".
These people may be 'nutters' but they have enough sense to know they crossed the line. Hell, that was the intention. And now they are laughing at those without the sense they were born with, who have just invited them to cross the line again and again.
The right to free speech in America doesn't extend beyond the grave to executed murderers, so the law can focus on behaviour first and speech second when it wants to. Why does it find its hands so tied up in this case?