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Why are "bad" words bad?

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  • #61
    To Chris:
    I like Spike very-very much too, definitely one of my favorite characters, and possibly the most complex one in the show. I love the way he talks, and his good sense, sensitivity, and honest romanticism. Plus he can take care of himself (and others). The character I identify with most is Faith – without any repercussions of ending up beating up people in discos, although I've been tempted, so who knows? (I've actually been in a fight in front of a disco in Hossegor, didn't even get a scratch, while the guy in front of me got his ear almost torn off by a bouncer.) Only dif, Faith quit high school while I have a Ph.D., but I didn't grow up quite like she did, and she's truly intelligent. I loved how she picked up the significance of “Spartan“ from her (evil) watcher, Ms. Gwendolyn Price (now that's a British name, if any).

    To Lynn Cates:
    You're very impressive, and a real gentleman. (Although once I was very impressed by something of yours that happened to have originated from Tom Wescott, who isn't exactly the dictionary's definition of a gentleman. Although sometimes he gets very gentleman-like, and genuinely so. It kinda comes and goes. The former matter is an allusion to the IWEC and Israel Schwartz...)
    I'm afraid that "skubalon" is unknown to me. I used to be an ace in ancient Greek, was one of my main A levels subject (or the Greek equivalent to A levels, SATs, the bac(calaureat), but they never taught us about sh*t and (e)schatology.
    Best regards,


    • #62

      Hello Maria.

      "I used to be an ace in ancient Greek . . ."

      Ah! And that's the rub. I daresay this is not ancient Greek but rather Koine.



      • #63
        Hello Lynn.
        Koine Greek is about as far away from modern Greek as Elizabethan English from modern English, and actually even less. Thus my ignorance of “skybalon“ and eschatology is mainly connected to my innocence. (Oh, yes.)
        Best regards,


        • #64

          Hello Maria. Then there is this.



          • #65
            Eww, the model spotting the T-shirts is seriously unsightly.
            After a while the word “skyvalon“ started resonating. I'm sure someone older, like my mom, might know it. I'll remember to ask her next time I talk to her, like a good daughter.
            Best regards,


            • #66
              BAD words

              I don't know that there is a logical reason. I guess there are words deemed bad because they offend some people.
              Neil "Those who forget History are doomed to repeat it." - Santayana

