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British Retailer Creates "Enhancing" Underwear for Men

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  • British Retailer Creates "Enhancing" Underwear for Men

    Blazing a trail in the field of male shapewear, British retailer Marks & Spencer introduced slimming undershirts for men — more colloquially known as “suck-in shirts” — earlier this year. To complement the product, the retailer has now created a minicollection of enhancing underpants under its Bodymax brand.

    The two styles -- one that provides a little something extra up front — have actually been engineered by M&S technologists (their mothers must be so proud). The bum-lift pant, which costs 15 pounds — about $24 — is constructed to elevate and shape the buttocks for a 20 percent visual lift. The frontal enhancement pant, available for 10 pounds or about $16, has been constructed with a “shelf” that allows for a 38 percent visual enhancement in size.

    I am sure that they have no plans to market these in the U.S. as there would be no demand since they are not needed.


  • #2
    As an American, ouch, that stung. Dave
    We are all born cute as a button and dumb as rocks. We grow out of cute fast!


    • #3
      Did I miss something here? Americans don't need them because know. That's a damn compliment to us Yanks.



      • #4
        Yep, no need for them here in the good ole U.S. of A. Here, men's buttocks are sublime and as far as up front...well were packin' it, Jack.



        • #5
          C.D. that almost wants me to play country music at insane volumes. I am thinking," Proud to be an American." Dave
          We are all born cute as a button and dumb as rocks. We grow out of cute fast!


          • #6
            Damn right!



            • #7
              The DOI says "endowed by their Creator" not "well-endowed by their Creator."


              • #8
                "We hold these truths to self evident" sounds like mastabatorial conspiracy to convince Americans the have small genitals to me. Dave
                We are all born cute as a button and dumb as rocks. We grow out of cute fast!


                • #9
                  How come the vast majority of male porn stars are Americans? Coincidence? I think not.



                  • #10
                    How come the vast majority of male porn stars are Americans?
                    Because this is what happens when we Brits give a go:


                    • #11
                      ummmm.......ummmmmmm....could it be that you believe the vast majority of porn stars are American because your an American who watches American porn? Then we can factor in the American porn industry stifling foreign porn, Americans being so ridiculously self centered they do not see an Indian woman or a Greek woman as attractive.

                      There is a woman sitting next to a man on a plane. The woman is typing on her laptop when the man asks her "working?" She replies with a yes and says she is sex researcher and she is correlating ethnicity and penis size. He says, "scintillating, what have you come up with?" She replies that "Amerinds have the longest,and Irishmen have the fattest." She says "My name is Carol Stevens, whats yours?" He replies," Tonto O'Rielly." Dave
                      We are all born cute as a button and dumb as rocks. We grow out of cute fast!


                      • #12
                        reminds me of the giant condom scam we tried on the Japanese in WWII and the Vietnamese in the 60s.
                        The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                        • #13
                          Is that where they distributed giant size condoms to make them feel "inferior"? Dave
                          We are all born cute as a button and dumb as rocks. We grow out of cute fast!


                          • #14
                            It was. An "accidental" drop into enemy hands with condoms large enough to fit a mans arm.
                            The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                            • #15
                              Could you imagine an uderwear shelf for that? It would be like a bookcase in your pants. Dave
                              We are all born cute as a button and dumb as rocks. We grow out of cute fast!

