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My Little Dog Is Missing

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  • My Little Dog Is Missing

    My little dog Siri went missing this afternoon while out on a walk with some other dogs.

    We've spent all afternoon looking for her we even took one of our other dogs back up to the place when she went missing to see if she could sniff her out but it didn't work

    Any suggestions for things I could do to help find her would be appreciated.

    She's been gone for ten and a half hours now

  • #2
    Hi Belinda. I am so sorry; I worry about my own dog. But I know what to do- immediately get photo signs up. Forget being wordy, put up a photo. WRITE BIG so it can be read while driving or jogging by. If the weather is rainly put and upside down clear plastic report-cover over your sign to protect it & tape the bottom shut. Use brightly color pen. You can say REWARD; most people will refuse to take it but it makes teenagers & a few others pay attention whereas they might not otherwise.

    Put up signs in the parking lot of the park or close to where she disappeared as well as at nearest gas station, shops etc. Use telephone poles. Talk to passers-by. Knock on doors nearby.Don't be shy. Ask people to help and to keep their eyes peeled. Have extra flyers with phone numbers to hand out. Check the nearest bulletin boards at shops. Check the paper and the free classifieds, check online too. Post a Lost Dog ad in those pay-papers and free papers.

    What probably happened is that someone saw her running loose and picked her up so she wouldn't get hurt. I have done that myself.
    Does she have an I.D on her? A micro-chip? If she has a microchip that's your best bet; anyone can scan her and find you and your vet.

    Now here is the scary part. You have to call the pound, and you also have to listen to their list of animals that were hurt in traffic.They will describe the animal, when and where. It's upsetting but do it right away, you have to make your surgery preferences known if she has been injured.

    You have to go down to Animal Control, the pound, and the local Humane Society and probably go every day looking for your dog. They are usually packed and some places adopt unidentified pets out fairly quickly- it's up to you to find your dog first.

    The good news is that a small dog is them most likely to be picked up by a good Samaritan, and those people are probably out looking for you right now, so make it easy for them to find you.

    I have found numerous lost pets and returned them to their owners, and I got a lost cat back by using these methods.
    Good luck sweetie; I'll keep you and Siri in my thoughts.

    Best regards, Archaic & her critters
    Last edited by Archaic; 04-14-2010, 06:43 PM.


    • #3
      Thank You so much I've left a hand written note in the local paper shop and we're making posters to hand out.My biggest worry is that she's hurt and out in the cold it is 2.00 am now. She's so little.She'll be so frightened.

      Got your PM too. She is microchipped. She seems to have vanished I've spent the afternoon in peoples back gardens with and without their permission I've left my details with people there are so many places a little dog can get trapped such as drains etc. I won't stop till I find her somehow
      Last edited by belinda; 04-14-2010, 07:06 PM.


      • #4
        I am SO glad she is micro-chipped! Collars can be lost or removed, microchips are permanent and any veterinarian, pound or shelter will immediately scan her. Having both is ideal as private persons don't have scanners but of the two the chip is the most important.

        Call your local vets & the pound right away to report her missing. Sometimes your vet will be contacted to help locate you so call your own vet.

        Hang in there! Don't worry about bothering people; people love their own pets and strangers will bend over backwards to help you, believe me.

        What kind of dog is she, what size? She is probably in someone's kitchen right now living it up while you fall apart, but boy will she be glad to see you!

        Good luck, Archaic

        PS: Even if it isn't rainy it's best to cover the LOST adverts in the plastic covers to keep the morning dew from spoiling them- protects from wind too. Make sure to put them in the covers upside down to keep the wet out. After I found my kitty I had to go back and take down a million, I put up a little FOUND CAT- THANK YOU note as people had been so concerned & helpful.


        • #5
          She's still missing? I'm sorry, Belinda. I had hoped with daylight you might be able to locate her. At least with the microchip, you have a chance, if someone picks her up.
          "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



          • #6
            She's still missing.We've put up poster put leaflets in letterboxes andthere's an ad going to be in the paper tomorrow.


            • #7
              Hi Belinda,

              Sorry to hear that. Is she spayed? If not, maybe she will be more willing to be found after a couple of days.

              When I was a kid, I had a cat show up after being gone for 15 days. He acted like it was no big deal.

              Sincere hope.
              This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

              Stan Reid


              • #8
                Originally posted by Belinda
                Any suggestions for things I could do to help find her would be appreciated.
                Have you tried praying?

                Yours truly,

                Tom Wescott


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sdreid View Post
                  Hi Belinda,

                  Sorry to hear that. Is she spayed? If not, maybe she will be more willing to be found after a couple of days.

                  When I was a kid, I had a cat show up after being gone for 15 days. He acted like it was no big deal.

                  Sincere hope.
                  My sincere hope too, Belinda. Don't worry too much.

                  I had the same story as CD. One cat went missing for weeks - I was sure he was dead.
                  Then he showed up.

                  To be fair, there was no Chinese restaurant around.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tom_Wescott View Post
                    Have you tried praying?

                    Yours truly,

                    Tom Wescott
                    Thank You She is still missing and it will be 48 hours soon.I don't know if somebody has her or if the worst has happened

                    You know where you can stuff it Westcott

                    It's not very christian to torment a person all ready in distress
                    Last edited by belinda; 04-16-2010, 02:01 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by belinda View Post
                      It's not very christian to torment a person all ready in distress
                      Exactly, and you know why ?

                      Because Christianity ain't the baddest thing on earth.


                      • #12
                        Hang In There!

                        Hello Belinda, I Of All People Know What You Are Going Through. My Wee Dog Bobbie Went Missing For 24 Hours In Temperatures Colder Than You Have In Oz. Gizmo, Bobbie And I Are With You In Our Thoughts. If We Could, We Would Come And Help You Search. Keep The Faith That She /he Will Be Found Safe'n'sound. .


                        • #13
                          Gizmo I wish you could come and help. We keep on going back ringing all the shelters we're going to take our other dog back up there again to help look for her


                          • #14
                            Oh Belinda.....what you must be going through...I'll try and have a think for
                            you...wish I was in Oz to help you...big hug from London.xx


                            • #15
                              I also know what you're going through, Belinda. Try not to believe the worst, but keep looking for her.
                              "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.


