Top O' the Mornin' to ya!
True, St. Patrick's Day does not actually happen till next Wednesday but since this is the Saturday before, I imagine more people will be out celebrating it today than on a weekeday. So, what is eveeryone doing to celebrate this most intoxicating of holidays? As for me personally, I will be doing the Northeast Philly Erin Express, which takes patrons via bus to every Irish pub in the Northeast section of the city. Only crappy part is it is pouring rain out there. Oh well, a little water never hurt anyone, right?
True, St. Patrick's Day does not actually happen till next Wednesday but since this is the Saturday before, I imagine more people will be out celebrating it today than on a weekeday. So, what is eveeryone doing to celebrate this most intoxicating of holidays? As for me personally, I will be doing the Northeast Philly Erin Express, which takes patrons via bus to every Irish pub in the Northeast section of the city. Only crappy part is it is pouring rain out there. Oh well, a little water never hurt anyone, right?