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  • #31
    Hello Mycroft,

    Ahhh, so Sherlock's brother has entered the fray eh?.. Welcome indeed!
    Nearly eveyone on here are really nice people, all have their writing slants, all perhaps have their "moments", and the "experts" are particularly generous in helping others, I have found. I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments.

    best wishes

    Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

    Justice for the 96 = achieved
    Accountability? ....


    • #32
      Hi Mycroft

      If at this moment you're on Casebook, then welcome.

      But if you're in the Diogenes Club, then :


      • #33
        James Maybrick


        • #34
          Can remember reading the Stephen Knight book when i was about 17,unusual as im not that big a reader and even less so then.I could also see holes in his theory.

          From 1988-1994 i lived in Whitechapel as like many from up here id gone to London for work.I used to frequent the Ten Bells when Canadian Ernie had it,used take his rottweiler round the block at times for a free pint.Met Martin Fido in there and went on one of his walks.Bucks row was virtually unchanged when i was down there with the pub still being in existence,as was i recall (just about) was the Frying Pan.

          Actually found Casebook through just typing Jack The Ripper in me search engine.
          Last edited by ianincleveland; 04-02-2010, 02:26 PM. Reason: spelling mistakes


          • #35
            Hi all
            Just getting back to Casebook with superglued teeth (highly attractive!) what is happening here?
            'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


            • #36
              Originally posted by Robert View Post
              Hi Mycroft

              If at this moment you're on Casebook, then welcome.

              But if you're in the Diogenes Club, then :

              Good afternnon Mr Q (Sir)
              Maybe we should form the 'Crones' Club

              Hanney Mnr (xxxxxxx)
              'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


              • #37
                Hanney! Where is your work?

                You will have it on my desk tomorrow morning, Hanney (and so, if I'm lucky, will Matron).

                HSQ, MA


                • #38
                  Originally posted by TomTomKent View Post
                  Just remember that the haitch in haitch is a silent haitch.
                  Ooh God no, don't tell 'em that, TomTom. There's no such thing as the letter 'haitch'.

                  Just remember that it's 'aitch' so there's no call for a silent anything. It's like asking us to remember that the H in "Haustralia" is silent.

                  Originally posted by Steven Russell View Post
                  P.P.S. And can anything be done to stop people saying "haitch" when spelling out words?
                  Clearly not, until everyone learns that 'aitch' begins with 'a'.

                  Originally posted by Steven Russell View Post
                  I don't know if it makes me some kind of idiot or what, but haitching can make me physically flinch, a bit like Oliver Hardy when a brick falls on his head.
                  Welcome to the idiots club then, Steven. Two of us here at least.

                  Haitching is so common lately (and I do mean common) that I'm dreading the day when I find myself doing it. I'd have to drop the brick on my own head - although I'm sure there would be a long line of volunteers for the job.


                  "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                  • #39
                    Peggy Mount told a story of an altercation with a fellow female motorist (contradiction in terms?). Anyway, Mount wound down her window and said to the other driver, "Why don't you sound your 'orn?" A rather posh voice replied, "Why don't you sound your aitches?"


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Mycroft View Post
                      Maybe a newcomers welcome section would be an idea.

                      We had one going for a little while, but then it got buried down in Pub Talk and no one sees it, now.

                      Anywho, welcome Mycroft, if I haven't already welcomed you.

                      Welcome also TomtomK, and Sara. And anyone else I accidentally overlooked.
                      Last edited by Celesta; 04-20-2010, 03:48 AM.
                      "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Robert View Post
                        Peggy Mount told a story of an altercation with a fellow female motorist (contradiction in terms?). Anyway, Mount wound down her window and said to the other driver, "Why don't you sound your 'orn?" A rather posh voice replied, "Why don't you sound your aitches?"
                        Good one, Robert.

                        I don't know whether dear old Peggy Mount would ever have said "haitch", while dropping her aitches, but if she did I wouldn't have dared correct her.


                        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                        • #42
                          hi tomtom

                          Originally posted by TomTomKent View Post
                          Sorry if this thread is a bit of a dead horse flogged into a gooey mess by previous threads and chatroom conversation... But what drew you fine folks into an interest in JtR, and mysteries, criminals or the macabre in general? I mean I make no qualms about admitting that I am not a crimenologist, academic or even an armchair detective with a personal theory. I'm just a bloke who has an interest in the area. And yes, it can sometimes be a bit of a strange interest to explain:

                          Person i work with: So what are you reading?
                          Me: Oh it's called the Monster of Florence. It's about journalists who think they have solved a serial killer case.
                          Person I work with who is now backing away: Okay.... Bye.

                          Personally I got interested while I was still young enough to own a paper round that took me about an hour each morning. I had a tape walkman, and was not really into music (besides the average album cost an awful lot of my pay packet for awfully little content). Low and behold "MArtin Fido Investigates..." Double tapes were a third of the price and three times the length. Bargain. The first I bought was JtR, and it was interesting enough to get me to buy a few more. After that I bought more traditional paper books like Zodiac, or True Crime Something Something Something. Which has been a fairly regular habit since. Not my only habit of course. Give me a book with a maverick soldier who plays by his own rules, a drunken cop who believes in Justice over Law, or spaceships, ninjas, zombies or super-types in spandex and I will read it, but now and again I will hunt down a book about a real mystery.

                          And yes, before you ask, Mr Fido still appears on my ipod, as does the rippercast which piqued my curiosity about this very site.

                          What about you guys?
                          hi i just read ur thread and i find that i became interested in jtr very similarily 2 u. just needed to read something between classes so i picked up martin fido book. by the way ur my first thread im new to this. im also american please dont hold it against me. so who's your fav suspect? bet u can guess mine. also do u hav any advice for me as a new member

