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On The Trail Of The Forgers

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  • Caz,

    My guess is that it is a Korean-American baby as his English is better than any Korean national I have ever taught.



    • Originally posted by Steve Powell View Post
      Howdy all,
      just to say Hi and let you know that the trail is coming to and end
      and that the things I have uncovered on the diary
      will rip the bottom of the diary boat out of the water.
      Shirley Harrison has been asking my publisher for details
      but at this stage nothing can be revealed.
      I can only say to you and Shirley, that no-one is safe
      as I now know the whole truth and you will be shocked at the cover-ups
      that have taken place.
      The police are now involved here and there will be an investigation
      and charges will be coming, right across the board and ocean.
      For those here who know the real story and have done for a while:
      start running baby, for nothing will save you and your lies now.

      Steve Powell.
      Hi Steve!
      I'm looking forward to reading your book as soon as it is published. Please let us know when it is available. I'm new to the 'Maybrick Diary Mystery' and will read your book with an open mind.
      With best wishes,


      • An open mind.

        Howdy Carol,
        All it takes is an open mind and nothing else.
        Unlike the book of Shirley Harrison's that states on its cover
        that her book is the true story, I can assure you now,
        that is a complete fabrication designed by Paul H Feldman.
        Feldman though, is close to being a genius and I'm sure a lot of people
        close to the truth know that very well.
        The original penman and idea for the book came from my friend
        Steven Park, a Liverpool lad who came to Australia in the early sixties.
        Steven and myself traveled around Australia, hitch-hiking for a few years
        and during this time, he developed the idea for the diary,
        which eventually was taken up by Feldman, who 'produced' the whole thing.
        Steven's original idea was for the diary to be a clever hoax,
        but the hoax turned into a mammoth fraud when Feldman entered the fray.
        Other people then helped Feldman in this regard and these are the people
        that I name in the book as well as a lot of very interesting info
        that will cause uproar in the publishing circles.
        This site is monitored by those very people that have perpetrated
        the fraud and they try to shaft me when ever they can.
        its not hard to see who they are when you look for them here.
        On the other hand, there have been some wonderful people here
        that have listened with an open mind and realize that I am not here
        for anything but the truth.
        They are the ones that have given me the strength to stay here
        and persevere throughout with the insulting remarks from the liars and fraudsters.
        I have mentioned most of them in the book as well.
        The battle to write the whole thing has been immense and it covers
        a lot of ground, but you will find it most enlightening and it will put
        to rest once and for all the outrageous lies and misinformation
        that have gone hand in hand with the diary and the money involved in it.
        Keep well Carol and thanks for your good words.
        You can order the book if you like at:

        Steve Powell


        • Good morning Steve, I have a question to ask,
          But first I must congratulate on such a mammoth task,
          I hope you succeed, I would never wish a fail,
          But the question I have is regarding the sale,
          Will it be available in the UK because,
          It's a great distance to get it from Oz?
          Regards Mike


          • My god, are you mad? I suppose the Diary will now make money for those who don't believe it as well as those who do. It seems like this casebook has more written about why the diary is a fake than anything else! If it is a fake, why do you not just ignore it? Then prove your own candidate.


            • Miakaal,

              this is not about making money .. neither has the author of this
              new book any interest in proving his 'own candidate'.
              If you care to read back just a couple of posts, you will see it is
              being written because it is something the author cannot 'ignore' ..

              "The original penman and idea for the book came from my friend
              Steven Park, a Liverpool lad who came to Australia in the early
              "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
              of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


              • Where is Steven Park now? Was he consulted on Powell's book? What does he think of it all? Did Victoria (Hi Vicky!) know Park?


                • Hi Scott,
                  I believe all of what you ask will be revealed in the book,
                  as Steve is under contract to his publisher and can say
                  little at this stage. Yes I knew Steven Park many years ago,
                  through Steve Powell as he was Steve's best mate.
                  "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                  of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


                  • Hi Victoria,

                    Are you not a tiny bit worried about the fact that Steve Powell claimed to have been there when the watch was faked by his 'best mate', but only confessed this years after he should have come clean to the police with his own inside knowledge of this modern conspiracy to defraud the public?

                    I mean, Park may or may not still be around to face the renewed police questioning that Stevie Baby promises and seems quite excited about, and Feldy certainly isn't.

                    You'll be ok of course, as long as you plead total ignorance about what was going on. But I wondered if your Steve is into prison food or something, because that's what the Hitler Diaries fraudster ended up eating.

                    Or is selective and recurrent amnesia a recognised legal defence down under? I can't see how this book could reasonably fail to incriminate its own author, if it's based on the same claims he has made here over the years, but they are finally supported with some actual evidence.

                    Originally posted by Steve Powell View Post

                    Unlike the book of Shirley Harrison's that states on its cover
                    that her book is the true story, I can assure you now,
                    that is a complete fabrication designed by Paul H Feldman.
                    Feldman though, is close to being a genius and I'm sure a lot of people
                    close to the truth know that very well.
                    Feldy designed Shirley's book? Or just the cover? Does she know about this?

                    I must admit, if I were asked for my idea of a genius, Feldy's name would not immediately trip off the tongue. But then I'm no closer to the truth about who created the diary and watch than I was ten years ago, when I first read about them. I'd like to believe there are 'a lot of people' out there who are close to the truth. But if any of them think Feldy was close to being a genius it's going to be an uphill struggle for the poor souls to 'reveal all' and convince anyone they are serious.


                    Last edited by caz; 04-03-2009, 09:11 PM.
                    "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                    • Hi Caz,

                      well no, I never thought of these aspects of it all .. that you have
                      so kindly brought to my attention, otherwise I might have found
                      myself 'a tiny bit worried' or even more than a bit worried about it.

                      But thinking about it now logically, wouldn't you say that Steve could have
                      for his defence the fact that he didn't know that his mate was really going
                      to go ahead with it all .. I mean it was just all talk at the time and 'the deed'
                      had not actually gone ahead until much later. That it all hadn't come to fruition at
                      the time, and he could say that he tried to talk his mate out of it, which I
                      think he has already said.
                      In Australia, it is a thing that you never dob on a mate .. not that it is a
                      line of defence though.
                      And maybe not always in the best interest of 'ones mate'.
                      In regards to the amnesia bit you mention, remember Steve eventually lost
                      contact with his mate, before 'the deed was done' (defence alibi!). He obviously
                      moved on with his life and did other things and the past would have faded into
                      the background of his mind .. until the day of his JTR tour in London.

                      Maybe though 'Stevie baby' .. has thought about this aspect of it all, and
                      is more than willing to suffer prison food or whatever else is thrown at him,
                      including the negative comments from others, in his quest to uncover
                      the truth of what really went on back then.

                      with love,
                      ps. Thank you for the personal advice .. "to plead total ignorance",
                      as I really don't think I would enjoy that prison food.
                      But my honesty will not let me deny the things that I do remember,
                      such as the 'blackboard episode'.
                      "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                      of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


                      • Originally posted by Victoria View Post

                        In Australia, it is a thing that you never dob on a mate .. not that it is a
                        line of defence though.
                        Well no, it wouldn't have been a line of defence had Steve used it. But he evidently decided instead to modify the Aussie rule to:

                        You never dob on a mate unless your name is Steve Powell and your best mate is Steve Park and you desperately want to write a book dobbing on him.

                        Originally posted by Victoria View Post

                        .. until the day of his JTR tour in London.
                        Yeah, well that would have been the time to contact the police, I should have thought, with everything that was coming back to him about his best mate's cunning plans for a ripper confession using a diary and watch. The cops are unlikely to be amused by a long history of fannying about on an internet message board, years after the memory of their star witness had improved to the point of no return.

                        Originally posted by Victoria View Post

               his quest to uncover
                        the truth of what really went on back then.
                        Not for the first time you make it sound like Steve didn't know what really went on. I thought Steve's claim was that it was just taking him a painfully long time to piece together and make sense of faded memories of what he himself had heard and witnessed. What quest? What truths were there to uncover, if he was his own source of information?

                        It sounds more and more like we have a Mike Barrett wannabe here - from the years when he was trying to prove he had some inside knowledge of the diary's creation (though mercifully even Mike knew nobody would believe him if he extended it to the watch, or to Feldy masterminding the whole thing).

                        At one point, Mike would have dearly loved to write the booky-wook: 'How the Dairy was Dun - My Story', and I think it would have done quite well. Not a single verifiable word in it, of course, but one can't have everything. At least Mike would have gone down with something Steve knows nothing about: style.


                        Last edited by caz; 04-06-2009, 02:03 PM.
                        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                        • Enjoy!

                          " Detecting Forgery reveals the complete arsenal of forensic techniques used to detect forged handwriting and alterations in documents and to identify the authorship of disputed writings. Joe Nickell looks at famous cases such as Clifford Irving's ""autobiography"" of Howard Hughes and the Mormon papers of document dealer Mark Hoffman, as well as cases involving works of art. Detecting Forgery is a fascinating introduction to the growing field of forensic document examination and forgery detection.

                          pp. 45-48 are the most relevant...

                          Yes Caz, this is quite relevant, and not just "for fun" this time...

                          "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


                          • Does anyone who is not stoned out of their gourd on hallucinogens or alcohol think the handwriting samples on pages 46 and 47 look anything alike or similar in any way, shape or form...


                            "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


                            • You know Caz,

                              I really don't think (my opinion only, of course) that Steve started with
                              the intention of writing a book, and certainly not as you suggest ..
                              "your best mate is Steve Park and you desperately want to write a book dobbing on him".
                              I feel it is more that as he recalled the events, he wanted the truth as he
                              sees it to be told, so he told Shirley Harrison and here,
                              to the ripperologists on casebook.
                              In the end it would seem only logical to write the story yourself ..
                              especially if you are that way inclined,
                              meaning that he can write, and write well .. and all types of things.
                              So on that note, I don't see how Mike Barrett could have done it
                              with any 'style' as you suggest, I see the opposite.
                              The 'quest' as I see it is to piece together the final parts of the jigsaw, relating
                              to whoever else may have been involved in the hoax, and thereby proving
                              or disproving things that were told to him by 'his mate'.

                              "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                              of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


                              • Originally posted by cappuccina View Post

                                pp. 45-48 are the most relevant...

                                Yes Caz, this is quite relevant, and not just "for fun" this time...
                                Yes Capps, and this ancient history is 'quite relevant' to Steve's best mate's alleged involvement in a modern hoax conspiracy - how?

                                I struggle sometimes - I mean I really struggle.

                                I notice you don't seem to have the slightest curiosity about whether Steve Park's handwriting looks in any way, shape or form like that in the diary. Mike Barrett's certainly doesn't. Anne Graham's ditto. What there is of Maybrick's ditto. I for one have always acknowleged that.

                                And if Feldy's did he'd have been carted off to the funny farm back in 1992/3.


                                Last edited by caz; 04-07-2009, 12:50 PM.
                                "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov

