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On The Trail Of The Forgers

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  • How brilliant would it be to see Borat here, taking the raging p out of this hoax-busting cowboy outfit - God bless it.

    Just popped in for a quick soda and lime - I'll leave the hard stuff to the real cowboys: Steve Jekyll and Hyde Park.


    "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


    • Plang,

      "I'll rip the D string off your axe" . .
      I think what was mean't by this is rip the
      D string off your guitar . . I am presuming you
      didn't get it, with the ?
      Maybe you 'twanged a wrong chord' with your
      alternate answer.
      "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
      of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


      • Victoria, Victoria, I got it right away. You don't get it. Yet.
        Please jump up on my level.


        • For further 'insight' please click on Mike Covell's link in Pubtalk under 'Monty takes a trip to Weymouth' thread. Post #5.


          • Originally posted by plang View Post
            Victoria, Victoria, I got it right away. You don't get it. Yet.
            Please jump up on my level.
            or maybe it's a jump down, Plang .. depending on your point of view.
            Ok, I admit I can be a bit slow at getting some 'jokes?' but you did have a question mark . . .
            Maybe you were complimenting yourself, on your 'good play on words'
            with the alternate meaning.
            I do not find Borat amusing at all .. prefer Caroline's corny jokes.
            "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
            of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


            • Plang plays Wang.

              A new level.
              Attached Files


              • Victoria,

                ...but Borat is hilarious! Sasha Baron Cohen is the most ballsy comedian I have ever seen. His 'Bruno' is incredible.



                • Victoria,Victoria, I was complimenting Steve on his play on words, and threw in my own. Never seen Borat, except on that post.
                  axe: akin to Goth aquizi

                  Steve, let's play plang pong wang chung.


                  • Originally posted by JSchmidt View Post
                    Money is not the only possible motive. Sometimes it is horribly hard to extricate yourself from a situation, especially if were convinced of your position and told that with vigour.
                    I'd give people the benefit of the doubt, "it's all about money" says more of your preconceptions and not necessarily something about the person you are talking about.
                    Mr. Omlor, would you even allow Keith Skinner to state that he was wrong without you gloating over it?
                    The big problem I see with this whole discussion is the fact that it works like it were a contest, not a reasonable discourse that allows participants to say "sorry, been wrong".

                    In this case, money is the only motive.

                    Perhaps you have not been here when the receipts have been shown in public and seen exactly how much money Keith Skinner and Caroline Morris have done monetarily over the years. The diary is nothing but " the duck of the golden eggs for these people, a cow flow if you like.

                    JSchmidt perhaps you should have hang around in the Maybrick threads for all these years when distinguished people on this field have shown the receips to show the amounts of money which have been done with this fraud

                    The latest venture with the fraud, was an event in Liverpool, they made thousands from the venture, I cannot recall at the minute how much it was and frankly I do not care to waste my time in scrolling back to last year´s posts to show you exactly how much they did from the fraud at that event.

                    An event where the organizer a man by the name of Chris Jones even mentioned that the money was going to charity, but low and behold... when I checked with the Marina Dalglish charity.... they had not even heard of this event. In Britain it is a criminal offence to try to extract money from the public on false pretences. The charity were very alarmed that their name was being used for an event they had not even consented to and the owner of the charity herself asked me to show her in which website it was being published when I did that and she had seen it with her own eyes, she asked me for Chris Jones phone number. I gave her Chris´s phone number which I got from the owner of Battlecrease, who in turn has another charity Kinds on wheels ( a proper charity ) and I gave Marina Dalglish Chris Jones mobile phone number. She called him and told him on no uncertain way she did not want her respectable charity to be involved with this shoddy farce.

                    Then the next day, what we all saw was that Chris Jones, sheepishly retracted what he said that is: That the Marina Dalglish charity would not be participating. The Marina Dalglish charity for your information is owned by a very respected family in Liverpool, she is the wife of a foot-ball player so having this charity on board would have meant that a lot more people would have bought the tickets on the mistaken belief that they were doing it for a good cause... when in fact that was not the case, the true reality was that they would have only help line the pockets of a few unescrupulous individuals.

                    Last edited by Maria; 05-30-2008, 11:21 AM.


                    • JSchmidt:

                      Something VERY IMPORTANT too... The procedure when you wish to be associated with a charity organization is to contact the charity FIRST to get their approval, THE SECOND STEP is to get their approval BEFORE you publish the fact that your event plans to raise funds for the charity.

                      In the case of the Marina Dalglish none of that happened.

                      The first charity ' Kids on Wheels ' which is owned by the owner of Battlecrease, they WERE informed and they had consented to participate in the shoddy event. They also informed me that they were going to have tours around the house Battlecrease, where Maybrick lived as an extra to the main event.

                      Last edited by Maria; 05-30-2008, 11:34 AM.


                      • Thank you for answering Maria, hope your visits abroad went fine?
                        I can't really comment on your charges against Keith Skinner and Caroline Morris. I have been doing a rough and tumble web search regarding the Marina Daglish event and sadly found no list of organizers and participating experts.
                        Furthermore, if it really was a fake charity event, people who were involved in it may not have been involved in the scam. They may have participated on the notion that they were doing charitable work.
                        A similar thing happened with a charity condert in my home town where the manager went running with the evening's proceeds.
                        Did you contact Marina Daglish before or after the event? Just asking because I'm not sure about the sequence of events. Did the participants know it was not a charity event?
                        As for the Kids on Wheels event: I see no particular fault in the event as it basically showed both sides of the Maybrick discussion with people arguing for and against him being the Ripper. While I don't belief in Maybrick being the Ripper, people might just be interested in the controversy, regardless of the factual basis and to target that particular audience is no crime at all.
                        I hope I didn't write to much gibberish, I'm on medication because I managed to give myself a haematoma the size of Alaska yesterday. You shouldn't lug around heavy hifi equipment if you are already tired and have to use public transports.
                        "The human eye is a wonderful device. With a little effort, it can fail to see even the most glaring injustice." - Quellcrist Falconer
                        "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem" - Johannes Clauberg


                        • Maria,

                          You are a liar (and a pretty hopeless one at that) and you should stop judging others by your own appalling standards - which currently lurk at the bottom of your lavatory bowl.

                          "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                          • And so, once again, these cheap hoaxes are getting just the sort of discussion they deserve.

                            Of course, it's never a surprise to see the rhetoric sink to these sorts of depths around here.

                            However, I do notice, on the calendar, that more than a full year has now passed since the fiasco in Liverpool and the one bit of new bluster that, according to the "trial's" organizer, made the deepest impression on so many of the voters all that time ago still hasn't been supported with any real evidence whatsoever.

                            Of course, that's not a surprise either, is it?

                            Nothing changes in Diary World as the years pass.

                            And yet another July is fast approaching,



                            • Plang,

                              you are right, I finally get it .. now that I have moved up
                              to level 2 of the game, I can even see, that you were complimenting
                              Steve on his play on words.
                              To be honest I think my first reply was a reaction, prompted by a perceived
                              'slight' .. in my eyes, regarding you calling the publican "all washed up" ..
                              I probably got that wrong too.


                              You may be right too .. Borat may be hilarious, even Caz with the corny
                              jokes thinks so. To be honest I have never watched it, and have no
                              desire to .. so I shall never know.


                              Welcome back, hope the business trip went well, and you managed
                              some time for relaxing.
                              "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                              of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


                              • The Blessed Ones

                                Caroline said to Maria:
                                "You are a liar (and a pretty hopeless one at that) and you should stop judging others by your own appalling standards - which currently lurk at the bottom of your lavatory bowl."
                                Ah dear, this unwanted screaming from you Carolne has to stop.
                                I shall be forced to bar you for a while if you continue in this way.
                                Maria's post's were 'passionate' but it doesn't give you the right
                                to call her a liar.
                                May I suggest that you two, sit down together and have a pint on me.
                                Go on, give Maria a cuddle and say you're sorry.
                                I know you want to confess all of your wrongdoings,
                                so why not start now, today, and be friends with us all here.
                                And why not ask Keith to come along and join the circle,
                                holding hands and singing praise to the God of truth.
                                If only Padre Feldman were present to lead us in prayer it would be perfect.
                                "Blessed are the believers, for they shall inherit the rights."

