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Sovereign Citizens: A New Level Of Stupidity

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  • Sovereign Citizens: A New Level Of Stupidity

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    I just found out about this growing movement. Apparently they don't feel that any government laws pertain to them or that law enforcement officials have any power over them. Confrontations with the police usually end with them being dragged out of their cars and tasered.

    They make flat earthers seem smart by comparison.


  • #2
    They have them in Canada too, where they call themselves "Free Men on the Soil" or something similar to that. There's also an equivalent in Germany who argue that the Weimar Republic was never properly disestablished, so they don't recognize the German Basic Law and in some instances claim that they are officials of the Weimar Republic and have immunity under the Weimar constitution.

    Famous American actor Wesley Snipes went to jail because he was convinced by Sovereign Citizens that he did not need to pay taxes.


    • #3
      That's been going on for a long time, at least since the 80s.
      - Ginger


      • #4
        Wall St., Bankers during the economic collapse...

        Apparently they don't feel that any government laws pertain to them or that law enforcement officials have any power over them. Confrontations with the police usually end with the officer having to run a gauntlet of lawyers to even so much as give them parking tickets.
        Bona fide canonical and then some.


        • #5
          Something wrong with their potty training maybe?


          • #6
            The argument can be made (and has been, by those far more impassioned and eloquent than myself), that as the 36th Congress adjourned in 1861 without appointing a date to re-convene (as required by the Constitution), all subsequent acts of Congress have taken place outside of the Constitution, by an improperly convened body arrogating to itself the name of "Congress", and are null and void. In the end, however, might makes right, and we all well understand that a legal argument, however firmly founded in written doctrine, begs bootless when the government of men finds the government of law to be inconvenient.
            - Ginger


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ginger View Post
              The argument can be made (and has been, by those far more impassioned and eloquent than myself), that as the 36th Congress adjourned in 1861 without appointing a date to re-convene (as required by the Constitution), all subsequent acts of Congress have taken place outside of the Constitution, by an improperly convened body arrogating to itself the name of "Congress", and are null and void. In the end, however, might makes right, and we all well understand that a legal argument, however firmly founded in written doctrine, begs bootless when the government of men finds the government of law to be inconvenient.
              That's just a technicality. Government should avoid meaningless bureaucracy as much as possible, and to assume that subsequent acts of Congress were unconstitutional would be wrong in every sense of the word. The word of the law is there to represent the spirit of the law, meaning the spirit of the law is more important. Focusing on the 36th Congress's failure to affix a date to reconvene is like someone insisting, "you can't sit there, you didn't say dibs!". It's not important.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Karl View Post
                That's just a technicality. Government should avoid meaningless bureaucracy as much as possible, and to assume that subsequent acts of Congress were unconstitutional would be wrong in every sense of the word. The word of the law is there to represent the spirit of the law, meaning the spirit of the law is more important. Focusing on the 36th Congress's failure to affix a date to reconvene is like someone insisting, "you can't sit there, you didn't say dibs!". It's not important.
                As I pointed out, might makes right. The Constitution is no impediment when the people who control the army, the police, etc., find it inconvenient.
                - Ginger


                • #9
                  I love watching the youtube videos where the cops smash out their windows and drag them out of the car before tazing them.

                  Some of them here claim to be Republic of Kanata, which is just a scam.
                  “Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”


                  • #10
                    It's ironic how they themselves feel that they do not have to obey the law but want all their rights and privileges under the constitution.


                    P.S. And seeing them dragged from their cars and tased is immensely satisfying.


                    • #11
                      I also really like the line "I wasn't driving my car, I was traveling."



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                        I also really like the line "I wasn't driving my car, I was traveling."

                        Best quote ever: "Stop tazing my testicles. That, sir, is an improper use of that device, aaaaaaaargh!
                        “Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”


                        • #13
                          Last words of Bonnie and Clyde -- "We do not consent to this."

                          A good one from a judge. One of these idiots was in court. The judge asked him if he was so and so to which he replied he is the entity, agent, settler (I don't know what that means) and individual going by that name. Again the judge asked him his name and got the same mumbo jumbo. The judge was real cool and polite and asked if he could address him as individual so and so to which the guy consented. The hearing ended with the judge saying well individual so and so you are going to jail and if you run into entity, agent or settler tell them they are going to jail as well.



                          • #14
                            I'm stack watching SJW fail videos, the crazies of this world make great telly.


                            • #15
                              So are these guys basically anarchists? Or do they believe that anarchy is not neccessarily the result of the absence of authority? If this is not the case, then "Sovereign citizen" is just a rebrand of anarchy in order to snare new idiots....

