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"American Idiot" song on chart for Trump's visit

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Graham View Post
    But who voted him in? Americans, wasn't it? There are those who say you've got what you deserve.....

    I think they are all starting to realise they got what they needed.


    • #17
      Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
      I think they are all starting to realise they got what they needed.
      We will probably never agree on this probably because our assessment of what america needed is vastly different from each other.


      • #18
        Sometimes you need to crack a nut, but that doesn't mean that you employ a sledgehammer to do so.
        Kind regards, Sam Flynn

        "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


        • #19
          I just read this about what Trump will be given to eat later:

          'They will be eating a three course meal of Scottish salmon, Hereford beef and strawberries with clotted cream.

          Trump, whose mother was Scottish, will then be piped out at the end by the Royal Regiment of Scotland.'

          They seem to be anticipating that Trump will dive into that cream and have to be piped out.

          I hope the man stays well away from the Waterloo/Southwark area. I'm going up there for a couple of days to meet up with my daughter and I wouldn't trust myself if he tried to grope her.


          "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


          • #20
            Originally posted by caz View Post
            I just read this about what Trump will be given to eat later:

            'They will be eating a three course meal of Scottish salmon, Hereford beef and strawberries with clotted cream.

            Trump, whose mother was Scottish, will then be piped out at the end by the Royal Regiment of Scotland.'

            They seem to be anticipating that Trump will dive into that cream and have to be piped out.

            I hope the man stays well away from the Waterloo/Southwark area. I'm going up there for a couple of days to meet up with my daughter and I wouldn't trust myself if he tried to grope her.


            what the hell is clotted cream?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
              what the hell is clotted cream?
              A delicacy far too good for the American palate.

              We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


              • #22
                Originally posted by Graham View Post
                A delicacy far too good for the American palate.

                like Hagis or sheep balls?


                • #23
                  No, much more subtle.

                  Sheep balls? What nonsense have you been reading now? And by the way, it's Haggis with two g's, and although I am no great fan of the Celts it's very, very good when properly prepared.

                  I'd have thought something from Arby's would've suited Mr President far better.

                  Graham the Chef
                  We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Graham View Post
                    No, much more subtle.

                    Sheep balls? What nonsense have you been reading now? And by the way, it's Haggis with two g's, and although I am no great fan of the Celts it's very, very good when properly prepared.

                    I'd have thought something from Arby's would've suited Mr President far better.

                    Graham the Chef

                    But back to my original question, I was genuinely asking-what is clotted cream?

                    Im picturing something like cottage cheese?


                    • #25
                      Clotted cream is an extremely thick cream "made by indirectly heating full-cream cow's milk using steam or a water bath and then leaving it in shallow pans to cool slowly. During this time, the cream content rises to the surface and forms "clots" or "clouts" (Wikipedia)

                      It doesn't taste in the least bit cheesy, and is delicious.
                      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                        I think they are all starting to realise they got what they needed.
                        No, not hardly. Last week Trump's head of the Environmental Protection Agency was forced to resign amid some twenty scandals. The guy was as bent as the back leg of a dog.

                        The dotard actually wanted to bring back leaded gasoline, asbestos in buildings, DDT, etc. Because, as everyone knows, it is so manly and American to have lung cancer and addle-minded children.

                        Trump actually went on record claiming that the health risks of asbestos were nothing more than a "mob conspiracy." Sounds like the opinion of a guy who owned asbestos-filled buildings in New York and didn't want to have to clean them up.

                        The danger of a President's ignorance isn't just the big ticket items, but all the little policies that are being whittled away beneath the radar. But Trump is well aware that his supporters are short on facts and nuance. Rave about immigration while slowly seeping away Medicare benefits, funding for social programs, necessary regulations, etc. It's a scam, Dave, and even some of his supporters are starting to wake up. And no, I was no fan of Hillary.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                          Clotted cream is an extremely thick cream "made by indirectly heating full-cream cow's milk using steam or a water bath and then leaving it in shallow pans to cool slowly. During this time, the cream content rises to the surface and forms "clots" or "clouts" (Wikipedia)

                          It doesn't taste in the least bit cheesy, and is delicious.
                          Thanks Sam

                          Do you know what we in the states call cottage cheese?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by rjpalmer View Post
                            Trump actually went on record claiming that the health risks of asbestos were nothing more than a "mob conspiracy." Sounds like the opinion of a guy who owned asbestos-filled buildings in New York and didn't want to have to clean them up.
                            Well, rj, it's either pure ignorance or sheer wickedness - or perhaps both.

                            My late father-in-law died a horrible death from asbestosis in 1989, after having worked in a foundry during WW2 casting ships' propellers. Because it was a reserved occupation he couldn't be called up and got the white feather treatment as a result. My poor mother-in-law never had a good night's sleep since his death.


                            Last edited by caz; 07-12-2018, 08:27 AM.
                            "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                            • #29
                              Trump is correct about Asbestos, it has saved more lives than it has taken and is still used extensively with the proper protection equipment.


                              • #30
                                Hi Caz. It's a grim story, but I'm glad you shared it. And I like your word 'wicked' better than my word 'ignorant.'

                                Regulations have reasons behind them, of course, but here we have a man who stands at the podium, waggles his head, and boasts that he has removed more regulations than anyone in history. He doesn't say which regulations, just regulations.

                                We could if we wanted deregulate putting lead paint in nursery schools, deregulate rape, deregulate tossing used motor oil down the storm drain. How is removing regulations good in itself?

                                We have regulations because a certain percentage of the population is sociopathic and will prey on society unless they are physically stopped.

                                But like I said early, Trump's true believers are short on nuance.

                                "Up to 15,000 Americans die each year from mesothelioma." Pruitt wanted to deregulate various safety checks for asbestos, broaden its use, and cut funding that checks for levels of exposure in existing buildings. Trump deliberately put Pruitt in charge of the EPA because he knew damn well that he doesn't care about public safety, but would only look out for the business interests of Trump and his cronies. Fortunately, Pruitt was so corrupt that he got run out of office. Unfortunately, his replacement is just as bad and far more competent. But Trump, that great scientist, knows what is best for the public.

