Originally posted by rjpalmer
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The Gay person had been a customer of the christian bakery for some time I believe so they were never refused service because they were gay.
Her father, Mike Huckabee, even called it 'discrimination.' Really? According to the owner, Sarah was refused service for being a liar that lacked compassion. Are self-indulgent liars now a protected class under Trump?
Let's keep it real. Had Sanders been a ' bleeding heart Liberal,' we all know that Trump would have tweeted something along the lines of "well, the pig looks like she could have stood to skip a meal or two anyway!' and his followers would have LOVED him for it.
Every day in every way Sarah's boss sows discord: taunts, insults, vulgarity, transparently false statements.
So pretending to be shocked that our society is increasingly divided is ridiculous. Trump loves division and conflict and confrontation. It's his entire shtick. It's what got him elected.
These sad events won't end until the U.S. elects someone who demands civility and practices it.