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World Reacts to Trump's "****hole Countries" Remark

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  • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
    He is to statesmanship what Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown is to Philosophy.
    or Eric Cantona, lol...


    • The Chubby Brown analogy is more fitting, I think
      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


      • maybe. I don't know much about Chubby Brown but Cantona said something so outrageous and nonsensical that the ManU crowd thought he was some kind of genius.


        • Originally posted by Svensson View Post
          maybe. I don't know much about Chubby Brown but Cantona said something so outrageous and nonsensical that the ManU crowd thought he was some kind of genius.
          "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea."
          Kind regards, Sam Flynn

          "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


          • Maybe for the benefit of those who didn't follow English football in the nineties: Eric Cantona was THE superstar of the all-conquering Manchester United team in the nineties. He was a french import who did not speak a word of English when he arrived (initially at Leeds United, then to Manchester United), so he never gave interviews.

            In 1994, he then attacked a spectator at Crystal Palace after being sent off for a foul (he later said that "the man insulted my nationality, my sexual integrity and the sexual integrity of my mother" ). It was by far the biggest scandal of English football in the nineties BY FAR and earned him an unprecedented 10 month ban.

            Shortly after (I don't remember when exactly) it was announced that he would give his fist ever interview in English and the was a highly anticipated event. Sports reporters from all around the world crammed into the interview room to hear "Le Roi" speak for the first time and this is the entire interview:

            Watch Eric Cantona's famous press conference from 1995 after he received an eight-month ban from the Football Association for his kung fu-style attack on a C...

            It was glorious!
            Last edited by Svensson; 05-11-2018, 12:54 AM.


            • Funny you should mention Cantona today...

              Manchester United legend Eric Cantona will return to Old Trafford in a charity match for Unicef in June.
              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


              • Still one of the funniest things I've seen in football...the eejit in the crowd deserved his kicking.

                Cantona in one word?



                • Trump is now working hard to protect chinese Jobs. In his latest tweet, he is showing his concern that too many jobs have been lost in China over the ZTE situation. This is an obvious flip-flop compared to his campaign rethoric that China was raping the US and that the previous administration had allowed it.

                  Why does he do this? My giuess is that he needs China's help with NK and he is willing to abandon his "America First" motto on this issue if the end result has the potential to make him look good. So for him to look good is more important that Jobs in Middle America. Anyone got a better explanation than the one I have just come up with..?


                  • How on earth is that *not* putting America first??!? ZTE aren't stealing American jobs - in fact, they make those phones largely from American parts. (FWIW, I have two of them, and they're nice phones.) Keeping ZTE in business, quite apart from the humanitarian motive of preventing ZTE's factory workers (who were completely blameless in the incident) from losing their jobs, protects American workers as well.

                    They were sanctioned for selling phones to Iran and North Korea. Trump is in the process of dealing with both countries by other means, but of course China's help with NK would be incredibly valuable, to the point where it would be worthwhile to make a few sacrifices to secure their help. Trump, amazingly, has found a way of getting them in our debt while giving up absolutely nothing. While I'm quite sure that Obama, or even W, wouldn't have had the courage and common sense to help America by helping China, Trump does. The man consistently delights and astonishes me.
                    - Ginger


                    • And BTW, I am incredibly proud of my President today. Since at least the 90s, and (I strongly suspect) back to the 80s or 70s, it has been a consistent campaign lie for POTUS candidates of both parties to promise that they'll recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, if we'll just elect them to office. And Trump actually kept his promise. I don't have the words to fully express how this makes me feel.
                      Last edited by Ginger; 05-14-2018, 11:02 AM. Reason: Spelling
                      - Ginger


                      • The Parable of the hungry man.

                        Obama would give you a fish, tell you not to mention it, and enjoy the fish.

                        Trump would give you a fishing rod, tell you the hell to go catch some fish, insult your wife and call your country a S*******.


                        • Originally posted by Ginger View Post
                          How on earth is that *not* putting America first??!? ZTE aren't stealing American jobs - in fact, they make those phones largely from American parts. (FWIW, I have two of them, and they're nice phones.) Keeping ZTE in business, quite apart from the humanitarian motive of preventing ZTE's factory workers (who were completely blameless in the incident) from losing their jobs, protects American workers as well.
                          that's why: "President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost."

                          Apart from that, you are actually right in saying that in an interconnected world, jobs over there depend on jobs over here and vice versa. However, this is not what Trump run on and you know it.

                          I guess we can then all be relieved that there will be no 30% tariff on BMWs or Mercs as there are over 100k American Jobs dependent on the German car industry (
                          Last edited by Svensson; 05-15-2018, 04:44 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Ginger View Post
                            And BTW, I am incredibly proud of my President today. Since at least the 90s, and (I strongly suspect) back to the 80s or 70s, it has been a consistent campaign lie for POTUS candidates of both parties to promise that they'll recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, if we'll just elect them to office. And Trump actually kept his promise. I don't have the words to fully express how this makes me feel.
                            Well, you know why they did that, no? American Politics is all about securing voting blocks. All candidates need to be pro-military, pro-Israel, pro-guns, etc just to be able get money from the pacs and be able to run. Your system is broken and needs fixing. On the point itself, the candidates should not have promised it fullstop. It was the right decision by all of them to keep the issue on the table in lieu of a lasting peace deal in the middle east. By taking the issue off the table and throwing her entire weight behind Saudi Arabia (who btw, don't even allow elections), the US vacated the position of independent arbiter in the middle-east. Let's see who fills the vacuum....


                            • "A mere 72 hours after the Chinese government agreed to put a half-billion dollars into an Indonesian project that will personally enrich Donald Trump, the president ordered a bailout for a Chinese-government-owned cellphone maker."

                              I think they call it "pay to play." The swamp is deeper and dirtier than ever and it isn't even very well hidden.


                              • Originally posted by rjpalmer View Post
                                "A mere 72 hours after the Chinese government agreed to put a half-billion dollars into an Indonesian project that will personally enrich Donald Trump, the president ordered a bailout for a Chinese-government-owned cellphone maker."

                                I think they call it "pay to play." The swamp is deeper and dirtier than ever and it isn't even very well hidden.
                                Very cynical of you RJ

                                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

