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World Reacts to Trump's "****hole Countries" Remark

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  • still means that every new such declaration should be taken seriously. But I'm also saying that you shouldn't eat your cake before you actually have it.


    • US President Donald Trump has welcomed home three American detainees released by North Korea.

      The trio, who had earlier thanked Mr Trump for securing their freedom, arrived at the Andrews Air Force Base near Washington.

      President Trump welcomes home the three US detainees, released ahead of his summit with Kim Jong-un.

      After 8 years of a mediocre head of state it must be great to have a proper leader like Trump.

      Anyway I'm off to the shops, I have a sudden craving for Madeira cake.


      • Meanwhile, in other news:

        Israel retaliates after Iran 'fires 20 rockets' at army in occupied Golan Heights

        Kind regards, Sam Flynn

        "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


        • I'm sure a tweet from POTUS reminding the Iranians that his rockets are bigger than theirs will be forthcoming.


          • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
            US President Donald Trump has welcomed home three American detainees released by North Korea.

            The trio, who had earlier thanked Mr Trump for securing their freedom, arrived at the Andrews Air Force Base near Washington.

            President Trump welcomes home the three US detainees, released ahead of his summit with Kim Jong-un.

            After 8 years of a mediocre head of state it must be great to have a proper leader like Trump.

            Anyway I'm off to the shops, I have a sudden craving for Madeira cake.
            You should stop taking Donald Trump's word for granted as he is a proven serial liar (WaPo have a database of over 3000 lies in 460 days if you are interested) and his latest claim about his "achievement" in this area got a "mostly false" rating from Snopes (

            Let's not forget Otto Warmbier who basically came back dead. Not so much of an achievement for Trump. So out of the 4 prisoners released since Trump took office, 2 were arrested under his own watch, one did not survive and it was only one (out of four) who Obama failed to get back and trump did.

            Furthermore, Trump is of course not unique in being able to release prisoners from North Korea. Kenneth Bae along with Matthew Todd Miller were released by Norht Korea in 2014 and then there were journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee in 2009. Thiss also happened under the Obama administration and Bill Clinton facilitated this by visiting NK.

            Enjoy your Madeira Cake. You are less likely to be a victim of false propaganda from the cake than you are from the Liar in Chief that is D. Trump.



            • If disaster had happened and crooked Hillary was POTUS (shudder) and somehow this happened on her watch you'd be falling over yourself to get her the nobel peace doubt cackling away how it would have been WWIII if Trump was elected.


              • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                If disaster had happened and crooked Hillary was POTUS (shudder) and somehow this happened on her watch you'd be falling over yourself to get her the nobel peace doubt cackling away how it would have been WWIII if Trump was elected.

                erm, no. Prisoners get released quite often actually from Asia, Middle East and Central America. While great for the persons and their families involved, these are not exactly world-shattering political events.

                And while you don't agree with someone suggesting the Nobel Peace Prize for having some prisoners released, please note that is it of course Donald Trump who keeps talking about himself getting the Nobel Peace Prize just yesterday:

                Trump: 'Everyone thinks' I deserve Nobel Peace Prize

                No Donald, not everyone

                Ok, should we now talk about Trump's brazen lies on the Iran Nuclear deal?


                • Originally posted by Svensson View Post

                  And while you don;t agree with someone suggesting the Nobel Peace Prize for having some prisoners released, please not that is it of course Donald Trump who keeps talking about himself getting the Nobel Peace Prize just yesterday:

                  Trump: 'Everyone thinks' I deserve Nobel Peace Prize

                  No Donald, not everyone
                  So what did Obama do in his 9 months in office that merrited the Nobel peace prize?

                  I know it must be difficult, one Trump victory after another and his opponents not landing a blow...he'll have a reverse surely soon, no winning run lasts forever....and then it will be your turn for cake.

                  No Madeira cake at the CooP, but the fudge doughnut is going down very nicely.


                  • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                    So what did Obama do in his 9 months in office that merrited the Nobel peace prize?
                    I dunno either....

                    Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                    I know it must be difficult, one Trump victory after another and his opponents not landing a blow
                    Depends on what you consider a victory. there have been some victories for his ego in repealing anything that had "Obama" written on it and some victories that allowed him and his billionaire friends to stuff their pockets even further. However, I have seen no victories for the American people as a whole or American standing in the world order. Merkel was right when she said that the US under Trump can not be considered a reliable partner.

                    Trump's entire approach to politics has been to smash everything up (Paris Agreement, Obamacare, Daca, Trade Wars, Iran Deal), play golf, pay off porn-stars and hope that the adults in the room will fix the crisis that he has created. I just hope that the EU will actually stand their ground and take him on on his own game, which is sadly exactly what Putin wanted.

                    Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                    No Madeira cake at the CooP, but the fudge doughnut is going down very nicely.
                    I'm off to Coop in a minute to see if they got some Sultana Scones left.


                    • I think there should be some sultana scones there, but I don't want to be raisin your hopes.
                      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                      • . I know it must be difficult, one Trump victory after another and his opponents not landing a blow...he'll have a reverse surely soon, no winning run lasts forever....and then it will be your turn for cake.
                        The problem is that if and when his opponents do ‘land a blow’ innocent lives will be lost. And all because there is a certifiable lunatic in charge of The United States. A mentally imbalanced child/man who’s ego constantly runs amok. Someone who beieves that diplomacy and statesmanship are for other people. He should have been removed from office just for making those irresponsibly childish tweets. How can anyone take this man seriously after those? The whole world will rue the day that this joker got into office.

                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • Herlock...

                          Every post you have made is just the same regurgitated insults about I'm fine with insults, in fact it's why I appreciate Trump's approach to the job.

                          But consider this...

                          Have you not turned into the thing you hate the most? And even worse you are not even as good at it as Trump?

                          Just try to be a bit more original.


                          • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post

                            Every post you have made is just the same regurgitated insults about I'm fine with insults, in fact it's why I appreciate Trump's approach to the job.

                            But consider this...

                            Have you not turned into the thing you hate the most? And even worse you are not even as good at it as Trump?

                            Just try to be a bit more original.
                            When Trump stops being a moron ill stop mentioning it. Anyone who cant see this is blind and wilfully so. Trump sycophants can prostrate themselves as much as they want at the feet of this embarrassment i wont be joining them.

                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • Well I think you will be waiting a long time on him not being a Scotland we know Oor Donald better than most.

                              He is a bawbag...but as it turns out a pretty good POTUS.


                              • He is to statesmanship what Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown is to Philosophy.

                                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

