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World Reacts to Trump's "****hole Countries" Remark

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    Admin prohibited trump threads.
    and that is one of the problems. Sadly, it is becoming impossible to talk politics in the US. I was in Florida last October and steered clear of anything politics related when I went out for a beer.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
      Harry, had he merely observed (as his later tweet said he did) that Haiti was "poor and troubled," I wouldn't have had a problem with it. That is only the truth.

      But suggesting that Haitians should be removed from the list of immigrants with temporary protected status because the USA doesn't want them (as well as suggesting we get more Norwegians), throws a distinctly raçist cast on his words.

      Everyone who came to America voluntarily in our history did so because they sought better conditions than in their homelands, whether religious freedom, relief from famine, escape from political harassment and war, safety from natural disasters. Most immigrants faced a period of prejudice and disdain (even white ones, ask any Irish-American), yet most also managed to make contributions to our history.

      To say now that our place as the country where a "better life" can only be held out to white Europeans is a denial of our history and our ideals. And yes, I realize those ideals in reality were less than perfect in history, but we have striven to rise above them and to make amends for our mistakes, and we should not go backwards now.
      Beautifully put PD Dunn.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
        Harry, had he merely observed (as his later tweet said he did) that Haiti was "poor and troubled," I wouldn't have had a problem with it. That is only the truth.

        But suggesting that Haitians should be removed from the list of immigrants with temporary protected status because the USA doesn't want them (as well as suggesting we get more Norwegians), throws a distinctly raçist cast on his words.

        Everyone who came to America voluntarily in our history did so because they sought better conditions than in their homelands, whether religious freedom, relief from famine, escape from political harassment and war, safety from natural disasters. Most immigrants faced a period of prejudice and disdain (even white ones, ask any Irish-American), yet most also managed to make contributions to our history.

        To say now that our place as the country where a "better life" can only be held out to white Europeans is a denial of our history and our ideals. And yes, I realize those ideals in reality were less than perfect in history, but we have striven to rise above them and to make amends for our mistakes, and we should not go backwards now.
        It's only racist if you want to see it as racist. Trump has not barred Haitian's from entering the US. He is proposing a merit based system; a system in which Haitians as well as Norwegians would be welcome. Are you suggesting Haitians or others from these "poor and troubled" countries will not meet the requirements of a merit based system?

        Trump made his comments in a "private" meeting. Comments he and others have denied, but I suspect Trump did make a disparaging statement about these countries. Presidents are allowed to be disparaging statements if they so wish. Swearing and disrespect are often used for emphasis in a meeting or conversation.

        I will make a prediction; Trump will be asked in the near future whether or not these sh*thole countries will be welcome into the US. If he answers "yes" then he's not being racist, if he says "no" then he's a racist. How do you think Trump will answer the question that he will soon inevitably be asked?


        • #34
          Originally posted by jason_c View Post
          It's only racist if you want to see it as racist. Trump has not barred Haitian's from entering the US. He is proposing a merit based system; a system in which Haitians as well as Norwegians would be welcome. Are you suggesting Haitians or others from these "poor and troubled" countries will not meet the requirements of a merit based system?

          Trump made his comments in a "private" meeting. Comments he and others have denied, but I suspect Trump did make a disparaging statement about these countries. Presidents are allowed to be disparaging statements if they so wish. Swearing and disrespect are often used for emphasis in a meeting or conversation.

          I will make a prediction; Trump will be asked in the near future whether or not these sh*thole countries will be welcome into the US. If he answers "yes" then he's not being racist, if he says "no" then he's a racist. How do you think Trump will answer the question that he will soon inevitably be asked?
          If he acts like a racist and talks like a racist, the chances are that he's probably a ..................


          • #35
            Sunday sermons take on Trump's reported vulgarity:

            Interesting since a number of Evangelical Christians believe that God intervened to get Trump elected.



            • #36
              Originally posted by c.d. View Post
              Hello Herlock,

              Trump has routinely treated members of his own party like dirt and has no problem insulting them. Should he get impeached, I think there are those in his party who will not be eager to come to his defense.

              I have been told that before he got elected, in New York as a businessman and as a New Yorker, New Yorkers didn't think much of "The Donald." He thinks he is something, but. . .
              Christopher T. George
              Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
              just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
              For information about RipperCon, go to
              RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


              • #37
                Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
                If he acts like a racist and talks like a racist, the chances are that he's probably a ..................

                I agree. Trump's hiring history and known friendships suggest he isn't racist. Im reminded of the Hitler and alt-right accusations thrown at him. His daughter is Jewish for goodness sake. Still, it didn't stop the slur of Nazi thrown at him.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Limehouse View Post
                  Beautifully put PD Dunn.
                  Thanks, Limehouse. My dad's ancestors came from Ireland and Luxembourg, my mother's came from England, France, Germany. All of them were able to forge lives in a country with lots of land and opportunities. I'm proud of my heritage.
                  Pat D.
                  Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                  • #39
                    Are we supposed to like corrupt countries who try to dump their problems on us?
                    This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                    Stan Reid


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by jason_c View Post
                      I agree. Trump's hiring history and known friendships suggest he isn't racist. Im reminded of the Hitler and alt-right accusations thrown at him. His daughter is Jewish for goodness sake. Still, it didn't stop the slur of Nazi thrown at him.
                      That is how ridiculous it has become. After the election a bunch of people decided democracy had failed and decided to go about reversing it.

                      The first thing they did is drop the word democracy and replace it with "populism". Trump has been accused of every "ism" under the sun, if the bar for racism is calling a country that is a shithole, a shithole then we can see how farcical things have become.

                      We are experiencing something similar in the UK with Brexit, failed authoritarian politicians like Blair, Hessaltine, Clegg, Major etc not being able to accept the biggest democratic vote in our history.

                      They will fail, the people have spoken.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by jason_c View Post
                        It's only racist if you want to see it as racist. Trump has not barred Haitian's from entering the US. He is proposing a merit based system; a system in which Haitians as well as Norwegians would be welcome. Are you suggesting Haitians or others from these "poor and troubled" countries will not meet the requirements of a merit based system?
                        Okay, Jason, let's say it is only a matter of perception. Nothing wrong with merit-based quota systems, and certainly not a new idea in immigration in our history. But all too often quotas have been used to limit immigrants based on race or national-origin, as when Asians were limited in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Also, they were discussing Haiti in the context of countries with "temporary protected status" (TPS), which as I understand applies to countries beset by war, political unrest, or natural disasters. Trump said "take them out", presumably from the TPS list. Why?

                        Originally posted by jason_c View Post
                        Trump made his comments in a "private" meeting. Comments he and others have denied, but I suspect Trump did make a disparaging statement about these countries. Presidents are allowed to be disparaging statements if they so wish. Swearing and disrespect are often used for emphasis in a meeting or conversation.
                        Apparently there is now a discussion over whether Mr. Trump said "s***hole" (which Durbin heard) or "s***house" ( which two others heard), but the consensus it that he was disparaging of countries primarily inhabited by black and brown people. See:
                        The last three days have been consumed by this debate: Did President Donald Trump refer to several foreign countries as “shitholes” or not?

                        Originally posted by jason_c View Post
                        I will make a prediction; Trump will be asked in the near future whether or not these sh*thole countries will be welcome into the US. If he answers "yes" then he's not being racist, if he says "no" then he's a racist. How do you think Trump will answer the question that he will soon inevitably be asked?
                        If he is serious about not being a racist, he will probably say "yes", but as his past history on race is not great, and as he doesn't often do the expected thing, he may well answer "no."
                        Pat D.
                        Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                        • #42
                          Whether he’s a racist or not surely everyone can see the what kind of person he is? Could anyone, with any stretch of imagination, have foreseen the President Of The United States tweeting about the size of his nuclear button? Does he not see, or care, that high office (and his office doesn’t come higher) comes with responsibility? What happened to concepts of diplomacy and statesmanship? Every time this man speaks he comes across as some kind of caracature of arrogance. Can we imagine any other western leader who would have called other countries ‘shitholes?’ This man is dangerous.

                          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                          • #43
                            Can we imagine any other western leader who would have called other countries ‘shitholes?’
                            In a public speech? none of them. In private...every single one of them.


                            • #44
                              A room available for rent in an east London flatshare has been described as a “cramped s***hole” in a very honest online advert.



                              Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                              • #45
                                Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                                In a public speech? none of them.
                                He didn't on this occasion, but the scary thing about Trump is that it's not hard to imagine that he would let slip such a thing in public. Anyone who uses a mass public rally to openly mock a disabled person is capable of almost anything.
                                Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                                "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)

