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RIP John Hurt

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  • RIP John Hurt

    Wow, the years starting like last year ended.
    G U T

    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.

  • #2
    RIP indeed. A great actor.

    Christopher T. George
    Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
    just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
    For information about RipperCon, go to
    RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


    • #3
      A very good actor, known to Doctor Who fans as "The War Doctor", but with so many other fine credits to his name. Rest in peace, sir.
      Pat D.
      Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


      • #4
        Great actor. Why didn't he win an Oscar for The Elephant Man?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
          A very good actor, known to Doctor Who fans as "The War Doctor", but with so many other fine credits to his name. Rest in peace, sir.
          He is best recalled as the unfortunate Timothy Evans in "Ten Rillington Place", as Emperor Caligula in the BBC television series "I Claudius", as the space scientist whose chest is broken open by an alien who has just been created in "Alien", and as the pimp who had to commit suicide in the Christine Keeler affair in the film that was made of that scandal.



          • #6
            Great actor. I always remember him as Caligula.


            • #7
              Originally posted by John Wheat View Post
              Great actor. Why didn't he win an Oscar for The Elephant Man?
              Because the Academy isn't a Merrick-ocracy?
              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


              • #8
                There was a great interview where Hurt talked about the academy award nomination for Elephant Man, where the day before a friend called and congratulated him on his nomination and said "too bad you wont win" Hurt said he agreed because he thought DeNiro would win but he asked why he wouldn't and his friend said "because nobody can tell it's you" and Hurt replied....isn't that the point of acting?....brilliant story....he was a gifted actor...Midnight express, I Claudius, Elephant Man, the very underrated performance in From The Hip..and on and on...what a legacy...
                RIP John.....

                Steadmund Brand
                "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


                • #9
                  The courtroom scene :


                  • #10
                    I worked with John Hurt once in the 1970's. He drank a bottle of whiskey in between takes and was pissed, but on cue, come his take, he was perfect. Absolutely amazing, full of wonderful stories about "Larry" Olivier and Dame Peggy. He was everything I thought a great actor would be.
                    aka drstrange

