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The attack on Swedish housewife Mrs Meike Dalal on Thursday, September 7th 1961

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  • Originally posted by Natalie Severn View Post
    You do realise that nobody is suggesting apart from yourself that the police did anything much at all at the time they were telephoned except go and see Dorothy Morrell and the photographer take a few notes from Ewer and dismiss ,correctly I suspect,the whole thing as being of no help whatsoever at that early stage ? Their report held at Scotland Yard will reflect this too I should think. The link was not made to Ryan or Hanratty at this very early stage -Sept. 1st -except by William Ewer in his odd rush around after his suspect on Finchley High Street who happened to be, I repeat, James Hanratty.
    I just want evidence that the police attended Mrs Morrell in the early part of September 1961.

    So far you've told me that Mr Ewer's statement in the Sunday Times backs up all your 'salient' points. It doesn't. Moreover Foot's book is curiously silent on this, merely quoting the February 1962 article in the Daily Sketch.

    I've no doubt that Hanratty visited the florist and Burtols dry cleaners, and I've no doubt that the respective shopkeepers were interviewed by the police.

    What I question is when this was and whether it came about as a result of anything said or done by Ewer.


    • Originally posted by Natalie Severn View Post
      Astonishing how grotesque the prosecution case was really with hardened criminals and liars like 50 year old Nudds and Langdale and shady characters like Louise Anderson and France giving evidence for the prosecution against Hanratty -Langdale's extremely suspect evidence instrumental in the rejection of Hanratty's appeal and yet decent law abiding people like Mrs Dinwoody , Trevor Dutton and Margaret Walker and Dorothy Morrell and the photographer shop manager are all smeared on here or suggestions made of them having contributed to some sort of fabrification of one kind or another or their evidence torn to pieces while mostly silence is maintained about these known criminals who were the thrust of the prosecution evidence .Thank goodness for Paul Foot setting the record straight.
      It's Dinwoodie not Dinwoody. If you want to be taken seriously on this get the basics right.

      I am not smearing Mrs Dorothy Morrell. I just want to know when she was interviewed by the police with regard to the A6 Murder.


      • Originally posted by cobalt View Post

        Regarding the strawman argument, it is a concept dating back to Aristotle, but probably the term has been around for the last 30 years. The context makes the meaning clear I think. By setting up the improbable notion that Ewer (or anyone else) splashed out a ludicrous sum of £5,000 for a 'hit' on Gregsten, it is easy to dismiss the notion, and then by implication any other argument that involves Ewer as being involved in the A6 events. But in truth no one here has, of late anyhow, ever suggested that Ewer paid £5,000 to have Gregsten disposed of, so it is a strawman argument constructed to make the idea of a conspiracy involving Ewer less credible.
        I'm not sure how "of late" is but this is on this forum from April 2015.
        Originally posted by Natalie Severn View Post
        Hi Caz !
        surfing the internet the other day came across these snippets ---there were a lot more in similar vein -it appears Angus Huck knows quite a lot about Criminal Law -think he is a lawyer -anyway he can be found on a page about 'LibDems 'and more recently on a page titled Cash for Honours . Certainly thought it fitted with some of my own theories about the case:

        Angus Huck 25th Jul '07 - 3:18pm
        "Laurence, I think I ought to answer my questions:-
        (1) Because Hanratty actually was in Rhyl on the night Michael Gregsten was murdered.
        (2) Because Valerie Storie was attacked by Peter Louis Alphon, who had brown eyes. (Her first and only accurate account was given to David Kerr, an Oxford University student, a few hours after the attack. Kerr’s written record was destroyed by Bedfordshire Police.)
        (3) Because William Ewer paid Peter Louis Alphon £5,000 to kill Michael Gregsten and frame Hanratty. (Ewer wanted his hands on Gregsten’s wife, but that was not the reason he gave Alphon.)
        (4) Because Ewer either bribed or blackmailed all these people to give evidence against Hanratty.
        And I will provide answers to two further questions:-
        (1) How is it that Hanratty’s semen was found on Valerie Storie’s knickers?
        BECAUSE the Police put it there. Remember, in 1996 the Police were claiming there was no semen on Valerie Storie’s knickers. A few days before he was arrested, Hanratty had sex with Gladys Deacon in the back seat of his car in Kenton. He practiced coitus interruptus and ejaculated over his trousers. He then placed these trousers, unlaundered, in a suitcase, which he handed over to the Police after his arrest.
        (2) How is it that Rab Butler declined to commute Hanratty’s death sentence?
        BECAUSE he put his duty as a Freemason above his duty as a Minister of the Crown. “Private Eye” said it was because he was a “flabby-faced old coward”, which may also be true."
        ps Caz -Charlotte France seemed to enjoy doing everybody's dirty washing and remember she admitted doing Hanratty's last wash which included his hankies. Didn't France nip down Boundary Roadwhere his flat was to that 36A bus that stopped at the bottom of his road with that pesky gun - grabbing one of Hanratty's old hankies to wrap round it so he didn't leave his finger prints on it ---and put it under the back upstairs seat it where Hanratty once told him you could hide junk? Makes sense to me Caz.


        • Originally posted by Spitfire View Post
          I'm not sure how "of late" is but this is on this forum from April 2015.
          Hell! I love that post by Natalie its so, 'Me',
          Dinwoodie, Dinwoody, WTF. wind your neck in for Buddha's sake.


          • Originally posted by Spitfire View Post
            It's Dinwoodie not Dinwoody.

            I am not smearing Mrs Dorothy Morrell. I just want to know when she was interviewed by the police with regard to the A6 Murder.
            My apple computer respells this as Dinwoody .Its what's termed a 'typo' and sometimes one misses them .Get over it.


            • Originally posted by Spitfire View Post
              I'm not sure how "of late" is but this is on this forum from April 2015.
              Angus Huck suggested the sum I have emboldened you have emboldened .


              • Originally posted by Spitfire View Post

                I am not smearing Mrs Dorothy Morrell. I just want to know when she was interviewed by the police with regard to the A6 Murder.
                1st September 1961.


                • Originally posted by Natalie Severn View Post
                  1st September 1961.
                  Thank you. And where does that information come from?


                  • Peter Duffy............

                    This might be an opportune time to allow the writer of that Daily Sketch article to speak for himself. Peter Duffy was interviewed by John Morgan for the BBC's Panorama Special of November 7th 1966.

                    The relevant part can be viewed in the following link.[between 15 min 20 sec and 18 min 05 sec approx]......

                    "A body of men, HOLDING THEMSELVES ACCOUNTABLE TO NOBODY, ought not to be trusted by anybody." --Thomas Paine ["Rights of Man"]

                    "Justice is an ideal which transcends the expedience of the State, or the sensitivities of Government officials, or private individuals. IT HAS TO BE PURSUED WHATEVER THE COST IN PEACE OF MIND TO THOSE CONCERNED." --'Justice of the Peace' [July 12th 1975]


                    • Originally posted by Sherlock Houses View Post
                      This might be an opportune time to allow the writer of that Daily Sketch article to speak for himself. Peter Duffy was interviewed by John Morgan for the BBC's Panorama Special of November 7th 1966.

                      The relevant part can be viewed in the following link.[between 15 min 20 sec and 18 min 05 sec approx]......

                      Thank you James terrific ---I have always wanted to hear what Peter Duffy had to say.Foot was convinced he spoke the truth about the entire matter.


                      • Originally posted by Natalie Severn View Post
                        Thank you James terrific ---I have always wanted to hear what Peter Duffy had to say.Foot was convinced he spoke the truth about the entire matter.
                        Fascinating interview, Duffy is very convincing, and I know newspaper reporters are in the business of selling newspapers ,but I can't see an editor touching this story if it wasn't pretty close to the truth.
                        And what about that Trower, Hogen difference of opinion, the glaring question for me would be:" So if Mr. Hogen got his days mixed up as suggested by Mr. Trower. Then Mr. Hogen saw a different light grey, Morris Thousand drive by, and into Avondale Crescent did he? I suppose this was one of the two sets of car sightings, that as a result of Mr. sherrards astuteness, made little or no impression on the unbiased Bedfordshire jury.


                        • Peter Duffy convincing??? He couldn't convince an alcoholic to get down to Lidl if they were giving whisky away. I've seen this Panorama prog before (in fact I've got it on video tape) and it's as unconvincing now as it was nearly 50 years ago. The more observant amongst Hanratty's supporters may have noticed that when the interview got round to the subject of Photofit, Mr Duffy very much gave the impression that there was just one, and that it looked nothing like Hanratty. There were, as we know, two Photofits, and one of them looked sufficiently like Hanratty for Charlotte France to turn to the man himself, when he was at their home and they were watching TV, "Oooh, doesn't that look like you?" or words to that effect.

                          The only other thing worthy of note is the link-man's accent - sorry, excent - as he talks about what heppened during the Air Seex Murder. Oh, and I almost forgot - he said that Henretty went orf to Ireland with his gairl-friend, which of course he didn't. He went on his own.

                          We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                          • Originally posted by Natalie Severn View Post
                            Angus Huck suggested the sum I have emboldened you have emboldened .
                            Nats, if you seriously believe what Angus Huck (is that Cockney rhyming slang?) had to say about the A6, I think you ought to consider a nice long restful holiday. And as it's on the Lib-Dem Voice website anyway, I wouldn't believe a single damn thing, never mind Angus Huck.

                            If you really want to get down to complete and utter nonsense about the A6 Case, then get onto the good Rev Lionel Fanthorpe's website, on which some unknown person claims that Gregsten and Storie were bumped off by British Intelligence as they were about to defect to Russia.

                            We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                            • Originally posted by Graham View Post
                              There were, as we know, two Photofits, and one of them looked sufficiently like Hanratty for Charlotte France to turn to the man himself, when he was at their home and they were watching TV, "Oooh, doesn't that look like you?" or words to that effect.
                              Oh but Graham that photofit was not the one Valerie Storie actually helped to compose !In fact Luis Blum Cooper points out,the photofit Charlotte France referred to was a dead ringer for Alphon ![must post them side by side later].


                              • Originally posted by Graham View Post
                                Peter Duffy convincing??? Graham
                                Peter Duffy seemed perfectly legit to me and as Paul Foot said he was not the only journalist on Fleet Street to have been told this strange story by William Ewer with his daily OCD visits to court in and out of the court rooms like a fiddler's elbow apparently and desperate to hob nob with the journalists on the case during the trial .And Duffy is a thousand times more convincing I might add than hardened criminal and police witness William Nudds with his eleven different names /aliases or the other hardened criminal ,police grass and witness for the prosecution Roy Langdale or indeed any of the stream of shady police witnesses at the trial like Louise Anderson and Charles France .
                                Last edited by Natalie Severn; 08-15-2015, 02:43 PM.

