The clash over the gunman's hair colour, with John Kerr saying that Valerie told him it was "fairish brown" or "light fairish", whereas Valerie always maintained that she'd described it as brown.
Superintendent Morgan who released the first description to the public said it was dark brown. And here are the descriptions that the newspapers carried in the immediate aftermath:
Evening Times (Aug 23): "black hair"
Evening Times (Aug 24): "dark-haired"
Daily Mirror: "dark brown"
Yorkshire Post: "dark hair"
Glasgow Herald: "black hair"
Daily Herald: "dark hair"
Daily Telegraph: "dark hair"
Evening News: "dark hair"
It seems pretty clear that Valerie's recollection was of a dark-haired assailant. And dark brown or black was what Dixie testified his daughter dyed Hanratty's hair on Aug 5 and again on Aug 26.
Superintendent Morgan who released the first description to the public said it was dark brown. And here are the descriptions that the newspapers carried in the immediate aftermath:
Evening Times (Aug 23): "black hair"
Evening Times (Aug 24): "dark-haired"
Daily Mirror: "dark brown"
Yorkshire Post: "dark hair"
Glasgow Herald: "black hair"
Daily Herald: "dark hair"
Daily Telegraph: "dark hair"
Evening News: "dark hair"
It seems pretty clear that Valerie's recollection was of a dark-haired assailant. And dark brown or black was what Dixie testified his daughter dyed Hanratty's hair on Aug 5 and again on Aug 26.