Originally posted by Natalie Severn
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According to eyewitness researchers, the most likely cause of this increased occurrence of misidentification is what is termed the "relative judgment" process. That is, when viewing a group of photos or individuals, a witness tends to select the person who looks "most like" the perpetrator. When the actual perpetrator is not present in the lineup, the police suspect is often the person who best fits the description, hence his or her selection for the lineup.
Yes -despite the astonishing inconsistency of the identikit Valerie composed looking nothing like Hanratty but a dead ringer for Alphon!
With such a potentially fatal error as Valerie"s
For example,you were quick to use terms such as "psychobabble and quackery" in response to verbatim quotes I took from a book by the American Military Service psychiatrist ,John D Campbell, regarding the similarities I suggested appear to be the case ,between Alphon"s personality and that of a schizoid personality,as described by Campbell.
Returning to conventional psychiatry you yourself appear to demonstrate some shortcomings regarding your "spatial" intelligence quotient, if you honestly believe the identikit Valerie helped compose of her rapist looked anything like Hanratty while failing totally to see the astonishing similarity it bears to Alphon. You must be among the very few people on the planet who cannot see that , seriously.
Valerie remains convinced that it was Hanraty that raped and shot her and killed Gregsten. And to me that's the opinion that matters most of all.