Originally posted by Graham
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It’s like old times, isn’t it?

The logic here may be more waterproof than you think. If France - or anyone other than Hanratty - hid the gun on the bus, it could have been for ‘insurance’ purposes. Hanratty could hardly have complained that the gun must have been put there to frame him by the man who had supplied it to him, without dropping himself right in it. I suppose there was always the risk that Hanratty would sing like a canary and confess all, but once he had admitted using the gun to commit the murder and rape, would the police really have taken his protestations seriously that France or A.N.Other had stitched him up like a kipper? What evidence was there that Hanratty could not have hidden the gun himself?
Originally posted by Limehouse
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The killer had to be prepared to use the gun again. He had a long journey ahead of him in his victims’ car. What if it had broken down or run out of fuel and someone had seen blood inside, or been alerted by the police to look out for the car? Also, the fact that he left his only remaining witness alive would indicate panic and inexperience far more than a calculated crime by a gunman who knew what he was doing.
Originally posted by Sherlock Houses
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But note that these ‘pieces of information’ did ‘trickle’ into the public domain, in spite of any ‘endeavours’ by the authorities to suppress them.
Had the authorities really wanted to prevent information from ever surfacing, all they needed to do was destroy it then claim it never existed, or declare it ‘lost’ like certain other embarrassing dossiers.
Mislaid; misfiled; shredded by mistake; lost in the post; eaten by the dog; anything but deliberately suppressed.
Suppressing is for amateurs.