But there is also evidence you seem to be disregarding that Hanratty himself had not indicated errors in the transcription given to the court - why would that be ?
re the janet Gregsten story - you are choosing to believe it as true.
No,viv,I am not.What I said was that "aspects" of it are clearly true-viz the proof on oath at Hanratty"s trial from Mr John Woods, manager of the Dry Cleaners opposite Mr Ewer"s shop about where and when in August and early September ,Hanratty took his green suit to be tapered .
Ewer"s ""true record" ie his own 15 point statement for The Sunday Times" written in 1971 , which he never alluded to as false---ie he never claimed the story was anything other than that was what he had said/written for The Sunday Times.
I believe Mrs Gregsten,who later became his lover may have been hanging up a "Wilson Steer" painting -for example- in his shop when all this happened .But whether she was or was not,certain very significant aspects of the story are clearly true and were said .Hanratty was seen by Bill Ewer going into a shop opposite Ewer"s in Swiss Cottage soon after the murder.Charles France did go and "apologise" to Ewer for the killing of Gregsten.Ewer did say he was a business acquaintance of Louise Anderson.Ewer was in the same business as Louise Anderson --in that he sold antiques.Charles France and Louise Andserson bioth dealt in "antiques' etc etc