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  • Originally posted by caz View Post
    .......How about thanking Stewart for becoming a little less cryptic then?

    It infuriates me when people are criticised or insulted for not providing enough information and then, when they do provide something more, it's ignored because it's unwelcome news and the criticism just moves on to something else.

    You have now learned that Hanratty had material in his room indicating he was ‘very highly sexed in a perverted way’; and if, for argument’s sake, France's suicide notes were to reveal one day that he had inside knowledge of Hanratty's involvement (and perhaps his 'tastes'), would you be prepared to reconsider your belief in this man’s innocence?

    Indeed, bb. And I think the point here is that we can hardly be expected to treat the material found in Hanratty's room as though it never existed, and not to discuss its nature and relevance, when unsupported speculation about faulty - even faked - DNA results, and the criminal involvement of other players in the case, has been allowed to run riot and indeed is why this thread exists at all. If the rule is that anything that would have been inadmissible in court, or is not fully documented, must be ignored and forgotten, so be it. But the rule has to apply across the board or not at all. In short, if it’s not fair to the convicted man’s memory to speculate about certain material found in his room, then it’s certainly not fair to speculate about other individuals, who were never on trial, being guilty in Hanratty’s stead.


    hi all

    Caz is quite right, thank you Stewart for letting us have the information. It fuels the thought processes as to what it might have been and it may well be less (or substantially more) lurid and sordid than we might imagine but we may never know.

    I would hope any new 'evidence' - hearsay or not - could be taken on board with a view to seeing the extent to which it tips the scales either way -however tiny that shift. I seem to recall Carole France wasn't damning in her assessment of Hanratty's behaviour towards her so maybe that should have more significance? [I know he was hardly virtuous towards her though]

    Caz, I agree 100% that we need to be consistent in deciding what can or can't be discussed. It seems to me worthwhile to consider all matters reasonably fair to debate albeit with some regard to those who are directly affected by this case esp Valerie and the sons of MG. I think this thread is pretty well self regulating even if emotions do run high sometimes.

    Looking forward to more hot issues

    all the best

    PS Vic please tell me again how to capture quotes better than repeating the text
    Last edited by jimornot?; 12-15-2009, 01:54 AM.


    • Hi Viv,

      Many thanks for the kind words. I don't get too many of them from the posters who want fairer treatment for Hanratty. Maybe I should invest in some S&M mags.

      You're almost there with the quotes. All you have to do is delete the parts you don't want to respond to, once you have the whole quote in your reply box. In fact you can split the quote up if you like, and respond to each point separately, as long as you keep the relevant [....] at the beginning and the [/quote] at the end of each snippet.


      "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


      • Originally posted by larue View Post
        him, and several thousand other men i would guess!

        remember, that in 1961 male homosexuality was a criminal offence, widely regarded by the moral majority as 'perverted'

        the exact nature of this material is of interest, you know... 'one man's meat is another's poison' and all that. what was it, i wonder, mucky books???

        around aboot that time, i remember seeing a copy of what was then considered a 'dirty magazine' namely 'parade' [ hehehe anyone else want to 'fess up to knowing that one???? ] nudie ladies with all their bits and pieces airbrushed out. i think the vicar could look at that mag without embarrasement. [ i know our's did. come to that, i think he may have been in it!!!] nah, just kidding

        top shelf 'male interest mags' were a rare bird in 1960, more like under the counter 'nudge nudge, wink wink, know wot i mean squire?'

        i think we all worked out for ourselves that james h was highly sexed, that's no crime, but i don't know how the law stood in them days re the possession of 'adult literature'

        maybe it was home made stuff, indicating the individual's inner fantasies????
        Hi larue,

        I remember finding a stash of Parade mags (not telling you where!) when I was about ten.

        I'm not sure I buy the idea that your average copper in the early 60s would instantly suspect a man of murder and rape at gunpoint because he had a handful of saucy mags under his bed. Common sense would tell him what that would say about most men, including himself probably.

        So I'm prepared to accept it was something a tad more sinister than that, if it was enough to convince the finders that they were on the right track.


        Last edited by caz; 12-15-2009, 12:44 PM.
        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


        • Originally posted by SteveS View Post
          I thought so because if I put what I really thought of Heffer it would look something like this ******* **** ******* **** ****.
          Hope that clears that up .

          Add an extra ****** for me will you Steve.

          Have you heffer heard (or read) such drivel as that which often comes from the hypocritical tongue (typing finger) of one Simon James Heffer ?

          I can understand his appeal to any neo-nazi types in our society.

          For those unfamilar with him and his political beliefs I have extracted the following piece from his Wikipedia entry........

          Heffer is politically conservative, being very critical of the European Union and New Labour, while being supportive of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Heffer supports a free-market economy, and the abolition of the national minimum wage. Heffer believes benefits should be withdrawn from people who refuse jobs, and is in favour of the expansion of grammar schools. Heffer also is in favour of private firms running many aspects of the NHS, though unlike some right-wing commentators, he agrees with the retention of the NHS.

          Heffer also supports the reintroduction of the death penalty and is socially conservative, having opposed the liberalisation of laws on abortion and divorce.[2] He has also written about the decline of tie-wearing among British men. In August 2002 Heffer blamed "liberal society" for the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman.

          Perhaps surprisingly, in the mid-1990s he was generally supportive of New Labour, due to his dissatisfaction with John Major and the Conservative Party at the time. In July 1995 he threatened to resign from the Daily Mail if it supported Major in the leadership contest. Like the Sun newspaper and many right-wing Tory MPs, Heffer backed John Redwood, though he preferred Michael Portillo to be party leader.

          In 1999 Heffer financially contributed to Neil Hamilton's unsuccessful libel action against Mohammed Al-Fayed.

          Heffer believes that Christianity should have a strong role in shaping both the moral foundation of society and public policy, although he is personally an atheist.[3]

          When the Home Office put Heffer on its Law and Order Task Force, left-wing politicians were concerned about the direction that criminal law reform might take, with human rights lawyer Baroness Kennedy saying that the government "had not just lost the plot but was handing the plotting over to their most feared critics."[4]

          In 2004, Heffer wrote the unsigned editorial in The Spectator critical of Liverpudlian "vicarious victimhood", for which Boris Johnson was forced to apologise to the city.

          In 2006, Heffer sharply criticised the film The Wind That Shakes The Barley, a movie by director Ken Loach about the Irish War of Independence [4] despite not having watched it, comparing the film to Hitler's Mein Kampf. Heffer has written sympathetically of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and Nigel Farage.[5]

          Just about says it all for me.
          Last edited by jimarilyn; 12-15-2009, 04:00 PM.


          • Originally posted by caz View Post
            You're almost there with the quotes. All you have to do is delete the parts you don't want to respond to, once you have the whole quote in your reply box. In fact you can split the quote up if you like, and respond to each point separately, as long as you keep the relevant [....] at the beginning and the [./quote] at the end of each snippet.


            Hello Caz
            What is the 'Multi quote' button about? And how do you quote two previous messages in one reply?


            Last edited by RonIpstone; 12-15-2009, 05:18 PM.


            • Originally posted by RonIpstone View Post
              Hello Caz
              What is the 'Multi quote' button about? And how do you quote two previous messages in one reply?


              Hi Ron

              Just hit the multiquote button (it is a toggle button that you hit again to cancel that include) on every post you want to include and then hit the reply button at the button of the page (the one to the bottom left after the last post).

              Voila you're ready to rumble with your new post.




              • Originally posted by SteveS View Post
                Hi Ron

                Just hit the multiquote button (it is a toggle button that you hit again to cancel that include) on every post you want to include and then hit the reply button at the button of the page (the one to the bottom left after the last post).

                Voila you're ready to rumble with your new post.


                I see now. Thanks Steve.


                • Originally posted by jimarilyn View Post
                  Add an extra ****** for me will you Steve.

                  Have you heffer heard (or read) such drivel as that which often comes from the hypocritical tongue (typing finger) of one Simon James Heffer ?

                  I can understand his appeal to any neo-nazi types in our society.

                  For those unfamilar with him and his political beliefs I have extracted the following piece from his Wikipedia entry........

                  Just about says it all for me.
                  Hi Jim

                  Heffer, in my opinion, is the worst kind of Tory, inasmuch as he refuses to accept responsibility for the debilitating effects of Thatcherism on this country, which he wholeheartedly supported, yet when that fails he jumps ship to Thatchers natural successor Blair and his New Tory debacle.

                  All of the Tory sleaze associated with Major was assuaged by this move on his part. That failed, because of New Tory sleaze so he moved on to his support for UKIP who have been found out recently as being just as bad as the rest.

                  Will Heffer now decamp to Nick Griffin's little Berchtesgaden in North Wales and plan the new AngloSaxon Reich? We will all soon be able to join the party if we like apprarently anyway! I can't wait to see him trying to repatriate David Haye or Emile Heskey. Good luck! (Haye is great isn't he?)

                  As we all know now the establishment has been ripping the arse out of this country for decades. Yet Heffer wants to blame all of society's ill's on the 60's and the so called prevailing liberal culture.

                  As for men wearing ties, he would perhaps be a little lost for any arguments when I mention James Hanratty and Peter Alphon.

                  The return of capital punishment fills me with revulsion. As somebody has already mentioned, our justice system is not equipped to be able to murder its own citizens.

                  Remember Rowland, Evans, Ellis, Hanratty et al.

                  What would have become of the Guildford Four, the Maguire Family, Paddy Hill and the Birmingham Six, The Bridgewater Four et al.

                  Hard labour, or secure hospital treatment is the most we should ask in a civilised society isn't it? That way mistakes can, at least, be remedied.

                  As an atheist Heffer also pushes a god-like fearing regime on the rest of us as long as it doesn't affect him and his ilk. Sounds like he is all for a totalitarian dictatorship.

                  I am not a Tory, far from it, but there have been Tory politicians who have commanded some respect.

                  MacMillan for one, if only for his "Selling the family silver" speech against Thatchers privatisation programme.

                  Ken Clarke for his liking for beer and nice shoes.

                  Ann Widecombe for the same as Ken Clarke (could be libel here for the shoes) and not giving into political spin and make overs. She is herself come what may.

                  And I would like to thank god (from an atheist viewpoint) for Alan Clark. I never liked his politics but you could never accuse him of being a hypocrite. Any skeletons in his closet were well and truly exposed by Mr Clark himself. A true english eccentric. Mad.

                  As for the left well, Tony Benn and Dennis Skinner stand out in recent years.

                  A mention must go to Vince Cable of the Middle-Of_The_Road party. He makes more sense then most but no one in their right mind would vote for his party anyway.

                  So, it would seem as far as election politics are concerned we are well and truly f*ck*d. Do you own thing is what I say with no physical harm to others.

                  Viva Ghandi, MLK and the Carpenter of Nazareth.

                  Jim, hope u got my latest PM.



                  • Originally posted by SteveS View Post
                    Hi Jim

                    Heffer, in my opinion, is the worst kind of Tory, inasmuch as he refuses to accept responsibility for the debilitating effects of Thatcherism on this country, which he wholeheartedly supported, yet when that fails he jumps ship to Thatchers natural successor Blair and his New Tory debacle.

                    All of the Tory sleaze associated with Major was assuaged by this move on his part. That failed, because of New Tory sleaze so he moved on to his support for UKIP who have been found out recently as being just as bad as the rest.

                    Will Heffer now decamp to Nick Griffin's little Berchtesgaden in North Wales and plan the new AngloSaxon Reich? We will all soon be able to join the party if we like apprarently anyway! I can't wait to see him trying to repatriate David Haye or Emile Heskey. Good luck! (Haye is great isn't he?)

                    As we all know now the establishment has been ripping the arse out of this country for decades. Yet Heffer wants to blame all of society's ill's on the 60's and the so called prevailing liberal culture.

                    As for men wearing ties, he would perhaps be a little lost for any arguments when I mention James Hanratty and Peter Alphon.

                    The return of capital punishment fills me with revulsion. As somebody has already mentioned, our justice system is not equipped to be able to murder its own citizens.

                    Remember Rowland, Evans, Ellis, Hanratty et al.

                    What would have become of the Guildford Four, the Maguire Family, Paddy Hill and the Birmingham Six, The Bridgewater Four et al.

                    Hard labour, or secure hospital treatment is the most we should ask in a civilised society isn't it? That way mistakes can, at least, be remedied.

                    As an atheist Heffer also pushes a god-like fearing regime on the rest of us as long as it doesn't affect him and his ilk. Sounds like he is all for a totalitarian dictatorship.

                    I am not a Tory, far from it, but there have been Tory politicians who have commanded some respect.

                    MacMillan for one, if only for his "Selling the family silver" speech against Thatchers privatisation programme.

                    Ken Clarke for his liking for beer and nice shoes.

                    Ann Widecombe for the same as Ken Clarke (could be libel here for the shoes) and not giving into political spin and make overs. She is herself come what may.

                    And I would like to thank god (from an atheist viewpoint) for Alan Clark. I never liked his politics but you could never accuse him of being a hypocrite. Any skeletons in his closet were well and truly exposed by Mr Clark himself. A true english eccentric. Mad.

                    As for the left well, Tony Benn and Dennis Skinner stand out in recent years.

                    A mention must go to Vince Cable of the Middle-Of_The_Road party. He makes more sense then most but no one in their right mind would vote for his party anyway.

                    So, it would seem as far as election politics are concerned we are well and truly f*ck*d. Do you own thing is what I say with no physical harm to others.

                    Viva Ghandi, MLK and the Carpenter of Nazareth.

                    Jim, hope u got my latest PM.


                    Great post Steve. Your honesty is a like a huge breath of Fresh Air.

                    Viva indeed Gandhi, MLK and the Carpenter of Nazareth !
                    I couldn't have said it better.


                    PS. Yes I got your latest PM, very illuminating as usual. I wonder what Bob will make of the Dabreo lead.
                    Last edited by jimarilyn; 12-15-2009, 11:04 PM.


                    • Your honesty is a like a huge breath of Fresh Air.
                      Excuse me, but don't you think Simon Heffer was being honest when he wrote what he did? Or is honesty in your view limited only to those who write and say what you agree with?

                      We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                      • Originally posted by Graham View Post
                        Excuse me, but don't you think Simon Heffer was being honest when he wrote what he did? Or is honesty in your view limited only to those who write and say what you agree with?

                        Probably being as honest as Alphon's hero, Herr Schicklgruber, in pre-war Germany !


                        • Originally posted by jimarilyn View Post
                          Probably being as honest as Alphon's hero, Herr Schicklgruber, in pre-war Germany !
                          Well, I should've expected a non-answer like that....hey ho.

                          We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                          • I must be becoming almost as predictable as yourself then, Graham.
                            Last edited by jimarilyn; 12-16-2009, 12:52 AM.


                            • I am not entirely sure where this line of argument is taking us, but in an attempt to get back on track, can anyone suggest why the 'Establishment' should go to such lengths as to 'fake' the DNA tests so as to uphold the Hanratty conviction, when in recent years three executed men have had their convictions quashed? The three to which I refer are; George Kelly,Derek Bentley and Mahmood Mattan.

                              Is it suggested that only wrongfully executing three people is in some way de minimis, whereas if the true tally were four then that would be a different ball game?

                              For what it is worth I would say that the convictions of Kelly and Mattan were unsafe. That of Bentley's was safe, but he should have been reprieved. In the light of the DNA evidence the conviction of Hanrattty was safe, and if any crime of murder deserved the death penalty then that one did.

                              In view of the number of convictions for murder, both capital and non capital , which have been over turned years afterwards, one more, i.e. Hanratty's, would seem to make little difference to the argument for or against capital punishment.


                              • Hi Ron,

                                I agree that there is just no motive for faking the DNA results, and yet SteveS seems content to accuse "the establishment" of just that, whilst simultaneously using the lack of motive as support for Hanratty's innocence.

                                And then Jimarilyn calls Simon Heffer's words "hypocritical" "drivel".

                                Truth is female, since truth is beauty rather than handsomeness; this [...] would certainly explain the saying that a lie could run around the world before Truth has got its, correction, her boots on, since she would have to chose which pair - the idea that any woman in a position to choose would have just one pair of boots being beyond rational belief.
                                Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett.

