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  • YouTube

    Hi All,

    It was mentioned ages ago by someone on this thread that there is nothing on YouTube about the A6 murder case.
    That situation has now changed.

    Well over a decade ago I recorded onto VHS tape Bob Woffinden's documentary " Hanratty - The Mystery of Deadman's Hill "
    A couple of years or so ago I transferred this old video tape onto DVD.

    Not being very technically minded I was unsure how to go about trying to upload this 62 minute documentary onto YouTube so just let the idea of doing so fade into the background.
    A couple of days ago I resolved to give it another go. I googled and googled to find out more info, eventually I came across a program called VLC Media Player which enables a person to copy a DVD onto their PC and then upload it onto YouTube.
    To make a short story longer I eventually (through trial and error) was able to suss out how to do it
    For all interested parties this documentary is now available for viewing on YouTube in 13 segments ( 12 x 5 minute segments and one 2 minute segment).


    Mystery of Deadman's Hill.Voiceover of James Hanratty letter to his mother, Mary. Cornfield re-enactment and Deadman's Hill re-enactment accompanied by voice...


    • Originally posted by jimarilyn View Post
      Well over a decade ago I recorded onto VHS tape Bob Woffinden's documentary " Hanratty - The Mystery of Deadman's Hill "
      A couple of years or so ago I transferred this old video tape onto DVD.

      For all interested parties this documentary is now available for viewing on YouTube in 13 segments ( 12 x 5 minute segments and one 2 minute segment).
      Hi James,
      Thank you very much, I'll watch this documentary again.

      Hey Tony,
      Any joy with the Sherrard quote?

      Truth is female, since truth is beauty rather than handsomeness; this [...] would certainly explain the saying that a lie could run around the world before Truth has got its, correction, her boots on, since she would have to chose which pair - the idea that any woman in a position to choose would have just one pair of boots being beyond rational belief.
      Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett.


      • Originally posted by Victor View Post
        Hi James,
        Thank you very much, I'll watch this documentary again.

        Hey Tony,
        Any joy with the Sherrard quote?

        Well I must say I agree with Vic, and that just goes to prove there’s always a first time for everything.

        Congratulations James; simply brilliant, I wouldn’t have known where to start. You may now take your place at the front of the class next to the teacher. This will be mentioned in your report at the end of term.

        Vic please accept my apologies for the delay to your request. I do not know what happens to the days it seems the less I have to do the longer it takes.
        Both the press cuttings I have are unfavourable to Hanratty but please be assured that is not the reason for my tardiness (if that’s the word for lateness; but hey you’re good on word’s Vic so no doubt you can correct me. I can still remember your tortology, well just about).

        I will, Scout’s honour, make myself do it over the next few days. I promise.


        Hey Vic what do you think about me and Limehouse? Cosy eh?


        • Originally posted by Victor View Post
          What a complete and utter waste of taxpayers money. At what point is enough enough? What evidence would you accept as confirming Hanratty's guilt?
          I don't know why you bother wasting your time posting on here sunshine when you think any advancement in the case is a total waste of time.
          I have met some real scumbags in my time but I must say that you are the most vile, ignorant, ill-mannered, impolite and down right lying piece of filth that one would like to meet. I mean this most sincerely.
          Just get lost and do us all a favour eh?


          • Originally posted by reg1965 View Post
            I don't know why you bother wasting your time posting on here sunshine when you think any advancement in the case is a total waste of time.
            I have met some real scumbags in my time but I must say that you are the most vile, ignorant, ill-mannered, impolite and down right lying piece of filth that one would like to meet. I mean this most sincerely.
            Just get lost and do us all a favour eh?
            Of all the disgusting and abusive posts I've seen on these boards over the past 3 years this one really takes the cake. This thread used to be conducted in a civilised and gentlemanly manner, when everyone respected other people's opinions whether they agreed with them or not. It takes just one poster to spoil it for everyone else.

            What a rather pathetic little person you must be, Reg.

            Last edited by Graham; 01-30-2009, 11:32 AM. Reason: Bloody angry, that's what
            We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


            • 'Hanrattyworld' is as bad as 'Ripperworld' then, or is it just a particular sort of mindset?


              • 'Hanrattyworld' used to be a haven of friendly, reasoned debate with a little. banter thrown in for light relief. I hope it can soon return to that state.

                Reg, you are in error.


                • Originally posted by reg1965 View Post
                  I don't know why you bother wasting your time posting on here sunshine when you think any advancement in the case is a total waste of time.
                  That's not what I said, implied or think.

                  Advancments in the case are interesting and useful, but there haven't been any advancments in the past few years.

                  Before a public enquiry is worth it, you need to answer the question I asked "What would you accept as proof of Hanratty's guilt?" otherwise there's no point to it at all, because you'll just say it's another whitewash. The vast majority of people now accept Hanratty's guilt, as let's face it only diehard "JimisInnocent"s like yourself continue repeating the same old discrepancies, lies and anomalies that arise. So unless and until you can provide some evidence that withstands public scrutiny on a board such as this then a public enquiry is not justifiable.

                  I have met some real scumbags in my time but I must say that you are the most vile, ignorant, ill-mannered, impolite and down right lying piece of filth that one would like to meet. I mean this most sincerely.
                  Get out more, if you just surround yourself with people who agree with you then you aren't going to be challenged are you.

                  Secondly, provide some evidence for every one of those insults you threw at me. One place where I have lied. Or is that just more of your bullying.

                  This tactic of your of ignoring or not answering those difficult questions is only further evidence that a public enquiry is not justified. They will be raised at an enquiry and so you need to answer them.

                  Just get lost and do us all a favour eh?
                  Innappropriately speaking for others again! That'd be the last resort of a desperate man whose arguments are unconvincing, and reasoning is bankrupt.

                  Thank you to everyone else who has defended me from the bully.

                  Truth is female, since truth is beauty rather than handsomeness; this [...] would certainly explain the saying that a lie could run around the world before Truth has got its, correction, her boots on, since she would have to chose which pair - the idea that any woman in a position to choose would have just one pair of boots being beyond rational belief.
                  Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett.


                  • Vic v Reg.

                    Hello everyone,

                    Can I just take up a little of your time to discuss Reg’s posting number 3154?

                    I think Reg knows a great deal about this case and goes to great lengths to increase his knowledge of it. He has, for instance made contact with eminent DNA scientists and indeed Bob Woffinden himself.

                    Vic can be very argumentative and sometimes I perceive him to be argumentative just for the sake of it.
                    His dismissal of my asking the question about why Michael Clark was not brought to court was exasperating. So I know how he winds Reg up.
                    Of course the case should be reviewed once again if more evidence comes to light be that by DNA or on the death of Peter Alphon. I hope no one would argue with that.

                    Having said all that this is a discussion board not a battlefield and I agree with Graham the post/attack was totally unjustified.

                    Reg, and you know I support your views, you should apologise immediately to Vic.

                    I found your contribution if I can describe it as that in very bad taste. I sincerely hope for your sake that Bob Woffinden has not been looking in.

                    So come on Reg you might not like it but you owe Vic an apology and whilst you’re at it you can apologise to everyone en-masse who contributes to or reads this thread.

                    I would expect your reply sooner rather than later.



                    • Originally posted by Tony View Post
                      Well I must say I agree with Vic, and that just goes to prove there’s always a first time for everything.

                      Congratulations James; simply brilliant, I wouldn’t have known where to start. You may now take your place at the front of the class next to the teacher.

                      Hi Tony,

                      Thank you kind sir. Can you arrange for my teacher to be a Jean Arthur or Joan Fontaine lookalike ? I won't complain if she looks like Rita Hayworth either.



                      • Originally posted by jimarilyn View Post
                        Hi Tony,

                        Thank you kind sir. Can you arrange for my teacher to be a Jean Arthur or Joan Fontaine lookalike ? I won't complain if she looks like Rita Hayworth either.

                        Who’s this Jean Arthur then?

                        Must have missed her James.



                        • Originally posted by Tony View Post
                          Who’s this Jean Arthur then?

                          Must have missed her James.

                          Hi Tony,

                          I know I'm a little off topic here but here goes..

                          She was a great and classy comedy actress from the 30's and 40's. She was in quite a few Gary Cooper and Jimmy Stewart classic movies (see that amazing IMDB website)....Mr Deeds goes to town (1936), The Plainsman (1937), You can't take it with you (1938), and Mr Smith goes to Washington (1939).

                          You must have seen her in Shane, Tony (I know you like westerns)....she was in her early 50's then, playing the part of Van Heflin's wife.

                          Here's a nice photo of her....
                          Attached Files


                          • Dear Victor
                            I wholehearedly and unreservedly apologise for my outburst in my last post. I have no excuses and should not have said what I did.
                            I would like to follow that with an apology to everyone else who posts here. I realise it was nowhere near what is expected on a discussion forum and was totally and utterly uncalled for.
                            I hope that my apology will be accepted by all.


                            • Originally posted by reg1965 View Post
                              Dear Victor
                              I wholehearedly and unreservedly apologise for my outburst in my last post. I have no excuses and should not have said what I did.
                              Thank you Reg, apology accepted.

                              I do still feel that before calls for a public enquiry should be entertained that the question "What would you accept as proof of Hanratty's guilt?" must be answered, otherwise the enquiry is completely pointless.

                              Truth is female, since truth is beauty rather than handsomeness; this [...] would certainly explain the saying that a lie could run around the world before Truth has got its, correction, her boots on, since she would have to chose which pair - the idea that any woman in a position to choose would have just one pair of boots being beyond rational belief.
                              Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett.


                              • Originally posted by Victor View Post
                                Thank you Reg, apology accepted.

                                I do still feel that before calls for a public enquiry should be entertained that the question "What would you accept as proof of Hanratty's guilt?" must be answered, otherwise the enquiry is completely pointless.

                                Hi Vic
                                You are very gracious. Thank you.

                                As for Hanratty's guilt then all of the following together would be a compelling case that would leave very little room for a reasonable doubt.

                                1) A fair amount of hard scientific forensic evidence that puts Hanratty at the scene of the crime. Hairs, clothing fibres, fingerprints and, if used, DNA profiling using SMG+ or an equivalent system used as per its recommendations.
                                2) Credible eyewitness testimony from several sources that puts Hanratty in the cornfield at the alleged time.
                                3) No credible or convincing alibi.

                                As for a public inquiry, so many other cases like this one are deserving of one such as;
                                Stefan Kisko
                                The Birmingham 6, Guildford 4 and the Maguire family
                                The Luton Post Office murder of Reg Spencer
                                Barry George

                       name but a very few where either police corruption, illegal practices or just plain incompetence have thwarted or perverted the course of justice. But as I said, just a pipe dream.


