Originally posted by Victor
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Good luck with the move.
Contamination is not a probability game within DNA testing. Contamination is assumed to be there. Thats why control samples are run in parallel.
Advanced PCR testing strategies such as LCN/LT for instance return about 70% contaminated analyses and must be discarded. Some police forces get successful return rates as low as 6% meaning that the failure rate for that forces particular destructive DNA forensic testing was 94%. Confusing? uummmmm!
This doesn't take into account the delivered results that have actually been analysed incorrectly (knowingly or otherwise).
If these advanced PCR techniques are so poor in returning decent results what is the reason they are being used as evidence in the criminal justice system.
I can answer that right now. Your average lay man (including 3 well known court of appeal judges) does not know the first thing about DNA technologies. The CSI effect kicks in and juries suddenly expect and rely on DNA evidence to be able to convict without any sense of getting the verdict wrong.