Originally posted by Abby Normal
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I could go into to all the reason's why I see this but for now I will only say that Patsy is untrustworthy and Burke seemed too distant.
I think Burke had Attention Deficit Disorder, I recognise the symptoms due to my grandson being diagnosed with this condition. I'm surprised no-one has mentioned this in official sources.
So all that said, I had to wonder (purely being devils advocate here), if Burke was responsible in some way as an instigator, Patsy discovered the tragedy, and it was Patsy who convinced John that there must have been an intruder. He genuinely thinks there was an intruder.
If there really was no intruder then Patsy co-ordinated the whole deception, fooling John along with everyone else. There are obvious holes in this scenario too, but then no scenario yet offered is without criticism.